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Trying to Explain Pokemon Weaknesses


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So yeah, a lot of Pokemon weaknesses do not make many sense. So, I tried to explain them in my own goofy opinion. Obviously this is more of a joke, so don't nerd rage on me. :P


First-Hand fail Explanation of Weaknesses


Fighting: Fighting Pokemon are basically a normal type Pokemon with extra physical skills. So yes, Fighting types kick Normal types' butt.

No effect: Ghost and vice-versa. Normal is too simple and ghost is too… dead? O.o Errr...


Flying: Well, when I think of flying being strong against fighting, I think of a Pidgey flying around a Hitmonchan's face all like, “muhaha can’t touch this!” *peck* *peck* *peck*

Psychic: I say mind over body.


Rock: Ever hear the term, “hit two birds with one stone”? Explained...

Electric: Well yeah, flying in the air and BOOM! Also, I have read about birds dying quite often from storms.

Ice: Try to fly when your wings are frozen. Also, most birds fly south in the winter to escape the cold too.

No effect Ground: Well in battle I think flying Pokemon knows better than to be on the ground. So no effect because of constant miss.


Ground: Well have you ever tried to poison the ground? Probably not, since it wouldn’t work and it would be pointless to. (nor would it work on a rock, but yeah it isn’t considered a weakness)

Psychic: Mind over body excuse again? Good luck with concentration while a Muk sits by you. Actually, just being around a Muk is distracting. Psychic Pokemon just can't handle the stink and the yuckiness. So their defense is lowered.


Water. Yeah it will get all soggy and muddy. Yuck!

Grass: Throw some leafs and flowers on a Ground type, and it will be overwhelmed it was used for nature.

Ice: I think of snow and how it completely covers the ground. It is like suffocating and forgotten.

No effect: Electric. Well when lightning hits the ground in an open area, no one cares because it doesn't effect anything right?


Fighting: Well I guess Pokemon are Masters at martial arts and can break any type of rocks. Hiiii-YA!

Ground: Well one small rock… miles and miles of ground. A rock is inferior to the ground O.o (Stupid)

Steel: Steel is usually stronger than rock in the every day world.

Water: Water can slowly erode rocks! It is a slow process, but still legit.

Grass: Throw some moss, leafs, and flowers on a rock, and watch it die of embarrassment.


Flying: Birds eat bugs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Rock: Poor little buggies get squished from mean ol’ rocks.

Fire: Lol I think of burning ants with a magnify glass.


Ghost: Ooookay here we go… this is a tough one. Maybe they are weak from too much ghosty energy? Like ghost explosion? O.o

Dark: Well maybe since a ghost’s energy is in a pure form, dark can corrupt it? Or maybe they are just scared of the dark? >_> Well most ghost Pokemon already look pretty “dark”.

No Effect: (Normal already covered)

Fighting: Well try to punch a ghost and see what happens… Spoiler: NOTHING.


Ground: Well you can put sand on a fire to put it out.

Rock: Good luck trying to set a rock on fire. Smash out the fire with some rocks?

Water: Obvious


Grass: Grass needs and absorbs water.

Electric: If you have any questions about this, go swimming during a thunderstorm. Don't actually do that...


Flying: They are going to eat you! (Wait, isn’t that bug?) Well still a bird sits on a tree… a tree does not sit on a bird. >.>;

Poison: Poison kills plants D;

Bug: Well bugs USE grass and nature for their benefit. I think it is effective, since it probably annoys the hell out of grass types.

Fire: Obvious


(Needs to be weak against more types)

Ground: As discussed earlier. Lightning isn't going to do anything to ground.


Bug: Did they just need to make things more balance? Well maybe psychic Pokemon are just really grossed out by bugs. I know I am (unless they are cute :3).

Ghost: Well BOO! Ghosts probably interrup with psychic abilities, and psychics are more sensitive to spirits/ghosts.

Dark: Probably mind/energy corruption again.


Steel. Steel can just break ice like glass.

Fighting: Fighting Pokemon will chop up some ice into ice sculptures! Honest it is the same case with steel. Ice can be very fragile. Especially to a fighting Pokemon who seems to be able to punch/kick through everything.

Rock: I believe it is the same as the above two weaknesses. Throw a rock at some ice, and watch it shatter!

Fire: Obvious


Ice: Well dragon has to be weak against something right? So um… freeze it…

Dragon: Too powerful for their own good? Dragon battle... GO!

Fairy: I think of it as mythical creature vs. mythical creature. Are fairies simply too cute for a dragon to take? Are dragons just allergic to fairy dust? It is hard to draw a conclusion until we know more fairy type moves in X and Y.


Fighting: Like superheros beating up the evil bad guys.

Bug: Bugs are too pure and (stupid) to get over taken by dark. So Dark Pokemon just can’t handle the pressure.


Fire: Melt that steel into a puddle!

Fighting: I guess it is true. Fighting Pokemon are Masters at martial arts. POW!

Ground: Going back to where it came from!

No effect: Poison. No way you can be poisoned if you completely made out of steel. o.o


Although nothing official has been released, I found a source that said, "Fairy-type Pokémon themselves have been hinted as being weak to Steel- and Poison-type attacks."

Steel: Way to strong and heavy for a little fairy.

Poison: Too fragile to fumes.

(I really thought Fairy was going to be weak against Dark or Ghost.)


Bonus: I don't think Bug and poison should be a type. Also, I think ground and rock should be combined. As I said before, Electric type needs more weaknesses!!

So, I know everyone won't agree with everything I said above. Especially since some were a complete guess since they make NO SENSE! Feel free to post why YOU think some types are weak against other types!

Edited by Wish
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This is a cool topic, I typed out something similar on the first version of the forum.

My thoughts about the dragon/ice thing was that because dragons were creatures of myth, lost in old legends- and ice has a sense of timelessness to it (cryogenic freezing, freeze literally means to stand still). Freezing dragons would be the equivalent to putting them back into that timeless, purely mythic state.

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@T-Raz: LOL it is crazy. Maybe flying is just amazing at dodging? Errr... that still wouldn't make sense.... go figure :P

@Amethyst: Profound theory. Not sure if the creators were thinking that deep about it based on the some of the silly weaknesses that are in play. But it makes a lot more sense than dragon being weak against ice for no reason. Hehe~

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You know, I was going to make a topic on fairy, but meh, guess I'll post here.


Dark- One, Dark needs more super effective types than only ghost and psychic. Two, due to the advent of Christianity, fairies are considered demoted angels who were not good enough for Hell. So as darkness is too good for them, they would be overpowered by it.

Poison- Some fairies are nature spirits, as such, pollution would kill them.

Ice- Same as Ame's reasoning. (snatcher D=<)

Steel- Fairies played a huge part of the past as deities. But with science on the rise, folktales are just tales. And steel is considered futuristic.

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The main reasoning for Dark/Psychic being weak to bug is because both those types deal with the mind. Bugs happen to be one of Humanity's most primal fears, hence their weakness.

Electric not being weak to so many types is because Electromagnetism is one of the 4 essential forces of nature. It binds everything together, and the only thing that can stop it are non-conducting things.

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If you're going to list fairy weaknesses, you should include the one confirmed weak to fairies ^^


I know it's probably to balance the game a bit more, but I still don't get it.

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Rycast! Oh Durr!! Totally forgot about that! I had a feeling I was forgetting something! I added fairy last second :P Let me edit it.

Edited, but not special!

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This is a cool topic, I typed out something similar on the first version of the forum.

My thoughts about the dragon/ice thing was that because dragons were creatures of myth, lost in old legends- and ice has a sense of timelessness to it (cryogenic freezing, freeze literally means to stand still). Freezing dragons would be the equivalent to putting them back into that timeless, purely mythic state.

@T-Raz: LOL it is crazy. Maybe flying is just amazing at dodging? Errr... that still wouldn't make sense.... go figure :P

@Amethyst: Profound theory. Not sure if the creators were thinking that deep about it based on the some of the silly weaknesses that are in play. But it makes a lot more sense than dragon being weak against ice for no reason. Hehe~

I think it's because they're reptiles(technically), and are cold blooded. I think most, if not all reptiles, do into a dormant state when it's cold. But my science skills are terrible so I'm likely to be wrong.

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Electric not being weak to so many types is because Electromagnetism is one of the 4 essential forces of nature. It binds everything together, and the only thing that can stop it are non-conducting things.

Hmm.. As the one of the most common aspect of fairies is nature, it could be possible that electric types and fairy would have something effective on either one of them. Perhaps

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Good point about Psychic, I never thought of it that way. :D

As for Electric, they should be weak against at least rock and maybe grass then.

Don't forget that a pretty good number of rocks will actually conduct electricity, even if weakly. As for grass, the fact that it'd be burned/not affect the current doesn't help much.

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Don't forget that a pretty good number of rocks will actually conduct electricity, even if weakly. As for grass, the fact that it'd be burned/not affect the current doesn't help much.

Well types already don't make much sense in all cases. I just think electric needs to be more balanced. I'm just really raging about electric types these days. In a different Pokemon game I've been playing, I been stuck on an electric team. So now I need to go find like a lvl 5 diglett or something >___>;

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Thanks again! Kinda embarrassing how many I missed, but yeah... that is what happens after 4 hours of sleep, and trying to type them all out ^^;!

Plus, I never been the best at memorizing all of the weaknesses. Normally have to glance at a cheat-sheet once in awhile.

Let me know if anyone else finds any mistakes!

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Surge/Watson giving you trouble?

Oh, it is another Pokemon indie game. Just have to fight this electric team that is impossible for me. I'm ready to pull my hair out over it! For some reason his Pokemon seem over powered too. Not sure how a Jolteon alone can take down my entire team. Some serious EV training, or something. Haha~ So yes, electric needs at least one extra random weakness! D:<

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