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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Jelly

  1. Mugi is best K-ON

  2. wake up sheeple.. obamo was lizerd men illuminati whole time

  3. finished cowboy bebop now im like :):(:):(:):(

  4. yes yes nice nice

  5. Coyotte508 sits in his dark room, wringing his hands in an evil manner, he mutters to himself "If I can't have Reborn, then no one can."

  6. A thin ice covers my soul, my body is frozen and cold. . .

  7. Nothing like a 10 hour session of Civ 5 with friends to assert that you're a mastermind.

  8. Have the courage to disobey.

  9. It's been announced that DJ Sona (the Ultimate skin) will NOT be released next patch - only Heartseeker Varus and the Warden vs. Marauder skins. DJ Sona is expected to be released with patch 5.4.

  10. So while i was browsing the interwebs i found something rather interesting...http://thepokemonforum.comuv.com/index.php

  11. B/W or B/W2? Super srs question.

  12. Profs letting you out of class 40 minutes early.... That's when you know it's Mardi Gras time

  13. Tomorrow I go back to my hometown... How comes I am never enthusiastic about it?

  14. Guide Writing is haaaard.

  15. You guys do know that depression doesn't just magically go away, right?

  16. And, on another note. THE GORILLAZ ARE FUCKING COMING BACK!

  17. Great, now Mega Pinsir is UU. *Immediately quits playing UU and curses whoever invented the f*cking Mega concept*

  18. Great, now Mega Pinsir is UU. *Immediately quits playing UU and curses whoever invented the f*cking Mega concept*

  19. Great, now Mega Pinsir is UU. *Immediately quits playing UU and curses whoever invented the f*cking Mega concept*

  20. rest in peace monty :(

  21. i start my first day of work tomorrow!

  22. Why was Nikola Tesla stabbed in his back so many times? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to answer that. Money. He was fucked over, because of greed.

  23. I nearly cut one of my fingers off while preparing a sandwich... Well, at least now I know that "this is the sharpest knife you are going to find on the market!" wasn't a lie...

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