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P.S.S. "The Legend Of The Primal Keys"::Ch.2 a- The Truth [IC]


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Trystane noticed Eric waking up and struggling against the poison. He hurried over, while trying to listen to Rodriguez’s story, and helped the guy stand up. He grabbed an arm and put his shoulder under it. “Are you alright?”

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"Alright, fine," Rosse said, a bit annoyed at first being interrupted and then completely having his explanation derailed by the man from Diros. "I'll just skip over everything else you need to know and go right to Shatter points, if that's what you so desire, do not say I didn't try to tell you the other things though, because I did. Yes, I can see Shatter points, as your friend Rodriguez said. And yes, I can read them. What they are, exactly, are tiny pinpricks in the fabric of time itself, they are variables, areas where certain events can cause them to branch off into countless future paths. And they are everywhere in the world, even all around us in this plaza right now. Hell, every single person even holds a Shatterpoint in their very hearts." He again began pacing like a university scholar lecturing his peers.

"That is what I have done throughout... since the beginning of this whole plot... everything I have ever done in this world, it is because I read the Shatterpoints in certain areas and orchestrated for them to take certain paths. Sometimes terrible actions were required to make needed future paths manifest, and I regret having to organize their fulfillment... but If I had to do it again, I would, because from all the Shatter Readings I conducted and all the paths I manipulated, the world became far smaller in a metaphorical sense. A common language was established. War virtually ceased overnight. For the first time ever, the world had a universal peace keeping entity to keep the separate nations from tearing out each others throats... it had a Church... it had something in common, every person's similar beliefs in one thing deterring them from considering taking up arms against each other, and even when they did, the situations were always addressed and resolved quickly.

Do you know who was the greatest Warrior the Church ever had in her ranks? It was Stratos, Youngest Son of the House Valgiri... now tell me, do you know what happened to Stratos? The whole, truthful account?"

Chim, Kenny

"No I'm not...Alright..." Erick snarled, gaining a bit more control of his motor skills. "That fucker is lucky...the poison is still too strong in my system to move very well... Where's Cesealia? Was she hit as well? was anyone besides myself? How many...how many dead? What did that Bastard...do?"

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Octavia raised an eyebrow and lowered her scythe after what had happened with Matrim's axe and hearing the Lady's words. Well, she was the lady who had taken over Aaron for pretty much the entire trip, but she also could have killed the entire group off easily. And even if they had tried to kill her, they'd have a damn hard time trying to, seeing at what she had done with the axe.

"I'll humor you and ask," might as well seeing at how a frog recently swallowed our weapons and completely reformed them.... who knows? "Who sent you? You made mention of this being and assignment earlier."

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Snap & Murdoc

"Who do you think sent me, girl?" Zartana replied rhetorically. "None other than the Lord Orphont... I personally hate each and everyone of you walking piles of spite and misery, if it were up to myself, I'd stand by and let you all be swallowed whole and devoured by the void... But alas, my master sees fit to continue to try to save your kind. As much as I hate it, I must obey his wishes; Rebellion didn't go over well for me the first time around, if I tried again, I'd likely get tossed into a position worse than keeper of Hell... Not that I think there is one, having to oversee the worst that you worthless fucks have to offer."

"So I was onto something then..." Aaron spoke up. "You just have a stick up your ass and hate Humans in general, that's why you're so god awful at pretending to be one. It definitely explains a lo-" The boy's remark was cut short by the sound of wings unfurling and someone being choked. If Matrim and Octavia looked over, they'd find Aaron being held up off the ground in a strangle hold by a man dressed in a short, double breasted Jacket the same color as Zartana's. Six wings with feathers black as night protruded from the small of his back. His hair was a dark grey and his eyes a blood red. A Sword, Short, heavyset, and serrated, hung from the right side of a leather belt on his waist, shining with the darkness of the night sky and light of the stars. His eyes had murder in them as his hands wrapped tighter around the boys throat, squezing with as much force as he could muster. Aaron did the best he could to struggle, but to no avail, the being was a thousand times stronger than any man. The world was beginning to go dark...the stars overhead were beginning to blur. it felt as though his neck was being put through a ringer... in fact, he could taste welling up in the back of his throat...

"You're absolutely right, rat," Zartana mused as she watched her soldier slowly choke the child to death. "That's probably the largest factor as to why I have no talent in pretending to be one of you hairless apes; It disgusts me so much to even consider trying that bile wells up in my throat." She turned her attention to Matrim and Octavia, gesturing to the Seraph choking the boy out as if proud of the being's loyalty. "And someone asked what proof I have of Hell's Legion, did they not? Well, here it is, right before your pathetic eyes. A soldier of the Pit."

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“Calm down,” Trystane said to Eric. “Cesealia was knocked out like you and we’re all alive… sort of.” The young hunter thought for a moment about how to phrase the weird things that just happened. “That Rodriguez guy we thought was boiled turned out to be alive and we saw Atton. Not sure what happened to him since Rodriguez is the only one that came back… I heard him mentioning the Nix so I think we should prepare for the worst.”

Trystane’s eyes went around the group. “Maybe we should listen to Rossephus and Rodriguez first. You think you can refrain yourself from attacking them?”

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Matrim tried to overcome his resentment toward Aaron, trying to remember that it was not, in fact, the boy who had been such a child. Though, his current behavior wasn't earning him much credit, either. . . "There's no need to kill him; I think your very existence is proof enough that you are who you say you are. Moving past that, there must be a reason you have deigned to speak with those you regard as filth. May I ask what that is?"

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Maximus sighed, "I have heard enough stories within the past few days of his story I'm not entirely sure of what to believe anymore. Some call him a hero, fighting against you, the enemy of the world. While other, less informed, people call him an enemy of the world. To be honest I can't say I don't believe in his cause, killing you or any of your puppets would be more than enough joy for me." Maximus couldn't help but smirk at his last statement, "What I do know is that he fought for what he believed in and you sure as hell made him pay for it every moment after he did that."

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"I don't really have a choice right now, do I?" Eric said rhetorically, weakly holding up his hand and trying to flex his fingers in vain, just to show Trystane how strongly the toxin still flowed in his veins. "I can barely lift my own damn arm, but can't even move these, let alone use my scythe... so the bastard is safe for now..."

Murdoc and Snap

Zartana snapped her fingers, and the legionnaire was gone the sound of wings beating filling the air. Aaron fell to the ground like a rock. He'd say something... but he honestly had learned not to mouth off against this bitch out in the open world where she could actually do something to him. God, at this rate, maybe being in the prison of his own mind had been better... at least there he could try to be defiant, could mock her endlessly to suppress his own fear. Not so now.

"Because my lord commands me to," The black judge snarled at Matrim. "Were you not listening, mortal? My orders are unfortunately to help your kind alongside my father and idiot brother. This, much to my disdain, requires that I actually engage in conversation with you worthless lot in certain scenarios.. But why my damn human loving father can't handle counseling you all himself, I'm still wondering."

Supernovae and anyone not currently talking to someone else

"What if I told you that the man you met tonight wasn't even the real Stratos then?" Rossephus asked. "What if I told you that every single legend and tale of the Sky Slayer's deeds over the past 400 years were all about nothing more than an imposter with his memories and face? Because that is the truth of the matter. The true Stratos, High Champion of the Theocracy, had been replaced by this fake, this...doppleganger, yeas before the Sky Slaying ever occurred. In fact, it happened right at the beginning of the very battle that made his name renowned throughout the continent... the Battle at Fort Arxo against the Order of the White Cresent." He paused and looked around the area, searching for something, it seemed like.. "Earlier I sent a confidant of mine to assist you," he continued. "He appears as a frog, or perhaps more of a toad, has the ability to alter and enhance objects by ingesting them and spitting them back out. I ordered him to improve whatever weapons you all weilded, and also gave him one other task; Combine the physical manifestations of the Primal Keys into one entity..." He stepped forward towards Maximus, looking at the Ekarder expectantly.

"Who among you now holds that key?" he asked. "The Alpha and the Omega both hold complete records and memories of every action ever preformed with them. Showing you the rouse carried out concerning Stratos is only possible if I show you all it through the memory of the Omega."

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“Now that’s a relief,” Trystane said sarcastically. He doubted any of them could even harm Rossephus. He removed Cesealia’s knife from his belt and twirled it around in between his fingers. “Care to explain what you and Cesealia were planning?” He looked Eric directly in his eyes and his tone changed from casual to slight anger. “And no funny business; you asked for our help and led us here but never bothered sharing the plan which could endanger us all. I call that a form of betrayal…”

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"I never asked for your help, remember?" Eric corrected Trystane, a bit miffed the hunter had gotten the facts of the night screwed up. "I got dragged into this right along with all of you, we all agreed to help Muya and those other two go save the world or something... I just happened to be the only one who got pissed off enough to neutralize Not-Aaron and then seize control of the mission after they got captured by that thing. You made your pledge to them. So don't go pegging me with making request I never actually issued; all I've done so far is take up the reigns when the imposter was running wild like a spoiled brat and wearing my friend's body like a meat suit, and it was obviously needed, cause I saw no one else making a move to do it." He looked trystane in the eye, something stirring there like a silent, turbulent storm about to be unleashed. his tone was laced with more than just a fair bit of malice. His wrath from the earlier days of his medical career was beginning to show itself.

"I guarantee you I can get a thousand times nastier then you ever could muster, my friend, I've got years and years of experience putting up with various forms of Bullshit as an Apothecary and Medical Practitioner; I'd have no choice but to get like that whenever Patients lied to me, it's the only way the problem would ever be solved." He glanced at the Knife in Trystane's hands. "As for the plan, it was relatively simple at first, we drafted it while all of us were walking from the city gates: we'd head to Nix with the rest of you, and if Rossephus didn't die by the hands of those who were leading this nonsensical goose chase, then Cesealia and I would do it ourselves for safe measure. Either we'd get close somehow, separated from any of his men, and slit his throat, or I'd use the old arts to burn him to nothing but cinders. From what I was told and what I had seen prior, the man definitely seemed like a danger to the entire world. The two of us were just plotting to do what was necessary if Muya and her friends didn't.do it themselves. Of course... things got a bit complicated after they were kidnapped. We had to redraft everything while I was restraining the infiltrator; I expected for there to be a sizeable force at the front gates, I expected this to be a trap from the very beginning. We changed things so that the moment Rossephus showed himself, I'd bind my own life to his. After that, depending on how things played out, Either I'd rescind the bind and Cesealia would kill him covertly, or she would kill me and end up taking him out with me. If for some reason she would be unable to act, I would take it upon myself and sacrifice my own life to bring the monster down."

He again turned his gaze to Trystane with the same withering glare. "And don't go giving me that 'You endangered us all' Argument; every last one of us was already endangered the moment we agreed to help Muya, you all should've gone into this knowing there was a chance you wouldn't come back out alive, I did. This is the entire world we're talking about, and personally, if a few have to be sacrificed to save countless more souls, what is the vice in that? True, the plan could've easily taken a turn that would've proved to be lethal for the rest of you... but the alternative for not doing anything would've been to let this man go on with whatever he's plotting. We can't trust him, or anyone who chooses to side with him. I've seen far too much evidence that all he wants is to end us all. You remember the whole city that he destroyed? How many do you think perished? How many murders has he already committed?" He glared directly at the Conqueror now, giving a light snarl.

"He is what the church must've truly brought forth this night. The Sky Lord and his church was probably a complete lie, merely a front for those conspiring with him. Maybe this is what the Sky Slayer was really fighting against all this time... this beast before us with a silver tongue. maybe the entire world has been nothing but idiots for standing in his way whenever it could, all while he was trying to save us all..."

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SnapCracklPop, Murdoc

In response to Octavia's Question, a very familiar book fell from the air and damn near hit her upon the head... along with another one, this one completely strange to her sight. If she looked down at the ground by her feet, she'd recognize the first one as naught else but Eric's Journal from the shop, the one pilfered right out of her hands by some unseen burglar. The second book was another journal from the looks of it, simple in design, bound in beaten leather with a Strap and Lock upon it's face, ensuring that what ever secrets it held would remain just that.

"You lost that Grimoire there because you were careless, Girl," Zartana scolded Octavia simply. "Do not lose it again. if you do, It'll be your own problem to recover it. As for the Book bound with a lock, find the kin to the Sky Slayer, she holds the key to it's secrets... but beware for the future." With that said and done, she turned away and began walking off... and then she vanished into the night as if she had never been there at all. But she had... there was more than enough physical proof of it, namely the two tombs still lying at Octavia's feet, not to mention Aaron's crumpled form on the ground, neck rung a bright, fiery red by the hands of the Fell Seraph moments earlier...

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Maximus glanced over at Rodriguez. The bartender had told Maximus that he should trust Rossephus for his answers, but telling him of the primal keys? That seemed almost too obvious.

"You can't expect me to be that dumb," the Ekarder said flatly, "I may believe you up to this point, but if you expect me to willingly give you the name of the person who holds the primal keys than you presume too much."

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Supernovae, Chimchain, Kenny

This was the first time that Rosse's calm demeanor broke during this whole encounter. But it was anger, unlike what one might expect... instead the man simply grinned at Maximus, even going so far as to laugh silently.

"Very, very good answer, Maximus," he said. "And precisely the same one you should give to anyone else who dare asks you it on your journey. But you should use your spear to do it in those cases, I fear that they'll be far more eager and ruthless to know the answer than I am." He then cast a glance over at Eric, looking right through the young apothecary. "And I advise you do the same, Eric," he said.

The fact that he had singled out the man from everyone else just now said everything; He had already known which of them had the keys. So why ask if he already had the knowledge? that was left for the group to speculate, because things were over according to what Rossephus went on to say.

"You lot will do fine, I'm sure of it. But I think we're done here. If you've more questions or want to know something further about any of this, consult the book that OCtavia over there has just been given... after you find someone capable of opening it, of course. I suggest that you take some time and gather a few supplies while you're here though. Tell any shop keepers that "the stars led you here" They'll understand what it means" and he was serious. The bastard even had the gull to turn and start walking towards the castle doors, moving right past Maximus and Rodriguez. What happened next however was entirely unexpected...

Up on the Castle lookout...

A shadowed individual stood atop the Castle Lookout area, high above the Travelers' heads, unnoticed and far too far away for them to hear him. But he could hear everything they said just perfectly due to the Bowl of Water he was Scrying in, sound and picture from what was going on far below coming in as loud and as clear as if the idiots were right here.

"So he lied to me?" they asked, outraged. "The bastard... all this time, he'd been with Orphant! All this time i've spent serving him, WASTED! I've been a gullible fool, and he's gone and completely used me against my own Lord and Master! Damn it...he'll surely kill me for this. Should I even."

"You can not escape my sight, even when veiled in shadows." A strange voice called out to the individual in the night air. "For I can always find you by the malice you hold in your heart. The darkness of your soul is like a shining beacon to the Delta, and it is like a roaring forest fire to myself."

"M-my Lord!" the person immediately kneeled, bowing their head at the same time. "forgive me, sire... my faith was-"

"You were contemplating abandoning this great cause of ours," the voice cut them off. "You feared my wrath upon your reporting of this."

"Um... I would be a liar if I said otherwise. Sire, please, forgive me..."

"Why would I have allowed you to do this in the first place if I did not know that precisely this would result?"

"My Lord..." The person looked up to the heavens, not knowing where their master's voice came from. it seemed to be everywhere, and yet no where at the same time. "I-I do not understand your meaning."

"Because you were loyal and believed he worked for myself and for our cause, you were able to get very close, were you not?" the voice replied rhetorically. "So close that you infact managed to get within his inner circle, right along with Orphant's pet, The pope, and his two armored buffoons who feign to call themselves commanders. You are in a very good position to strike and bring us a swift victory, my servant. That is why I did not stop you from forming a tie with the Conqueror. because now... now you shall be the spear that strikes him down!!"

The servant's eyes lit up in complete realization, finally grasping the brilliance of his master. "Tis an honor, sire!" they bowed and prostrated even lower.

"I know..." the master said. "Do not disappoint me." then the voice was gone. But the Servant was already going to work casting a fearsome Evocation...


Strange things began to happen as Rossephus made his way towards the entry way of the keep. First the Snipers in the trees all faded away one by one, like they had never been there at all. Only two of them were still there, in fact. Both were in positions that could've easily fired on Eric and Cesealia earlier. Even stranger, if any of the travelers looked quick enough, they would have noticed that all of the snipers had sported identical faces to these two. The air began to chill considerably.

A streaking screech filled the night. In the sky blazed a foggy light of deep blue, colder than winter in it's intensity. Glints of light could be seen.

The sound was deafening as the first massive shard of Pure, glowing ice, made impact and sent stone and dirt flying all around, shaking the very earth as it plunged like a dagger. Then the next. and the next. and the next. and the next... one by one, in very quick succession, Shard after giant shard streaked down from somewhere high above and rained down atop where Rossephus had been last seen walking, forming a massive, jagged sculpture just at the base of the stairs leading up to the Castle Proper's doors.

Everything was silent afterwards. The light had disappeared above. all that was heard... was the slow, steady crackling of the ice, like that of a mammoth glacier. Mist drifted in the air. The whole place was cold.

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Octavia bent down quickly to scoop the two books up, careful with both of them, but with a slight hesitation when she saw Eric's journal. She felt almost sick when she thought of what happened at the Apothecary shop a million years and a few hours ago, she decided to return it to him at the next best chance, placing it into her bag. The locked book, however, was quite interesting, she turned it around in her hands and inspected it carefully because it was probably quite important, and if it was important, it could have measures that protected it from being read by anyone who tried to open it and was not the "kin of the Sky Slayer", aside from the obvious lock.

She moved the book down away from her face, curious by the sharp temperature drop before a large shard of ice impacted the ground where Rossephus was around earlier, closely followed by multiple others. She had swapped the book with her scythe, but by then the onslaught (not that anything could be done with a close range item against something clearly out of range) had stopped, she was now scanning the area, top to bottom, seeing at how the ice was coming from above.

Edited by Snap Crackle Pop
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High atop the Castle

The servant looked down upon their handiwork, grinning wildly at the jagged spears of ice that now protruded from the broken earth, most certainly impaling Rossephus underneath them. He turned away from the ledge, their sigil upon their left hand still dying down from the reaction of Life Force and Ley Energy, known as "Magic". The air around still held the chill from their spell.

"It is done, my lord!" they called triumphantly. A few moments passed without answer. The servant thought that their master had left until finally his voice broke through the darkness of the night.

"Good. Now flee, servant. Thine work is this place is done. Go, I shall come to thee when the time is worthy."

"As you wish, sire..." They held up their sigiled palm once again, focusing and again beginning the reaction. They began a slow, simple, humming chant, gazing deeply into their Sigil as it burned with light, visualizing the desired effect and holding it in their mind as they went on.

"Black as night, grim as death. What this bird possesses is cunning, not great stealth. In it's pure image, I hereby remake thyself!"

They repeated the verse twice. By the end of the first, veils of smoke had begun rising from their form. At the end of the Second they completely engulfed them. Finally it cleared now, bursting outward as if blown away by a powerful wind. Were the servant had stood moments before was now a large, ragged Raven, flapping it's pitch black wings and lifting off from the roof. A moment later it had taken flight completely and swooped off into the night, but not before allowing itself to drop a little, wanting to inspect it's previous handiwork with the ice...


Octavia saw as a large raven swooped down from the darkness above, coming in low and circling above the plaza a few times, keeping eyes fixed on the ice that had killed the conqueror. Apparently satisfied with the situation, the bird let out an audible cry, seeming to laugh at the travelers with a series of course Ha's. After it's inspection was finished though, it wheeled around and flew up and off into the night, leaving the travelers standing there, only able to unknowingly watch as the very person who had just attacked now made off scott free.

The silence that followed was broken by the door opening however, with several footfalls following after. If the party looked over they'd see quite a few familiar faces now gawking in surprise at the massive Ice standing at the end of the staircase. Namely those of Esmerelda and Gilwyn... but along with those two stood others, whom only Maximus and perhaps Ko'luki would've recognized. For it was none other than the Pope Eeree and his Arch Commanders. And they looked like they'd just gone through hell and back, but the same could also have easily been said for Esmerelda and Gilwyn.

"What..." The Not-so-Holy-Anymore man turned away from the ice and looked right at the group. "What has happened here?" he demanded. "Where is Rossephus?"

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Maximus shrugged coyly at the former pope. "He was your God, shouldn't you know?" He then turned to Rodriguez speaking in a hushed enough tone so that the former 'holy men' wouldn't be able to hear. "So, what do you make of all of this. Did the beast mean to disappear like that or is some strange magic at work here?"

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"Oh, there is no way that the bastard is dead..." Rodriguez whispered back with a discrete gesture the to pope. "It couldn't possibly be that simple or that easy, and he probably knows that, after all, this is a man from the deepest folds of his inner circle; if anyone has knowledge of what tricks he might be capable of, it should be him. But either way, I think it high time we get out of this scene, and then get as far away from this whole damn city as possible...I'm intending to head west towards Lithania, but what do you all going to do about all that has been... 'revealed', tonight?"

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Trystane drew his spear when the ice came out of nowhere and took on a defensive stance. He didn’t recognize the newcomers and at this point he didn’t care. “Well you must be happy. Apparently you’re not the only one who wants Rossephus dead,” he said to Erik. The Hunter lowered his spear but kept his guard up just in case. He didn’t like getting caught by surprise attacks and that seemed to happen a lot in the last few hours. “So what are we going to do now?” he asked in general.

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"Well, if I may," Blackjack said, inserting himself into the conversation before any response could be given. "Generally speaking, when one is crushed by massively conjured spears of Ice, that constitutes a legitimate cause of death. But I presume we can't exactly count this man as a general case, thus the only way to know for certain is to see the body..."

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“Oh, please, allow me to search for his body,” Trystane said sarcastically. He glared at the newcomers; some of them obviously cared for the bastard unlike his companions. The young Hunter readied his spear. He expected another ice attack and preferred to not be impaled. “Hey, Rossephus, you death yet?” he asked while making his way through the ice.

((Not sure if Trystane should find Rossephus pretending to be dead or if he just fled the scene))

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"As dead as I apparently needed to be..." The man said from behind Trystane shortly after the young hunter entered the Ice Field. Haggard breathes passed Rossephus' frost covered lips as he took a few halting steps forward, clutching his ribs beneath his jacket with one hand and a long pole of light clutched in the other, casting a glow on Trystane and himself before quietly dying down into nothing within the Man's grasp. The sound of metal on stone echoed out as he dropped the Iron Pipe he carried,the thing clattering and then rolling away. Trystane had only felt the warmth for a moment, but there was no denying that the length of metal had been producing heat, likely the only explanation as to how this attack had been survivable to it's query.

"Things have gone horribly awry if an assassin managed to infiltrate my forces..." He said, sinking to his knees, the bandages on his chest so saturated in scarlet that they practically hung off in heavy strips, revealing glimpses of a nasty wound beneath. He grimaced with every breath he took. "All of you... get what supplies you might need... From the shops in the city...remember what I told you to say to the owners. Then flee here as fast as you can, don't even risk staying the night. You're far more important of a component in this than I am, and whoever did this... is probably still around...It doesn't matter where you go, just so long as...so long as you can stay alive till morning for the time being."

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Is this the threat then? Erick thought to himself as he knelt beside Cesealia's unconscious form, the poison having been driven out of his system and neutralized enough for him to actually move his fingers now. He gingerly removed the long dart protruding from the woman's shoulder, reaching into his bag and smearing a concoction of Grey Wood powder and Milk of Bloodroot in order to do the dual job of stop the bleeding from the wound and to antidote the toxin. The leather satchel had felt quite empty... likely because he hadn't gotten to stock up on anything before he had stormed out of the guild shop tonight.

"I'll need to stop by somewhere to get more Medical Supplies," he said, raising from the Magistrate's side and wrapping the barb in a length of cloth. "My satchel was nearly empty when I left my post tonight; and I have the feeling that we're going to need a lot of Medical Aid in the foreseeable future." He finished wiping the blood off the Muinatt tip of the Bolt and held it up to the light, seeing a bit of tell tale dark red substance on the head still. Is he really so much of a threat after all...? he thought to himself, bringing his attention back to Rossephus and Trystane. He doesn't look like it anymore... bloody and basically half dead from the cold of that Spell we just witnessed. He looks a bit pathetic honestly, keeping up all this even despite his situation. Surely, he can't be that desperate to trap us that he would plot all of this out right down to almost being killed. Still... He took the barb in his other hand and held the point towards the Conqueror, his Sigil flashing on his palm as he called on his Reservoir, bringing up a certain spell in particular to his mind. I might as well give him a bit of Mercy to ease his death. It's my job in a way... and The pathetic man must be telling the truth if he's still keeping at this ridiculousness... too bad he's going to fall from his wounds anyway. The amount of blood on those bandages is quite the nasty sign... "Viento Libertad..." he said simply, releasing his grip on the thing as it slowly rose from his palm and arced through the air, nicking the man on the cheek before veering off course to avoid Trystane and lodging itself into a nearby Ice shard.

"Look, how about this," Erick said, walking up to the hunter as Rosse fell over to the ground as the remnant Blood Root Toxin took effect, knocking him out cold... and freeing from the pain of his wounds for a while. "instead of going around as some massive group, Let's all split up, get what supplies we each need, then meet at the Northern Gates in two hours from now. they should be at the other side of this plaza, behind the Castle..." He pointed his finger in the direction that presumably north, right towards the castle as he looked at the entire group. "If you get lost, ask around for directions. Apparently people here will be more than willing to help us... and one last thing; Take your steed with you. I personally am still a bit skeptical about his words, but he's still persisting on and on about this even though he's clearly going to die from the injuries this Ice Attack left him with... so I'll just give the bastard the benefit of the doubt as a final gift before his death... but if anyone gets in a bad situation in this town, you'll need a way to get out quickly to the Gates. I don't know for sure where the hell we're going to go from here... but I have an idea of someplace we can take refuge while we... sort this out. Is this plan agreeable to you all?"

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