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Posts posted by Amethyst

  1. 18 hours ago, Wuukatta said:


    Hello, I know the quiz isn't coming back due to the reasons explained above, but I'd still like to ask for a favour.

    You see, after looking at the quiz's source code I could only find the questions and their attached values, but in none of the two pages (Quiz and Results) there was information on how the results are generated. 

    If you were able to provide that information the quiz could be taken old-style (aka calculating your result and looking it up a table) without needing to fix or rework anything.


    I know it's a strange petition after so many years, but I wanted to enjoy once again the best Pokémon personality type quiz I've ever encountered and the one in the game lacked the dual-type aspect IIRC


    The one in game has dual types too! I tweaked how common they were and added fairy type, and smoothed out some inconsistencies with the question weighting. It -should- just be a straight upgrade!!

    • Like 3
  2. Hi there! I'm impressed you're still trying! I wish we could have done more before the release, but hopefully the left/right hit sounds are working better for you now.

    I passed this onto the team, and it sounds like while it's theoretically possible, it might be a little out of reach for the time being in terms of the difficulty of the integration vs other priorities. I'll keep this in mind though in case that changes in the future. Or perhaps someone in the community again can work on it as a mod? 

  3. These are wonderfully done, I'm super impressed. Keep it up!


    On 2/15/2023 at 2:30 AM, DeathbyfallingTree said:

    I Really like these Sprites!

    Some of them though exceed the color count limit. It kind of looks like you took the pallets from King's sprites and then added to them. Just be mindful of the limit


    It might be an issue for some other projects (romhacks? I'm not sure), but as far as fangames and usage there goes, the color limit is arbitrary, and I sure never once cared about it for Reborn.
    Not that it's not good practice... but it's also a technical limitation that Pokemon used to be designed around, and increasingly no longer are.

  4. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur et eros nunc. Nam posuere nunc in ligula ornare consequat. Cras tincidunt aliquam enim, et molestie enim vestibulum id. Proin non imperdiet purus. Cras massa lectus, sollicitudin vitae eleifend at, iaculis sed urna. Curabitur ac sem eu nulla accumsan placerat sit amet sed odio. Duis eleifend consequat sagittis. Etiam lobortis lacus nec diam commodo accumsan.

    Nullam id purus et ligula lacinia hendrerit. Maecenas sagittis sem at lectus vulputate mattis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nec dapibus odio, a rhoncus libero. Praesent vel finibus quam. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi id nulla ut leo pharetra maximus. Proin semper eleifend dui, eu porta justo venenatis at. Suspendisse id tellus magna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin justo ligula, molestie sollicitudin mauris vel, pulvinar viverra tellus. Ut interdum dignissim dui eget placerat. Donec vel felis ut eros porta dignissim posuere quis turpis. In sit amet velit purus. Suspendisse ut metus at ante egestas lobortis id facilisis sapien. In tortor mauris, ultrices in nisi et, blandit varius justo.

    Quisque facilisis, justo et molestie bibendum, neque erat aliquam libero, eget laoreet purus quam id justo. Etiam vestibulum neque quis dui mattis, eu convallis odio auctor. Morbi a mauris sapien. Morbi pellentesque pulvinar lorem eget dictum. Praesent id magna dignissim urna luctus sodales sit amet sit amet metus. Sed dignissim leo nunc, eu ornare mauris fermentum nec. Nunc pretium facilisis odio nec rhoncus. Proin eleifend nulla sit amet diam iaculis malesuada. Curabitur a tortor risus. Nunc aliquet, ipsum a interdum fringilla, nisl mauris varius diam, ac faucibus nisi massa in quam. Etiam porttitor suscipit pharetra. Aliquam neque tellus, rhoncus elementum felis vel, ullamcorper facilisis velit.

    Nulla pulvinar, ipsum vitae sodales molestie, justo est dapibus risus, a vulputate erat tortor vel eros. Vivamus mollis erat vel libero tempus, eu iaculis velit molestie. Donec sed felis a sapien ultricies iaculis. Morbi sed tristique nunc, ac gravida urna. Nullam ipsum arcu, ornare et ligula eu, molestie cursus nisi. Integer in erat dignissim felis maximus venenatis non quis magna. Praesent vel faucibus nibh. Aliquam vitae semper enim. Curabitur volutpat, sapien vitae scelerisque porta, est justo consectetur dolor, ac porttitor lacus nisl ac est.

    Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus purus urna, finibus euismod magna tincidunt, pellentesque laoreet lorem. Donec volutpat ante ut tincidunt suscipit. Duis aliquam lorem id tempus iaculis. Phasellus faucibus sagittis lectus, vel commodo nunc interdum sit amet. Etiam auctor nisl neque, a vestibulum orci rhoncus vulputate. Morbi id urna semper, pretium massa at, facilisis ipsum. Quisque cursus nisi quis felis convallis, sit amet viverra sapien rutrum. Suspendisse pretium sagittis hendrerit. Duis in sapien bibendum, dictum augue vitae, ullamcorper metus. Phasellus ligula quam, tempus id interdum eget, ullamcorper vitae leo. Fusce tempor et tellus eget congue. Aenean pellentesque augue dui, nec pretium ipsum egestas iaculis. Sed metus nibh, fringilla in aliquet quis, fringilla ac risus.

  5. Wow this took me too long to notice. Sorry about that.

    Our link counter was being blocked on some machines, so I've now replaced the links with the counter we use for Reborn. Hopefully that should fix it all. Sorry for the issue and thank you so much for being interested in trying the game!!

    • Like 1
  6. Game Folder/scripts/SpriteWindow.rb

    Line 337-- ish, maybe my version is slightly different from release?

          savewrapper = ENV['USERPROFILE'] + "/Saved Games/"
          Dir.mkdir(savewrapper) unless (File.exists?(savewrapper))
          savefolder = ENV['USERPROFILE'] + "/Saved Games/#{GAMETITLE}/"

    remove the ENV['USERPROFILE'] +  part, and then replace the Saved Games bit with whatever path to your flash drive you need.


    please be patient with others. you were rude to and making demands of people who were ultimately unsure of how to help you but trying to anyway, and you were rude to one of our mods who works hard to keep the community going. i am giving you the answer you're looking for because i would like you to be able to keep playing, but do not ever bring that sense of entitlement into my community again.

  7. Hi, sorry, unfortunately we can't :c I know a lot of people have been requesting it but it's just a little out of practicality at this point as we'd need to be making changes to the base engine. If it becomes feasible for us to do in the future we absolutely will. 

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