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Documenting tile errors with the community


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So i know such topics exist and you also can report tile errors in troubleshooting and all, but much less people go there and actively participate in such things, so i'm creating this topic as thing only community can do, i urge everyone who found a wrong tile to post their findings here to document it for further game polishing. I'm sure there is a thread for such things in discord as well but might as well do it here too. I will provide a starting batch and hope people will continue. Some of them were here since v13 so either they were not a priority or the information just didn't get to devs so here we are. 

1) Can still swim through Sheridan bridges. 

2) Can walk through the pipes on Helojak island.

3) On alternate route 2 there is a nice water tile in the middle of a tree, can fish there quite comfortably. 

4) This one is still from v13, can walk through the fountain in the goomy castle. Too bad you can't fish there. 




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