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Status Updates posted by Maelstrom

  1. My rage has been fueled. I dare someone to mess with me right now.

  2. The still surface is beguiling. It belies the frothing tempest just beneath.

  3. If I had a penny for status updates containing song lyrics, I would own the world. Either way, facebook owns your souls.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Godot


      guilty as charged... but i must admit... it is getting overrated... and no one posts anything artistic... jus sappy stuff

    3. Will
    4. Maelstrom


      *changes ability to sap-sipper*

      Mmm, grungy with a hint of masochism.

  4. In 3D pokedex, Yamask looks at its mask and trembles.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Godot


      Samurott has an awesome animation :o

      i got Leavanny today :/

    3. Godot


      i havent got him yet... but i keep getting more and more randomly for some reason

    4. Maelstrom


      you're supposed to get one for each hot spot you pass and get connection to. I get one everyday from my router connection.

  5. "Rabble rouser, eh?!"

  6. MFW she glad to hear from me again. ^_^

  7. Same old, same old from everyone. Show some initiative, people!

    1. Hyouka
    2. Maelstrom


      I do. No one is ever alive when I am. Ball is in your court, allan.

  8. Even faded memories shine brightly. I wish I could remember more.

    1. Maelstrom


      I miss the girl whose spirit was fiery as her hair. She knew my heart, long before I did. I miss the golden haired boy who was once my right hand. He had my back and I his.

    2. Godot



      fancy fancy words

  9. She said she'd be back. I told her I'd hold my breath. We both lied.

  10. When I survive today, I will reward myself with lots of sleep. TGIF

    1. Maelstrom


      Remember- it's not IF, it's WHEN. x.X

    2. Dragonz996


      Good luck Mael :c

    3. Godot
  11. Going to a bar with a bunch of girlfriends instead of going to a bar looking for one- totally different experience.

  12. It'll be alright in the end. If it's not alright, it's not over yet.

  13. Love is the pc word for procreational insanity.

  14. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming. Just know that I swim faster than you.

    1. Godot



      i wouldn't know :P

  15. I have come to the conclusion that there are many here who are not ready to face reality.

    1. Amethyst


      Why do you think we're on the internet?

    2. Maelstrom


      Boredom? Ame, remind me to log out if I start losing my mellow again.

    3. Neo


      Pssh, I've come to that realization too many times

  16. The ground hurts. No lie.

    1. Dragonz996



  17. Hmm... Something's wrong. I think I wasted my weekly allotment of seriousness talking to Elias and Titania. =(

  18. I see my profile. And it has a 'neutral reputation' of 0. What is this... and how does this change?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Amethyst


      You can vote users up or down in reputation... Or maybe just up. I'll look into that.

    3. Maelstrom


      I can't figure out how to vote in either direction. Just cuz I'm curious what I'd have.

  19. A Monster will make the fatigue go away!

  20. "My brothers in arms killed Osama Bin Laden and all I got was this lousy turban!!!"

  21. Sobe a hero. | My lizard, my choice.

  22. Bitch be trippin' balls.

  23. FFFF. Sleep, Y can I not haz you when i need u and haz you when i'm supposed to be up?

  24. Another day. Drifting further away. Leaving people and past behind. Memory, please... stay true.

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