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Exodus: Beyond Eden- Interest check


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Alright. Let me start of this thing by saying this:

You know that Idea I proposed to you all a month ago? ISP? yeah, no. That as it was is now dead, meaning even though it passed trial by fire, I simply had too much work at the time to really focus on it. so it went to the back bunner for a while. and while it was on the back-bunner in my mind, it transformed into something different. into something else. well, fast forward to now, and some of the work I had early with other projecs such as Sugre Story or PSS has cleared up. and I have the time to really pay actual attention to this.

before we begin, let me present a changelog:

Things that have been 86'd: (Removed entirely)

Psycho-kinetic abilities

The Rift


Philotic theory

Lost souls virus

pretty much everything else in the old story that was planned

so there, in a sense, the idea I'm about to present to you all is what ISP has evolved into in the time that I left it idle in my head:


2500 years ago, Mankind embarked on a voyage. A voyage that was spurred by the deterioration of the Earth's climate. The winds howled with blistering heat, The Seas boiled and the Ice Caps melted and the lands were flooded. And so Man, knowing his death on the world to be imminent, turned to the stars for salvation... he cast his fate up to the heavens, in hopes of being able to carve out a better future. And so it was that the Exodus occurred. Seven Ships were built with Man's remaining resources. they were massive, able to hold many. they were equip for people to live on them for decades and centuries if needed. And these seven ships were boarded and sent into the heavens. And then Mankind, those who were left behind, accepted their fates. And then the Earth finally burned out. the Earth became a Dead World.

But the Memory of Earth lived on. The Seven seeds of Earth lived on. they were known as "The Generation Arks"

100 years ago, the last of these Generation Arks finally found a habitable world. The ship had traveled for over two millenia, only held together by the boons of Relativistic travel, bestowed by maintaining a speed near that of light itself. inside the Ark, only two generations had passed. some of those who were alive to watch as they left the Earth's atmosphere now stood on the soil of a Different world. A new Home. a new Earth...

A Second Chance.

And they took this second chance in stride. they left their ship behind, and began to scout their new domain, over the years setting up a small settlement not far from their original landing site. And he named this Settlement "Esperanza" and he named his new world "Reamica".

The World of Reamica was large and diverse. a band of thick forest ran across the middle of the globe, with cold, frigid Deserts and shifting sands to the far north, thick, humid jungles far to the south. An Ocean lies somewhere on the planets face, but as to wear, no one has any Idea.

Much land has been explored since the Esperanzans arrived a century ago. But the planet remains vast, it's greatest secrets still unknown. it has been 100 years, and yet there is still only one human settlement on the planet. Expeditions by Scientist are not uncommon in the era.

And it was during one of these Expeditions, far to the south, where the forest grows densest before becoming complete jungle, that the greatest discovery in the Settlement's history was made... They were ruins; Proof that someone or something had been there before them, some unknown sentient life.

Teams are sent in, and what they find within the ruins are astounishing.... A place of Beauty and pure majesty... a Massive Garden . along with a thriving Eco-system eerily similar to one that might have been found on earth long ago. The Garden is soon named...


And within Eden, Two heavy set metal Doors are found. Their faces bearing complex glyphs and symbols and runes. These doors are soon named "The Gates of Eden". they are huge, ten meters high and eight meters wide. and they are completely immobile. Several weeks pass since the Gates discovery. heavy research is conducted around the clock, trying to decipher the glyphs, and if possible, get the Gates open... and one day, they find the latter of their goals. They find the opening mechanism.

The Area beyond the gates is a stark contrast to the Gardens of Eden. Cold, Grey, Seemingly lifeless. Countless peices of machinery lie within, strange and alien. humming, but their purpose unknown. Teams of Exo-biologist and Engineers are sent in... and disaster soon strikes. all Scientist who were sent beyond the gates soon fall ill to a mysterius pathogen and dying... it is a Virus. and it soon begins to spread throughout Ezperanza. A pandemic has blazed to life. Exo-Biologist and Genetic Scientist are unable to devise even a vaccine, much less a cure... The Virus simply proves to be too adaptable, mutating easily to survive.

Left with little choice, Quarantine is declared. only one hundred years after it's founding, and all ready Esperanza is facing possible destruction. The preventative measures can only slow down the spread, not stop it. Time is ticking away slowly. There is little choice: someone must go back beyond Eden. it is were the virus came from, and therefore, perhaps that is where the cure lies as well. The team is put together. the Strategy and protocols are drafted. The Exo-suits go on...

You are a member of the team. you are one of the heroes fighting to find a cure... fighting against time itself.

You are one of the ones...

Who must go beyond Eden.

there's the exposition. now for a few player related details:

  • There won't be any "Powers" in this RP. for once, players will have to rely on skills and cunning and intelligence in order to survive what awaits them in the story.
  • In place of "Powers" players will be able to choose "Skills" that their character's may have. these are still in the works, but currently I plan to allow for up to three skills to be held by a PC. their will be a list from which choices can be made. (they will be things like Sniping, Dechipering, Hacking, etc...)
  • Yes, There other races present in the story... BUT only humans will be playable. this is non-negotiable, just like it is in my other two RPs.
  • The year of the story, by our measurement of time, is approximately 5021 C.E. "The Exodus" occurred in approximately 2421 CE
  • There will be various enemies, but my lips are sealed on the matter. just know that you will find varying degrees of resistance as you travel further beyond Eden.
  • Before you go whining "But, Stratos, What if we get the virus!?" let me make this clear, those Exo-suits provide sealed environments for the Human body. you'll be wearing them the entire time you are Active beyond the Gates. THEY WILL PREVENT INFECTION FROM THE VIRUS. the only way to contract it is if you were to be stupid enough to take them off. that said, they're will be some areas where the virus is not active. these will be known as safe zones, and you will be able to remove your suits with impunity. don't expect me to be too nice about where I place them though...
  • The area beyond Eden's gates leads deeper and deeper beneath the planet's surface the further in you go.
  • For the most part, Players will be working together as a team in the story.
  • Players will have "Shields" in this RP. "Shields" are the protective force-fields generated by the Exo-suits you all will be wearing. think of them like Health in a video game. The shield is not unbreakable, if it takes a harsh beating, it will fail. and if it fails, then the suit can be compromised and allow the virus in... and I'm sure you all can imagine how that ends. "Shields" will regenerate over time so long as no damage is taken for a certain period.

Also, as a note:

The Generation Ark that landed on Reamica was inhabited mainly by descendants of Americans (The ships were all built simultaneously during "ISP" which now stands for the "International Star Project" there were seven countries apart of ISP, the treaty authorizing the project had the condition that all members of the Project would share resources for building, and that there be one ship for each nation.) so the culture in Esperanza is largely influenced by American culture.

Alright. there it is. This is surprisingly what ISP became when I neglected it for several weeks.

So, any questions?

anyone interested in this new evolved form of the story?

Edited by Stratos
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I am really interested and hope you do go through with this, though with the suits say it was damaged in battle, (or if it can) are you just dead from the virus?

The suits will be fairly hard to damage due to the protective field surrounding them. that said, if an enemy were to somehow say... disable said field, and then compromise the suit, then yes, one would die from being infected in such a situation.

think of the suits protective field as health, like in a video game. I will be devising a system to keep track and let players be aware of how much more the shield can take before it breaks and they enter the danger zone. probably in the form of either actively updating at the bottom of each update post I make.

(And yes, the suits fields will regenerate over time.)

EDIT: I have added information about these protective sheilds in the OP now

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I'm still in, and looking forward to it. The story is still looking great! As to questions, I have two: first, would it be possible to play a brazilian descendant? And second, out of curiosity: would it be possible for other playes to come in after we enter the gates, or it will be a closed group?

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I'm still in, and looking forward to it. The story is still looking great! As to questions, I have two: first, would it be possible to play a brazilian descendant? And second, out of curiosity: would it be possible for other playes to come in after we enter the gates, or it will be a closed group?

since it the settlement was founded largely by americans, I think it's reasonable for their to have been a few people hailing from central america inside the Colony ship too, so sure, having someone be the descendant of a Brazilian- American would be fine... or just a straight Brazilian descendant, if that's more your cup of tea... America's borders aren't exactly "Uncrossable" if ya catch my drift... ;)

and there would've been a few opportunities for peeps to sneak on-board those ships fifty years ago without having to be on the Roster and approved first...

And for the second question, They actually can't Close the gates now that their opened... they can't figure out how. so for the first few chapters, Players will be able to come in after the initial group, as "Reinforcements" if needed. but there might be a point in time where the Something closes the gates behind the players already inside, at this point, new party members won't be allowed any longer (I don't know when exactly I'm going to have the Gates close, it honestly depends on the situation at hand. though it probably won't be at least until half-way through the second chapter.)

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So, Anyone else still interested/ willing to bear with me? I can understand if no one else wants to at this point... after all, I did change the damn thing three times..

But this is the final form. Of that, I am absolutely certain this time, and I WILL go through with it this time if there's enough interest left I don't have any other urgent projects this time around to take me away from working on this.

so... anyone else still game?

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Interesting.....I actually like the shift, as it is a more truly Sci-fi approach. (then again I knew a lot more about the original ISP than anybody else here lol.), I still am a sucker for playing strange races, but I think I can play a human again. (besides getting a lot of my oddball races thing out with Graterras NPCs so yea ol.)

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alright, looks like enough people are still interested. (A small starting group is actually better for this, so the current number of people on board will work well for the story)

I'll tear up the old notes on ISP and the idea and get started putting this one into production.

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Guess I'll use this as a general Update thread until it's ready to launch...

well, new development:

  • The majority of enemies you all will be encountering will be biological in nature
  • The Virus will no longer be an issue to players upon venturing beyond Eden... (You'll see what I mean... The shields will still be a concept used, Death will still be a very real threat... just not from the Virus. more will be explained at a later date)
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A few more developments to report

  • In place of Skills, I have compiled Job classes for players to choose from. so far they have all been made, however they still require some work in specific areas.

Anyways, work on this is going well. Expect it to be up in about... 2 weeks maybe?

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