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TrollFreak or 9 Potentially Huge Mysteries?


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Seriously this article is doing my head in and I haven't even finished Y yet cause of my exams...
Possible new region? more event exclusive pokemon (HEATRAN!!!!)? hex ghost girls and a hidden SOS?
Speculation nether suited me, I'm far too demanding but please I want to hear your own opinions of said rumours ?
nobody likes a cynic but I am seriously hoping for DLC to another region via an unlockable teleporter in the power plant...

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Regarding the new regions idea; I wouldn't be surprised if they took an old region, remade it and gave it new pokemon and items; not to discredit the idea of new regions, but still:

It's entirely possible that that will be the case instead.

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There is a lot of speculation going on about the mysteries of the new games. My theory is this: Game Freak has ultimately decided that, in order to enhance the buyrates of future titles, it will be more lucrative for them to keep X and Y relevant, at least as long as Pokemon games remain on the 3DS system. Therefore, all these mysteries are just placeholders for future updates, that will be released via Wi-Fi events. These updates will be used to mantain compatibility with future games, which quite possibly will contribute to look further into the new storylines, which as of now received a very anti-climatic ending in X/Y... Only time will tell I guess!

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To be honest, I really see a Hoenn remake in the future(for real this time though pls gamefreak). I've seen several Hoenn references among a few other things to have me believe this is possible. For one, the berries thing that Marriland guy mentioned. As we all know, Gen 3 introduced berries. So as far as that's concerned I think it could be a hint that Hoenn is getting a remake. Although it is a vague hint, it doesn't exactly hint at you trading with new regions for those other 14 berries. The other involves Mega Evolution, and everyone's fan favorite Fire/Fighting starter, Blaziken. We all know that the Kanto starters all had Mega Evolutions, but why was Blaziken the only one from his gen to get one? I think that Gamefreak has plans for Sceptile and Swampert, and are merely holding them back for hype reasons. I mean, they can't just announce a remake with nothing to offer other than updated graphics, right? The other two getting a Mega Evo would certainly boost hype and make people excited to buy the game.(as if most gen 3 fanboys wouldn't jump at the thought of it anyway). However, I do believe we will get a new region soon, and based on what Marriland was saying, it is highly likely. I don't know which will come first, but I do believe that both are coming.

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I lol'd.

I wanna see Hoenn come back on the 3DS before any new regions come out. I've been wanting Hoenn back since before Platinum, come on and give us the remake already...

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@Rotom & Sakido, If DLC is the road they choose i would feel very disrespected as a long time fan if they made me pay for it and game freak has been pretty good in the past with free mystery gifts and etc so I don't think it will be the case that a new region will come at a cost.

@Dust, *Thinks of mega-swampert* *begin drool*

Marriland has some pretty interesting ideas but honestly looking at the unobtainable pokemon list for X and Y you can see alot of them come from Hoenn and Sinnoh. I feel like a new region combining elements of both as well as another set of new pokes is most likely. Hoen remake probably won't be Gen 6 in my eyes for the sole reason there is no HM dive in X and Y.

Sidenote: Really loving the idea that the more you tip the better your shiny chances!

Edited by Bear
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Hoen remake probably won't be Gen 6 in my eyes for the sole reason there is no HM dive in X and Y.

They could just add in one later, download a free patch with the professor giving you the HM, or get it through an update or something, WE MUST KEEP HOPE ALIVE!!!


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There wasn't a Whirlpool HM in Platinum, that didn't prevent HG/SS from happening. And besides, they could just give us a DLC patch for X/Y, if the issue is compatibility for trades... So yeah, I can't see the point of the HM argument against a remake being made...

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Okay, I doubt anyone can find anything constructive or helpful in the quoted post. Did it really have to be written?

We all thought the same, but there is a reason why nobody pointed out. Please this is a very interesting discussion on a very intriguing topic, let's avoid turning it into a flame fest...

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Oh yeah. I forgot about the unobtainable list. Treecko and Mudkip are both on that. along with several other pokemon I really want That could be another reason to believe that Hoenn remakes are on the way, though it doesn't hold as much merit as the previously mentioned ones. As for the HM Dive thing.... that's not really a solid reason to believe a remake won't happen. For example; Dive was included in gen 3, but Red and Blue remakes still happened despite there never being Dive in those games. The same applies to Whirlpool like what was mentioned before.

Now that I think about it. Didn't Diamond and Pearl make references to Johto? Most notable being the Red Gyarados. I also remember seeing pictures of a "What if" remake of Emerald which looked VERY similar to how X and Y look in terms of the world and graphics. Not that it really means much, but it is kinda odd. I don't see a new gen coming out directly after the newest one, so the next game will definitely either be a remake or a third version of gen 6.

What I'm thinking is either: Ruby and Sapphire remakes, Pokemon Z, or Pokemon X2 and Y2 like what happened with Black and White. They seem way more likely than a new gen right away. After one of those we should probably get gen 7.

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I instead think we will get both a sequel to X/Y (given the way this legendary trio was characterized, Z seems slightly more likely than X2/Y2, but that is just me) and Gen 3 remake. The reason why I am calling this is company policy: they want to push 3DS as much as possible, just like they used Gen 4 to push DS...

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I'm pretty sure someone from nintendo said that they aren't doing dlc for X/Y. Mystery gift events notwithstanding.

I am pretty confident in the speculation that any new games will be cross compatible with X and Y are true. As to what region or regions they refer to, it could easily be hoen and/or kanto but they've never really had war in their history mentioned before. If Kalos is based on France, which historically had several feuds with nearby countries over there in that (relatively) crowded European continent, they very well could be new regions based off one of those.

The proof would probably be in the programming for x/y. Perhaps there ARE some things waiting to be unlocked via internet received code, like a full game is sometimes unlocked by simply purchasing a key after being able to play so far in certain game demos. With all those unobtainable pokemon, it is also quite possible that there are other, brand new pokemon that are coded in but are obtainable only from this new region(s).

The question is how soon are they going to unveil their next project so we can know for sure?

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I would like to point out that they explicitly say there will be no extra content you'll need to download FOR A PRICE. And a lot of people here have been saying that they'd quit the game if Game Freak added content to be downloaded FOR A PRICE (which won't be the case, since in the interview they said it's not going to happen).

But this doesn't mean that we can't be given new updates via Wi-Fi events for free. My theory about placeholders still stands. It would actually be a smart move for them: like, I am going to give you an insane amount of updates for free, but these updates are needed to mantain compatibility with the new games, so go buy the new games!

This is smart marketing, and Nintendo has proven time and time again to be able to pull off smart marketing decisions for their most famous brands (Pokemon, Mario...). I can definitely see them going this path.

Edited by Tomas Elliot
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Several things are noticeably missing from this gen, the Department Stores you always see, a real Battle Frontier, the least HM's of any game I can think of atm ( which I wouldn't bring up save for it having the MOST TM's), and, most suspicious, the Pokemon.

Not even touching on how few new Pokemon there are compared to previous gens, Game Freak said all Pokemon could be found in this region.


As in all of them.

Where are the rest? My guess would be with the Department Store, Battle Frontier, at least one more HM, maybe even more new Pokemon, perhaps even the new region the backpack dude mentioned or a revamped older region, waiting to be added into the game through some update. Since I can't see them putting a new region in this game (seems more like something for a new title, a gen 7 thing) I expect another HM in the form of Dive, and Hoenn to be accessible by air or sea. This is the 1st time I can remember having docks in a game with no apparent importance,but, if a boat to Hoenn were to pull in, it would make sense.

Actually, and this is just me ass-pulling a prayer,but, there may be a way to go to ALL regions coming. Again, backpack dude mentions ALL of them when he saying where he isn't from. It would have even more impact if you could GO to every region... but not his. Make him into a teaser of even greater proportions for Gen 7. It would also enable them to make good on their claim that ALL Pokemon would show up, placing some in each of their home regions along with the ones you can find in all regions. This could also mean that Rock Climb may return as a HM, for Sinnoh. Still, this is me praying for Soda Pop flavored rain, and I dunno how likely it is. Nevertheless, I think that Hoenn at the very least stands to return.

For all of Hoenn's faithful, KEEP HOPE ALIVE!!

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I think the all region thing is probably not the best move Nintendo could make with this, to be honest. Sure, you could nostalgia everywhere, but there wouldn't be much to do, since most people have very high-level Pokemon by the end of the game already. Gyms would have to be like lv 100s and the E4 would have to have competitive Pokemon and AIs to make for a challenge. If they were to make online multiplayer, however, that could add a lot to having every region, though that's probably never going to happen.

I think that there's probably more to Kalos than we know about. I'm talking like secret areas or places disconnected form the main area we all know, such as underground (couldn't we do that in DPPt?), or behind the GIANT ASS MOUNTAIN RANGE SURROUNDING KALOS. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the only generation without a city on an island or in the water? That's kind of suspicious. Other than that, however, I have no idea. I'm hoping that backpacker guy is someone important, because two regions would be amazing and I would probably buy an extra region for this game, albeit begrudgingly.

Touching on what Requiemon said, adding in HMs seems likely, since this is the first game since Gen II that hasn't had a unique HM (Other than BW/B2W2, but they're pretty "special" themselves). Of course, I might be over thinking things, but that article got me going. Overall I'm incredibly hopeful for this game. Hell, maybe there'll be an update released with the Pokemon Bank that adds something more. Seems like something Nintendo would do.

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I'm postin here again, cause there's even more.

Seems they put out an Update for X and Y--A bug fix, yes, but it shows that they can and therefore prolly will add stuff imo, since they called it version 1.1

They wouldnt call it that without there being at LEAST a v2, right?

Also, there seem to be pokemon with Types we havent seen hidden in the games code (Ghost/Psychic what now?), and people asking for pokemon with names I never heard of in GTS. If stuff like that is hidden in the code already, then they are certainly holding out and going to update the game, and it'll be an update with more new pokemon!

However, since they're new, maybe they DO plan to put a new region into X and Y via update... adding into that is Shauna's "Going to a far away region next time" statement.... and of course, everyone's favorite backpacker....

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Wow one thing at a time before my head explodes, how did you find out about people asking for wierd stuff on GTS? like do they deposit pokemon like charmander and ask for shit you've never heard of (like not a name of a pokemon that is actually just a foreign name)?
Secondly i'm curious about where this code stuff coming from ?
Not trying to call you a liar or anything like that (acually quite hopeful your right haha) but PLEASE SOURCE ME :)

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I saw the pokemon name Volcanion again as a pokemon someone was looking for.

If you pay to go into areas of cafes and talk to people, they'll tell you about pokemon. It is likely that this is how people have games that have heard of those names and thus allow them to search/ask for them on GTS.

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