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Ren Zorrialyn Battle


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If memory served me correct in intense he has:


Seeded A-Roserade (Sand Rush?)

Life orb Flygon (Levitate)

Muscle Band Arcanine (Intimidate)

Life Orb Greninja (Protean)

Mega Scizor (Technician)

Fairy Type Null(?)(RKS System)


Basically impossible to outspeed  A-Roserade here so get yourself a bulky mon and tank its atk, it was quite fragile so it will go down in like 2 hits, Mom's Syveon is great choice here it has perfect IV and can tank Special Atk like a champ, Flygon is a menace here if you dont have a good counter it will sweep you, get yourself some fast/ bulky ice type or bulky mon like Stamina Mudsdale to chip away its HP (You can get mudsdale in the sand outside the town) Arcanine go down easy if you got solid ground type so use that Mudsdale, Greninja is another menace but quite fragile, there is Muk in the Badlands i suppose so maybe use that to tank its atk and deal damage, it was quite fragile after all, Mega scizor is kinda easy, get yourself a fire type and teach it Heat Wave then melt it, there move releaner in the town that can teach you that, and lastly Type null these thing should go down fast if you have a good steel type.


Rain Team is also viable here so you can consider that


Im not sure if this info is useful or not because you didn't tell us Your team, your rotation in the PC and what Difficulty you are playing, there are probable better alternative in your rooster but i just assume all of you mon got counter by his



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  • 2 years later...

I kicked the Greninja with a...more robust strategy. Namely: Ambipom+Normal Gem+Fake Out. After the A-Roserade I switched to Ambipom, used Fake Out (strengthened by the Gem), switched back to another 'mon ( Sylveon). For some reason Greninja used Scald (instead of Gunk Shot), which didn't KO the Sylveon (yay me!), instead I managed to get in another attack. Next turn, the dreaded Gunk Shot did come, knocking out the Sylveon. Switch to Ambipom, another Fake Out. Thankfully that did it.

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