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Under the Hill - First Circle: Judgement


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As Rose's headache began to calm down some, she looked around. The young girl she had saved was still there, and hadn't made a sound yet. However, she could feel the presence of eyes, and heard voices further away. Looking at a bookcase, she took a steadying breath. "It's ok, we're both friends. Please come out, the girl won't talk and I'm not doing well."

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Kenny saw Ethic dash forward, and Flashed Pure Blue used his Aura Reserves to enhance Ethic's Endurance, Strength, and Speed to assist him against the Rat. he then released a HUGE burst of energy at the rat, making him close to igniting. he then ran right at it, and as he was about to throw a punch, he used the last of his Aura Reserves to boost Ethic a little more. Kenny then Burst into flames, burning himself all over, as he threw his punch at the rat at a range too close for it's comfort.

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Ethic was about to invoke another of the Arcana, then stopped for some reason... He didn't really know what it was, but the Hermit was now the only card Glowing

"What now?" He asked, annoyed at his loss of focus

He stood there, pondering what the Hermit's glow meant...

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"I only sees you Varmints down there. I will leave you Varmints alive if you want, but keep pressing me and I have no other options."

Ethic heard the Rat call out, breaking him away from his pondering.

"Wish this guy could shut it for a few minutes... I need to think about what's going on with these things..."

He went back to pondering the meaning...

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Kenny, being still aflame due to his Aura having run out, decided that it was time to try and get rid of the abomination.

He then Charged at the Beast.

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(Well really sorry bout that, man... Geuss that exactly describes what we did..)

Ethic's thought train was again derailed by the Cards Glowing with heat... Again.

"Are you freaking kidding me, What Now!? What is so damn important that you simply must tell me!?" He cried to the Arcana circling around him in the air in frustration. "Well, tell me! Don't just leave me to think about it!"

He felt a bit silly for that last part.

Yeah, right, like the Cards can really answer me... He thought sarcastically

(...EDITs on the last several post are done. Again, really sorry about that...)

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"Alright then you guys get off for now." said the Rat atop the bookcase. He put the shotgun in it's holster, and began leaping across the cases. "And don't forget Quickshot Quincy spared you once." he said as he went on his way.

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"Why did you enter the hill Mr.McKyntyre?"

Nolan, oblivious to the ongoing fight the other group created, was focused on answearing the voice. The faster he finished it, the best.

"Well, because I can. I can come and go as wish, ain't that on my rights?"

The voice went on, ignoring Nolan's last comment.

"Mr. McKyntyre, I understand you've been judged before on the world out of the hill. In those judgements, for various crimes, have you ever commited Perjury?"

"No, never." Nolan answerered promptly. He had always been a good liar, and that got him out of those tricky situations on court. That, and knowing the right people to threat.

Some moments of silence passed before the voice was heard again.

"You have been warned."

All of a sudden, there was a burst of light nearby. Nolan jumped up, grabbing his knife "What the hell is happening?!" he thought.

Before him stood a massive wolf, six feet tall on it's four legs, bare fangs and red eyes staring at him.

Again, Nolan knew he stood no chance against such a foe so he turned around and tried to run.

What followed was not pretty.

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Ixidor was acknowledge by the girl carrying the child, he completely trust them as soon as the girl give her word.

"Maybe Kenny can heal this damsel, maybe i should do something think think.." as he mumbles.

Hmm seeing people here have powers here and that maybe lion isn't a fluke that come out from my pad..just maybe

as he pulls out his sketchpad and sketch an eagle. "Come on focus don't wanna screw this up than the last time" as he puts real effort to drawing the eagle.his sketchpad begins to glow once more bringing life to the Eagle with only one foot that is the size of the bookshelf itself as it seems obedient enough as Ixidor "well this is progress, ok mr.eagle i want you to carry me and our new found friends here back to hall" as Ixidor rides the giant eagle on its back and without any question it snatches the 2 strangers in its one foot as it flies through the library maze making its way to the others, bursting out the shelves "Hey guys i have a new found friends here!" as his tone change as he sees they're fighting some wererat.

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as the Shadow Creatures came from the books, Kenny turned away from the rat and noticed them.

oh dear, the Barrier i set up will only last about thirty more seconds...

he then collapsed into a coma, and caught on fire again due to a lack of Aura.

however, he wouldn't wake up from it. after ten minutes in the Coma, he evaporated into nothingness, not to return.

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Rose and her silent compadre were suddenly snatched upward. "AYIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!" Rose screamed, clutching the young girl and her bear to herself, completely unsure of what was going on. Glancing upward, she saw that the creature seemed to resemble a bird, and that there was a young boy riding on top and giving directions. Rose closed her eyes and prayed that this stint in the air would be over soon.

Rose opened her eyes when she heard the boy on top call out, "Hey guys, I have new found friends here!" Blearily, she realized this must be the person she had called out to for help. As the giant bird set her and the younger girl (and the bear) on the ground, she fought through the pain of her headache to figure out what was going on. It seemed as though there were a few more people fighting what looked to be a rat with human clothing. Shaking her head, she saw one of the boys collapse, with several shadow creatures incoming.

Knowing that what she had done before had worked, she readied herself to be known to even more people. "Shadow creatures, go somewhere else! TELEPORT!" As the shadow creatures vanished, she sunk to her knees and let out an ear piercing scream as her headache overtook her again, much stronger this time. She began to see black spots, and gripped her head as tightly as she could.

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Ellaria thought " God, what a mess" . She started to walk away from the noises, but she heard:

"Shadow creatures, go somewhere else! TELEPORT!"

. She went to the voice, with her hand in front of her and held the arm of the owner's voice.

She said:

- This is a dangerous place, let's get out of here! Is there someone with you?

She felt a little hand (a child) holding her other hand.

Holding both (Rose and the childl), she made them and herself invisible and started to walk with them to a safer place.

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Rose felt someone take her arm firmly. "This is a dangerous place, let's get out of here! Is there someone with you?" came the voice of a girl. Rose tried to answer, but all that came from her mouth was a fit of coughing and wheezing. She felt the younger girl that she had taken to protecting bring her hand, which Rose had been holding, to their new savior before letting go. Please let her have grabbed onto our new friend, Rose pleaded in her thoughts. Feeling her savior beginning to walk, Rose hauled herself to her feet and began to stumble forward, keeping her eyes clenched shut in agony and trusting this kind person to help guide them somewhere safe.

Rose couldn't help but feel completely and totally helpless.

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Marcus heard a massive amount of noise a ways away in the library. He dropped a book he had been about to open, and it fell to the ground with a startlingly loud thump. The serial killer started to make his way toward the source of the noise. I knew there were other people here. Let's go make a first impression.

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Ethic stopped his thinking and looked up for a moment.

"Oh, that's just freaking Great!" He said, realizing that pretty much everyone had disappeared somewhere while he had been thinking, including the Were-Rat, of whom Ethic could find no sign of.

Somehow, He had been so Engrossed that he missed EVERYTHING that had been going on around him

He walked down to Isle, the Cards still trailing behind him and glowing with heat. they seemed to be even hotter now than before, apparently raising their heat levels to match just how much Ethic was pissed at himself.

"How the hell did I manage to not notice the entire group leaving off somewhere?" he asked himself harshly.

It was then that the Hermit Arcana flew right before his face, almost as if demanding to be invoked.

"Fine, Whatever, I don't really care."

He concentrated his energy on the hermit.

"Number 9," He said, rather Apathetically. "The Hermit."

The Card blazed white and rushed to Ethic's face, his Vision engulfed in light, then refocusing.

He found that he was no longer looking at the Aisle he was in, but somewhere farther in the Library, there was a lone man making his way through the lonely Aisle. Ethic had a feeling he'd seen him before...

Another of the crazy people I saw enter...

the Vision then zipped back from the stranger through the rest of the library and back to his own Aisle. He suddenly had the feeling that whoever that person was, He was headed this way, and didn't have good intentions.

The Hermit raced away from Ethic's Eye's, rejoining the other arcana circling around him. They all stopped glowing and dropped straight to the marble floor as Ethic felt some of his Physical reserve ebb away, but not nearly as bad as last time. And without the bloody coughing fit. He forced himself to focus oncemore, The cards again began floating as he channeled his energy through them again.

He ordered them back inside of his Jacket pocket, and they went there without hesitation, automatically arranging themselves in the correct order.

"Great, another Crazy Guy I'll probably have to meet eventually..." He looked around, noticing that Kenny was gone as well

"Where the hell did Kenny go? Wasn't he fighting or something?" He looked around once more. there was no sign of Kenny either.

"Whatever. the task of finding Ixidor and a way deeper into this place is alot more important than worrying about what happened to him."

With that, He stepped over the fallen book case into the next Aisle, and started walking

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"Im getting nowhere. Is there like, an exit or something...?"

Turning what seemed like the hundreth corridor Damian sensed something again. Like the feeling you get when someone is watching you, but different.

The being were coming closer. Damian stepped out into a hallway as he was bumped into by something unseen. He and the unseen being made a shout of suprise as they fell to the floor.

The unseen being began to materialize into two young woman who appeared to be in their late teens or early twenties and a younger girl. When they bumped into eachother Damian was sure of himself that they were not hostile. Damian was never a person to blindly trust anybody or what anybody said but he could just feel that they wouldn't hurt him. Maybe they knew a way out and could help him? It was a try to ask.

"Oh my gosh i'm so sorry! You guys aren't hurt are you?! I was just wondering around I didn't see you."

Words of apology began to pour out of his mouth instinctively before he could ask them if they knew the way out. He did notice that one of the young women looked weak and slightly sickly. Damian rushed to help the fallen girls up.

"I hope you're ok. If I may ask who are you?"

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Quincy ran among the bookshelves looking for a way to the next floor. Hmmm, I wonder where this dog-gone way to the next level is? He thought to himself. He kept leaping from bookshelf to bookshelf, looking around for it. He held his Revolver in his hand as he jumped in case he met any new people along the way.

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Rose was startled as she fell backwards onto the ground. Glancing up, she saw a boy standing over them, seemingly in shock. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! You guys aren't hurt, are you?! I was just wandering around, I didn't see you." Rose tried to talk, only to be overcome by another coughing bout. It seemed to alarm the boy, who then spoke again. "I hope you're ok. If I may ask, who are you?" Rose swallowed back her coughing. "I'm Rose," she all but whispered. "I don't know the names of my companions, but I swear we won't hurt you."

She struggled to stand, only to fall back to her knees. "I don't know what's happening to me, but we need to get out of here now. Please help." As she began to cough again, she forced herself to keep her eyes open for a moment, hoping that the boy could see the truth in her eyes.

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As Ethic Continued his search, He saw the Were-Rat again, running along the top off bookshelves in the distance. Something gleamed in the creature's hand, Ethic assumed it was a gun.

His hand reached up to the Tarot without his direction, but he noticed and stopped himself.

"the better part of Valor is discretion," He reprimanded himself, deciding to avoid any other unnecessary altercations.

He continued Walking, then noticed something about one of the books on the shelf. It had his Father's name on it.

He snatched the book out of the shelf, disgusted to see any reference of the man. He took out MWH and prepared to carve the name out of the binding, when he had an Idea. A rather dark Idea.

He took another book from the shelf and making sure to keep them both shut, Bound the two closed with some string. He then placed the tombs in his bag.

"There... These Shade creatures could be useful later on. might as well take a few with me."

Gazing up at the book shelf, he got another idea. He pulled out the Chariot and the Tower, channeling Energy through them and causing them to rotate in the Air.

"I'll be setting a few traps of my own now..."

He invoked the Tower:

"Number 16, The Tower."

The card flashed silver, then disappeared. Ethic knew this was his cue to direct it's pure destructive energy. He focused it on the bookshelf before him. The Wood began to creak and crack in various places as it degradded. The ruin grew even worse as Ethic put more power into it. The wood splintered and finally the entire section of shelf collapsed to the ground under the weight of the hundreds of tombs, spilling broken wood and books onto the floor, Almost all of them fell open upon landing.

Satisfied with this part down, Ethic put the next part of his plan into action before the Fatigue could hit him, as he knew it would.

He Invoked the Chariot Now:

"Number 7."

He toke off at an insane speed, almost floating as he fleed from the pile of open books he'd just caused, he headed far enough away that he couldn't see the pile anymore, which he figured would be far enough for the Shadows not to be able to find him.

he cleared some books from an upper level in one of the shelves, making sure that they didn't fall open, Then pulled himself into the hiding spot he'd just made. The fatigue hit him like a sludge hammer blow, so hard he felt his heart stop for a few moments, then start again. Completely winded, and barely able to stay awake, he knew it would be some time before he could invoke again, or move around...

"Damn... Should've known it would be harsher if I used multiple cards..."

With that, he resigned himself to recovering some stamina...

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A nice-looking lady took Enya and Ace away from the horrible book that Enya had read.

She finally blinked and looked up at the miss-- two misses, she saw-- and a mister.

"Miss.. Rose?" said the little girl, tilting her head, as if she were still slightly in a daze. A lot of bad monsters came to attack them-- Miss Rose, Enya, and Ace, for a while. There were also three misters earlier. Where were they now?

Enya looked up at the mister who'd come just now, and at the other miss whose name she didn't know, big blue eyes peeking through somewhat disheveled black hair.

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Shadows rose from the pile of books while Ethic fled. Swiftly they began to move, spreading through the library like a disease. A group of them caught sight of Quincy and started following him, initially unnoticed.


On another corner of the library, the huge she-wolf finished what once was Nolan McKyntyre with a pleased after meal expression.

"Now, don't stand there idly. You have more work to do" the judge's voice told it.

The beast bared it's fangs and started it's hunt, eager for more.


"Byron the third, and Quickshot Quincy. Are you ready for you Judgement?"

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"Miss... Rose?" Rose was so startled that she almost began coughing again. Hoarsely, she said, "Oh thank goodness, you're ok! I was so worried about you, especially having almost seen you... Well, nevermind that, you are ok, right?"

Rose coughed for a few more minutes before taking a self-assessment. She seemed to be feeling a bit better, her head not pounding as much as it had been. She also felt not as tired.

"Guys, I think I'm a little better."

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