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Dark Desire

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Everything posted by Dark Desire

  1. sigh justicar on warrior makes me sad, being able to gain 4 armor every turn for 2 mana, it's so easy to have absurd amounts of armor and just shield slam everything away :[
  2. well it's probably due to you not being use to online lag, but that's not a bad habit anyway since falling up-air combos into up-tilt
  3. we talked about concerns such as those but the two forums showed fairly low actively while both covering the competitive aspect of pokemon, so we thought joining them would increase activity to that area
  4. anyone with a decent all-in should be able to shut down vlad, my go-to picks are usually fiora, ryze and irelia
  5. man i've been trying not to get hyped for this since i still have reservations on whether this league will actually take off but i think i'm close to figuring out the perfect dream team to challenge this league with *-*
  6. except for pinks you really shouldn't need too, if you have a good support/jungler usually they'll ward wherever you are so you can farm safely as long as you're a damage threat, always prioritize items>wards
  7. sorry about your mother, it must be hard to deal with the death of a parent, unfortunately there's no absolute answer to your question just remember that you'll pull through this, you won't feel worse then how you feel now unless you don't allow yourself to move on, everything will get better in time
  8. holy shit you dropped a ton of elo you gotta hurry if you want to make it to gold before the season ends
  9. I don't really notice the change but all the professional smashers seem happy about it, but I tended to be that guy to be really defensive with shielding
  10. ,,,idk what games you be watching but people basically spam his b-reverse command grab
  11. came to reborn before the game was announced, made a forum acc during ep 3 for league challenging purposes
  12. probably has better matchups top, core items include RoA and Seraphs, then either ap items or go bruiser with frozen heart/banshies in lane generally you want to harass with Q and try to stack up his passive, and when you get close getting all the stacks, go for the all ins so you have the shield to back you up, ult is nice for waveclear, make sure to combo your abilities right for efficient use with all the CDs
  13. if anything challengers will have gotten an advantage from gen VI changes, more diversity for them but leaders still have to stick to monotypes, reborn league's last season had already gone through a ton of gen VI changes and nothing really changed with just the little planning i did with my reborn league team before starting, i was still able to clear the league fairly easily, i don't think it's unfair at all if they are sticking with some of the old league rules in order to keep this league a challenge
  14. i really hoped they would mix it up with how late they teased the skin, but oh well, i didn't have a sivir skin anyway
  15. i can confirm that cinder>titanic into tank is the best tank/ad build on eve now, the double procs you get from using your e with titanic gives you much more efficient waveclear and the aoe damage can be pretty significant in teamfights, i think it may generally be better then the ap eve variants people are going now
  16. i cannot express how shitty this game was, it felt like i was playing in cardboard 50 the taric went to level one gank mid which ended up with someone giving first blood, he came bot to get hooked under tower and die, and then became a support for our top laner, meaning i was alone all game. after being about 20 kills down the enemy team threw so hard you couldn't help but cringe
  17. yeah, i'm surprised it's taking them so long, hopefully the teaser isn't so obvious, it was funny watching people mistake the morg teaser for zyra lol i forgot about rekkles, he's probably individually the best player on fanatic and personally i think he's better then doublelift, febevin's a good mid laner but i haven't seen him do that many crazy plays to get #2
  18. http://worlds.lolesports.com/en_US/featured/top20?utm_source=na_pvp_en_client&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=top20 idk how i'll feel if they put both faker and easyhoon for #1 and 2
  19. idk when i played in lower elo i find that's the case more often but generally if the enemy is able to take 14 kills without you taking 1 under 20mins, that's generally a sign that surrendering might be a viable option, even if you do manage to bring the game back, you could already be done with another game in that time but if we're talking about normals like in rotomfan's case, why not continue to play the game out, you're still learning something but tfw worlds in 2 days ahhhhhhh i love esports
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