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What is the best way to challenge yourself in 13.5


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Basically the title, give me the hardest challenge to complete in rejuv.

Dont include monotypes since thats too easy

I already did a nuzlocke on rejuv V13 and dont feel like doing it again

Also, make sure it is alteast somewhat possible

I am looking forward to brutal challenges from you guys


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using only pokemon with less than 450 BST, 450 specifically because it locks you out of Chansey, along with most fully evolved pokemon. Stats wise, the strongest options you get are Arbok, Liepard and Audino. have fun with that. Could also go for something easier, like less than 480 which gives a lot of strong single stage mons and more fully evolved pokemon. oh, and no Shedinja either.

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Probably any ordinary challenge (starter only, nuzlocke, [insert pokemon here] only, etc.).


The game is pretty challenging, and it's possible that some challenges are impossible to do, due to the level cap. I'm playing on easy mode, and I can say that I've struggled in a few places.


Basically, just do any handicap, and you'll probably find it challenging.

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do a speedrun, here's a reference. i recommend routing for a terajuma or a story mode speedrun since that has not been done yet. its a very rewarding and challenging endeavor. i also think monotypes and nuzlockes are too easy on repeats, especially if you know the game well. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL10KJ7nQuJ7r9Cdm5AeeTPXmXx0ZJq3wk

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