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Dark Desire

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Everything posted by Dark Desire

  1. Well since I've been seeing many rants of LoL things in main/other threads recently, I thought I might aswell make a thread for it. I'll start off: When playing ranked, I know I shouldn't judge and complain about people for there misplays, but when you actually decide to help them and tell them what they did wrong, they just go ahead and tell you that you're a crappy support and that you haven't placed a ward down but you've actually placed about a billion. But the other team is so fed from them just going in when it's 2v5 you can't afford pinks to clear the enemy's pinks because they're taking down your wards. Oh, and when I tried to sac myself for them by nunu ulting for the slow, they end up going back in and getting themselves killed... #Bronzeleague Note: This isn't just a thread just to say disrespectful things to people you've had in games, use this thread as a learning tool/being somewhere that you can relieve yourself and share your and your team's mistakes.
  2. Dark Desire


    Hey Wolf ! Welcome to forums c:
  3. Thoughts on Irelia? I've been wanting her for awhile but i've always decided to get another champ over her. I hear shes pretty good since Botrk but also that she gets countered easily. So halp, do you think it's worth getting her? qq
  4. ;w; no Mafia MF skin? Waterloo looks so much like the original imo :l
  5. http://prntscr.com/1beikt Queued with Tony/Ryan/Libra/James, probably would've won if Aatrox's passive didn't troll me at the start :I But Kennen's back is probably broken from this qq
  6. Oh okay, but still, dem att speed boots, not like Eve really needs them since of her E :c
  7. >Evelynn >>Warden's Mail? Wouldn't Seeker's of been better? or is the item even in TT?
  8. http://prntscr.com/1b26fo idk if this Diana was just bad or Kennen just counters her because she got absolutely thrashed D: I can see why people use Kennen so often in the LCS now <3
  9. That feel when you're support takes ignite in ranked and you already know you've lost that game That other feel when ranked is such bullshit cause i'm losing 25 points when I lose and gaining 7 when I win, I just don't get it....
  10. qq I was totally going to start one but LoL called But Happy Birthday Tony <3
  11. http://prntscr.com/1aw9hn I was practically feeding early game but late game I was laughing and watching all of them fall before me >:I
  12. http://prntscr.com/1apvyr Since Ryan reminded me Trist was free, I went out and got her and the first game I had with her I decided to do ranked <3
  13. Well...I wished they could've fixed Yi's design without making him look so... anorexic :c
  14. #Doublepost But that very bad feel when laning against Cho'gath with Kennen and you're poke does absolutely nothing to him And that other feel when you're able to kill him thanks to being able to stun every 5 seconds but he still gets fed from somehow farming a ridiculous amount when you barely ever saw him on the map
  15. Mmm..with the recent changes to Kha, it's more reliable to max his Q first right?
  16. Omg Cait free-week <333 I might actually decide to finnaly buy her now ;w;
  17. That feel when massive winning streak after a very terrible losing streak, I think i'm finnaly figuring out the champs i'm good at And that other feel when a fed Sion whos been terrorizing the team decides to tower dive the 200 hp support but I active my uber pro Janna skills and ult him into a wall while hes diving so the tower kills him and I get extra gold in my pocket <3
  18. http://prntscr.com/1acjce Been trying out Janna since free week, one of my favorites now <3
  19. idk if it's the best idea to rush manamune first on ad lulu, i thought Botrk usually gets the most damage in, and if mana was your problem, force your jungler to give you the blue but ya'know that dosen't always happens cause #soloqueuelife
  20. Kay something is seriously wrong with the screenie above, that Kat should be ashamed of herself for not getting more Cs then Sona (although that gunblade already tells me that shes a new Kat player) But how is AP Sona after that powercord nerf?
  21. thread name pls... but Happy Birthday Aaron <3
  22. That feel when Vi jungle and your carry's are pretty much feeding so you and your top laner who've been actually doing well step up and carry the team to vi-ctory
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