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I suppose an introduction is in order!


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Hello! Nice to meet you all! I'm Grim - Quite new to the competitive battling scene (and, indeed, I'm still a bit crap), but I think I've got the basics down, I think. Practise makes perfect, and all that.

In any case, I've been around the pokemon forums, and found this one by the fangame (which is awesome, by the way!), so I'm hoping that this one will be better than the others. Or, at least. It'll be one I stick around for a decent length of time :)

So, I suppose I should say something not so akin to pokemon, no? I like to think of myself as a decent artist - both with sprites and more traditional stuff, although my work pales in comparison to... Well, everyone else's, really. ^-^ Ah well I suppose I'll get there eventually. I'm an aspiring writer, too, and though I do suffer from chronic lack-of-dedication-to-any-one-plot, I don't think my stuff is all that bad. Perhaps I'll even post some of it up some day.

If the people here prove themselves able to handle the grimdark nature of... Everything I do...

I'm a bit of a skater too, for interests beyond what I can do on the Internet, and I reckon I'm quite decent at that. Not the best, by far, but decent, in any case. Skating has proved itself more painful than pokemon, anyway.

Anyway, with all that stuff over with, I guess what I really want to say is: Hi there! Hope I can find a reason to stick around here!

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If you ever want to be sick of Pokemon puns, just talk to Summer and Pandora, they'll get you acquainted with them. Anyway, Welcome aboard! I hope you have fun battling, and talking with all the amazing people of Reborn.

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Don't let Mr. Freeze up there tell you about this place being chill. Well it is, just not too Chill. Liek, Vanilla Ice chill. Yeah, that's about right.

Ahem. Anyways! Welcome to Reborn and I hope you enjoy your stay.

Edited by Cowtao
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Where's Ice when you need him...

In any case, welcome! I'd say more but I never have much to say. As long as you're nice I'm sure you'll find somewhere to fit in here~

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I'm surprised our buddy Roo didn't jump over here to comment when the word pun was thrown about. You know, he is a Kangaroo, after all. I swear I normally have better ones but I didn't feel like being creative. Welcome to Reborn... Get away from here while you can. Save yourself.

inb4 roo gets mad because he usually makes those "roo" puns himself and I kinda just said they weren't creative. <<

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Woah. That's a lot of replies for just overnight! ^-^ It's nice to be welcomed so warmly - Although, if uh is place is so chill, perhaps that's the answer to 'why aren't there any radiators?' Or does everyone just wear wooly jumpers?

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Welcome to Reborn ^^

I love writing/reading grimdark stuff :> Feel free to share your work!

I wish I could draw, too :< as it is all I am is a barely talented writer ><

more importantly, welcome, and I hope you enjoy your stay here at Reborn^^

Because you aren't getting out. Submit to "HER".

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Excuse me young lady but that avatar is TOO DAMN HAPPY. jk, it's very nice. But Grim seems not so grom to me. Anyhow, welcome to the padded ward. Along with your sanity, leave your apples at the door. It keeps the pesky white coats away.

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... Puns? :D

You'll fit in nice here then. xD Welcome. ^^ Leave your sanity at the window.

Don't you dare encourage that shit :feelsgn:

Welcome to Reborn. Leave the puns at the window.

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