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Dark Desire

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Everything posted by Dark Desire

  1. That feel when you're using support lux with Draven as the ADC so you feel confident that i'll be an easy lane, and when you see the draven not even using his spinning axes at all and ksing every kill in teamfights... these feels....
  2. >Tries playing Sivir >>Ends up getting like 20+ assists with hardly any kills This lady sure needs a buff :c
  3. So sick, tired, and cold qq... even though it's like 100 degrees outside

    1. SapphireSkyWillow


      Awe my poor Darkie :c

  4. That feel when temp banned again, but this time it's mostly due to Riot having terrible servers and dcing me the whole match and i get put as a leaver for that, then they close the ranked queues like 5mins after that game .-.
  5. http://prntscr.com/1774wq Decided to whip out the good o' Vi with her superb jungle skills, and this time I didn't get crappy people <3 Except that Leona, she pretty much missed every single one of her abilities >>
  6. http://prntscr.com/171e81 Support Ali <3
  7. http://prntscr.com/16zxz3 Diana, staph being a hard counter for my favorite champs qq... At least this time it wasen't me being the one getting trrashed
  8. That feel when you have to leave a ranked game and end up getting a 1 day suspend, y u hate me riot qq...
  9. Is it just me, or does anyone else think Syndra is op? Recently since shes been on the free champ rotation, almost 60% of the time when i lane mid i'm always against her and depending what champ i'm using, most of the time i have a huge problem on winning lane against her. I mean, for a champ to have so much Cc with like the second highest single target burst i find her so frustrating to lane against . You guys have any idea on which champs could counter her?
  10. that feel when you're finally able to beat Ziggs with Kat, my life is now complete
  11. http://prntscr.com/16d342 I think I found my new favorite ADC o:
  12. that feel when i'm playing support soraka for the first time so you're just running around healing people and somehow you're doing something right and we actually win o: Also that feel when riot knows exactly what you're thinking and gives you the perfect ranked name..thingy <3
  13. http://prntscr.com/15vzxc Did some ranked as Vi...but I just love how I get counterpicked with Teemo so luckily I had noc camp top and Jax just sat there and watched as we just destroyed Teemo several times <3
  14. That feel when you just get 30 and you win your first two ranked matches with ADC Ashe <3
  15. Swwimmms bby <3 Happy birthday :3
  16. Don't you just love it when you're getting fed early in the game but the other lanes are just getting thrashed opon but that's actually helping you because you're just getting kills off of ganking those lanes. But your team doesn't see it the same way because 2 turrents are down and all 4 of them surrender when you know you could easily carry them through to victory....qq
  17. http://prntscr.com/15jl18 Whoever came within 10 steps of me died pretty much instantly >>
  18. !!!! Right when i was about to make one you posted this qq.... But anyway, Happy Birthday Kami and Aeirow bby <3
  19. That feel when if Ziggs didn't exist, your life would be incredibly better qq..........
  20. She is? o-o I thought she only countered melee champs
  21. http://prntscr.com/159ajt That Xerath's probably never played against Ahri before, he just loved walking into my charms xD And i'm so confused on how Ahri keeps her boobs in place while shes ulting #LoLlogic
  22. That feel when under a Rengar ult, it's to fucking hard to tell between a champ and a minion :[
  23. Idk, i've never had to much of a problem laning against her and i didn't find her so op after buying her at her release and playing her some. But yeah, the only thing i could really complain about is her ulti, it's just to dang op in teamfights and yay, Rengar free week <333333
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