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EXP Candies vs EXP All


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So, to preface this post this is all my opinion, I'm not someone who plays Intense with Nuzlocke/No Items/whatever, I'm just playing it to play a Pokemon game.


With the release of V13, the Rejuvenation team has seemingly removed the EXP All item from the AP store. For those of you who don't know what it is, it's a toggleable item that works as the EXP share does in recent generations, where upon defeating a pokemon a certain amount of XP is given to all other 'mons in your team. It used to be available for 30 AP, which makes it inaccessible at the start of the game unless you grind out a LOT of stuff, and was usually picked up by me before I went to Akuwa Town for the first time. At that point, it helped me easily train up some of the newer pokemon that I may get on Terajuma and beyond, as wild battles at that time were about on-level. This item seems to have been replaced by the EXP candies given out by the Breeder trainers, at a rate of 3 per battle. The candies give a certain amount of exp to a pokemon on use, giving a more active feel to leveling. Personally, I prefer the more passive EXP All, as it allows me to hunt down specific pokemon while evolving and training a team instead of just standing in front of a repetitive trainer and murdering their pokemon for only a couple levels per pokemon.


What do you guys think?

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1 hour ago, Asnaeb said:

It's not actually deleted from the game. You can get exp all and EV training items after you beat Valarie from the AP store.


3 hours ago, SharlaSmith44 said:

Exp; All was pushed back to Post- Val

Neat, thanks for the info!

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