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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Updates posted by Maelstrom

  1. I miss our dog. =(

  2. Third-world problems. >>

  3. This hand of mine glows with an awesome power. Its loud roar tells me to grasp victory!

    1. Summer


      It's too noisy, tell it to shut up.

    2. Maelstrom


      It will not until I have grasped victory! So you might as well give up now and save yourself the trouble of trying to keep me from my victory.

  4. Remember MLK. He tried to lead the way. Got shot one day, early in the morning. Some say freedom is free, but I tend to disagree. Did you see that mother cry when her only son had died? Did you see those towers fall when that plane hit the wall? Some say freedom is free, but I tend to disagree.

  5. Class > Swag.

    1. Ringabel


      i second that

    2. Godot


      Mael, you should buy a fedora like mine :D

    3. Maelstrom


      I would but I don't think a fedora suits me as well as it does you and others.

  6. Top 5 games for each console, gogogo.

    1. TheNewEnigma


      Each console I have?

    2. Maelstrom


      And those you don't if you still have favorites. My little bro has ps3 games, but no ps3. Hint: it's mine. =P

  7. @ Owen- oh, you were talking about server armies. I was thinking of the real thing.

    1. Noivy


      i just hope they pull you out of there soon.

  8. Feeling a bit confrontational today. I wonder why? At least it's directed at [$G]???

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cloud
    3. Yuki


      $G didn't do anything s:

    4. Ysera


      Nah, they just spammed Malware.

  9. The correct answer to my last status is- you save it until you have enough to buy a house. But thanks for playing.

  10. What would you do if you had $10K to spend?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Will


      Ice cream and hookers.

    3. Diana


      Will has the right idea. But he's forgetting the brand new laptop part.

  11. You're doomed for all time. Your future is a horror story, written by your crime. Your chains are forged, by what you say and do."

    1. !^.:AlphaWolf:.^!



    2. Cloud


      That's not very nice. :c

    3. Maelstrom


      It's only as nice as you are. =P

  12. BOOM! Headshot.

  13. Imagine if Reborn auth had to be elected by popular vote by members. Do you think we'd still have the same cast?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ikaru


      <obligatory self-deprecating comment we've come to expect from Ikaru>

    3. 片思い


      I guess it depends on who you qualify as a member. But I do think it would be largely the same.

    4. Maelstrom


      Would mostly be people who are on the server and have made efforts on the forum, but necessarily just them. It sounds like there are lots of people that are server side only that seem like they play nice with others so they'd probably be included too.

  14. If I told you, I'd have to kill you.

    1. Godot


      i can tell me right?

    2. Diana


      Well, tell me!

    3. Maelstrom


      I can tell you when it become obvious. =P

  15. "Oh hey, did the server crash?" I dunno, do the other 3 most recent status updates ask the same question? Sherlock Holmes, none of you are.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cyrus


      Did you also know we had a Minecraft server?

    3. Mashew


      ...Oh My God. there was seven. o.e Da hell.

    4. Bullet


      Reborn is full of geniuses

  16. I just noticed- the first games were all about pokemon evolution and genetic manipulation that created mewtwo. After that all you hear about is how Arceus did it. I smell conspiracy.

    1. Godot


      arceus created the shit we made mewtwo with... *elias approves*

  17. As the very animated Jackie Chan was wont to say, "Bad day, bad day!"

  18. Best Digimon series and easily beats out the Pokemon show.
    1. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      huh, looks like you got the wrong link, this doesn't lead to the Tamers opening.

    2. Hyouka



    3. Maelstrom


      Pretty sure I thought tamer was trash...

  19. Awake 35 hours and counting.

    1. Godot


      NO! BAD!

    2. Maelstrom


      Not my choice.

  20. Today sleep is a luxury I can ill afford.

    1. Phoenix


      know how you feel

  21. Tattoos- what would be a good tattoo for me?

    1. Kiozo


      I always was curious about how to make a symbol that represented my youth and that growth I had. I'm thinking about doing it off of a name that I had on my first forum because internet surprisingly gave me a lot of positive growth. What do you think is a positive symbol in your past that made you grow?

    2. Bullet


      turtle! *shot*

    3. Maelstrom


      Sure, I'd get a turtle if I could find a stylized one that I thought was good enough (read as 'perfect'). And then there's the concern of where I'd put it.

      Positive symbol in the past? Not really sure. Nothing comes to mind immediately, anyways.

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