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Hey if anyone could tell me if  and where these pokemon are located in the current build then that would be great:

1. Mudkip (I didn't get the one from the sheridan wetlands, but now that place is just gone so I can't get that nor can I get beldum anymore)

2. Scorbunny

3. Torchic


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Torchic isn't available at all in the wild yet since it's the strongest starter by far.

Scorbunny you get at the end of Maman's sidequest, which you can finish and get back to her house at the soonest right before the beginning of Chapter 14. Make sure not to hold off on this one too long since the quest will be locked out forever if you go past Chapter 14 without finishing it.

Mudkip you find in a new placed called Helojak Island, which you reach from the Terajuma Shipyard. You can get it once you have Rock Climb.

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