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Shelly and Fern Questions...


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So I've been thinking about a few things...

1: Who's watching Shelly's Gym? Since she got all mixed up in the issue with Sigmund and Team Meteor... isn't anyone curious as to where the Gym leader is, especially when Florinia pointed out earlier that she couldn't go fetch the Cut HM herself because she had a responsibility to her ward and couldn't leave for very long?

2: Why does Shelly go from competent Gym Leader to Damsel in Distress? She still has her Pokemon right?

Now about Fern...

In Episode 10 when Saphira breaks through the west side of the mountain and you get access to Route 1, how did Fern beat you there when Saphira had JUST made a path through the mountain? I mean... the Reborn Gate was sealed at that point and that was the only other way to get to Route 1.

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Because plot
Now in all seriousness, I guess gym leaders can be absent a while from their gyms, and maybe the in-game Ame hasn't been notified about that so there's no back up leader. About Shelly being not so helpful after the Sigmund incident, well everyone grew some levels and she haven't trained for a while (but we really don't know...), so her Lv 35(?) pokemon won't be of any help now...

Fern well he's just an a**hole, he problably just teleported like the swag jockey he is.

Edited by RasenShot
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As for Shelly...
Sigmund is much stronger than her, so he could easily defeat her, then confiscate her team.
No one noticed she was gone because no one had the brains on how to get through her gym.

As for Fern... Well, he was never there when you actually entered Route 1. See, what happened is that you proceeded as normal with the story after handing Fern's ass to him. You continued to go below the city, where you met El. However, when you lost the amethyst pendant (? I don't even know..), some magical time stuff happened. You leave after finding and defeating El, when you actually fight Fern. But, due to that magical time stuff, it only LOOKS like you fought him on Route 1. That was why the "voice" wanted you to return to Arceus's birthplace again

Or something

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That doesn't really make too much sense unless there is something in the game that mentions it you still have the ruby ring after all that would prevent all that stuff from happening the voice refers most likely to come back again once you or meteor has the four keys again. As for fern he might have the hm fly of there is another way to route 1 besides going through the mountain. Or the most logical explanation is he got through there before meteor blocked off the access from route 1 until Saphira blew it up again. That just makes the most sense other than the girl saying to come back again there is no other thing that backs up your theory Arkhidon.

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So I've been thinking about a few things...

1: Who's watching Shelly's Gym? Since she got all mixed up in the issue with Sigmund and Team Meteor... isn't anyone curious as to where the Gym leader is, especially when Florinia pointed out earlier that she couldn't go fetch the Cut HM herself because she had a responsibility to her ward and couldn't leave for very long?

Don't assume that Gym Leaders don't have connections. They are very high up in society.

2: Why does Shelly go from competent Gym Leader to Damsel in Distress? She still has her Pokemon right?

I don't know, and I don't know. Going to have to have Ame give you an answer to that one.

In Episode 10 when Saphira breaks through the west side of the mountain and you get access to Route 1, how did Fern beat you there when Saphira had JUST made a path through the mountain? I mean... the Reborn Gate was sealed at that point and that was the only other way to get to Route 1.

Because it's Fern. The guy spends the whole game finding new ways to be a jerk.

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forget about Shelly I wonder why Noel needs to be saved even though he has strong pokemon and even stronger than sigmund. he even ran and hid when he could easily fought when team meteor got in the house. I even wonder why he is even in a orphanage when he is a gym leader. How was anyone supposed to challenge him when he does not even have his own gym and is cooped up in an orphanage.

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So I've been thinking about a few things...

1: Who's watching Shelly's Gym? Since she got all mixed up in the issue with Sigmund and Team Meteor... isn't anyone curious as to where the Gym leader is, especially when Florinia pointed out earlier that she couldn't go fetch the Cut HM herself because she had a responsibility to her ward and couldn't leave for very long?

2: Why does Shelly go from competent Gym Leader to Damsel in Distress? She still has her Pokemon right?

Now about Fern...

In Episode 10 when Saphira breaks through the west side of the mountain and you get access to Route 1, how did Fern beat you there when Saphira had JUST made a path through the mountain? I mean... the Reborn Gate was sealed at that point and that was the only other way to get to Route 1.

1- There's a dudeguy when you first get to Shelly's gym who informs you that she isn't accepting challengers. When Shelly is away, he would probably say the same thing to other trainers. The reason Florinia couldn't leave wasn't because she's bound to her gym, but because she didn't want to leave Obsidia's PULSE-plant crisis unattended.

2- Shelly isn't as resilient as the others- it's not in her character to pick a fight herself. If she has friends with her, such as when raiding the orphanage, then she'll help them out, but she's mostly too timid. That said, it should generally be understood that when the children are abducted, they're separated from their Pokemon. However, that wasn't clearly outlined in the main story for the sake of not having especially long-winded cutscenes. If that's a common concern, I can certainly add it in.

Another thing of note is that it is actually with in Sigmund's legal power to arrest any of the children (specifically, the characters who are under 18, which includes heather shelly noel anna charlotte and even cain). The reason it's left to the protagonist (who is assumed to be a legal adult) and later Laura/Saphira, to defend them is actually a matter of law. Although technically the player broke the law in infiltrating the Orphanage, Sigmund is not able to arrest the player because he is a doctor, not a formal officer of the law- he may only, as the owner of the orphanage, legally take the children.

For Fern-

Or the most logical explanation is he got through there before meteor blocked off the access from route 1 until Saphira blew it up again.

This is correct. When you first pass through the Tanzan mountains, Charlotte notes that the metalwork is newly furnished. The last time Fern was seen was in the Wasteland. After he beats Aya, he finds a path into Chrysolia, beats Serra, and passes through Tanzan before Meteor locks it down for testing PULSE-Abra. Admittedly, that's a small window, but it'll have to do.

I even wonder why he is even in a orphanage when he is a gym leader. How was anyone supposed to challenge him when he does not even have his own gym and is cooped up in an orphanage.

As far as the in-game Ame is concerned (this holds true for Charlotte as well), Noel's official gym location is actually the orphanage. In-game Ame doesn't seem to be aware that Sigmund forbids them from being challenged there. Charlotte later mentions that she has a gym in Calcenon but until she escapes the orphanage that gym is just an abandoned site that she inherited before being taken into the orphanage.

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forget about Shelly I wonder why Noel needs to be saved even though he has strong pokemon and even stronger than sigmund. he even ran and hid when he could easily fought when team meteor got in the house. I even wonder why he is even in a orphanage when he is a gym leader. How was anyone supposed to challenge him when he does not even have his own gym and is cooped up in an orphanage.

If it came down to it, he probably could have defended himself, but it was already said by Saphira, in so many words, that it's better not to take that chance if you don't have to. Laura was officially stated as an Elite Four member and yet Sigmund still dealt with her (if you chose that path) by dealing with her directly and not her Pokemon. I'm sure he would have probably done something equally underhanded, if not worse, to Noel if he was presented the opportunity.

As for Shelly's absence, I'm sure the guy in the lobby probably stopped people from challenging like he does to you if you didn't do everything required beforehand.

Ninja'd by Ame, disregard that stuff

More on Fern- keep in mind that he directly implied he doesn't have Noel's badge, so yes, it's entirely possible he got through the mountain before it was locked down. Especially so if he moves at the typical scumbag rival pace.

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Another thing of note is that it is actually with in Sigmund's legal power to arrest any of the children (specifically, the characters who are under 18, which includes heather shelly noel anna charlotte and even cain). The reason it's left to the protagonist (who is assumed to be a legal adult) and later Laura/Saphira, to defend them is actually a matter of law. Although technically the player broke the law in infiltrating the Orphanage, Sigmund is not able to arrest the player because he is a doctor, not a formal officer of the law- he may only, as the owner of the orphanage, legally take the children.

The protagonist is a legal adult? so there older than Fern ,and Cain, and whats her face with the emboar?

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