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Virtual league Pryce with Meganium


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So I'm trying to do the virtual league but I'm stuck with Pryce generally for other bosses in the game I never try to ask for help because you can always adapt with new mons or moves but here you can't you are stuck with a bad team against opponents that will always have more levels than you and stronger mons with good items and you can't even change the movesets to adapt.

Pryce is too strong:

Cloyster is not too dangerous but Jynx,Weavile and Mamoswine are just too strong.

Jynx can easily set up with Lovely Kiss and boost its special with Nastly Plot then just spam the field boosted Psychic and Blizzard with 90 precision.

Weavile is not as strong as Jynx but can still sweep you with Calm Mind and Dark Pulse/Blizzard.Plus it has Ice Shard which is boosted by Calm Mind because it's a special move in this field.

Then Mamoswine with Assault Vest (I'm sure of it because it tanks my special hits too well) but the problem is that there are no physical attackers in the given team.

The team with Meganium as a starter is:







Meganium is good because it has Leech Seed and can set up Screens so it's good.Espeon is only good because it's a psychic type in this field but it's other coverage is Bite so it's trash,it doesn't even have Calm Mind or Nasty plot but has Yawn and Double Team both are meh.sometimes they are usefull but most of the times I can't even set up Espeon because it's too frail and Yawn takes two turns to activate.Gengar's only tool is Hypnosis with high speed but it misses too much.It doesn't even have stab and has for coverage:Fire Punch,Thunderbolt and Sucker Punch.These are cool but too much pokemons boost their special so it can't do anything against them.Ampharos and Politoed are useless:they are too slow to do something and don't deal enough damage.


I play on Intense Mode and I really don't want to change the difficulty just for a SIDEQUEST.The only time I did that was for the Melia vs Madelis fight which is impossible too win on Intense.

I think that if there are fights on Intense Mode then they must be winnable but I can't find a way too beat Pryce.

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I really can't give you much battle and strategy advice but you may want to buy a shit load of Revival herbs and potions and just whittle down his pkmn little by little, at least that what i do if i got stuck on a battle

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Yeah thanks for that tip but I tried using the least amount of items possible and I won only because I got really lucky with crits and parahaxx with Politoed without that I think there was no way possible to win this way.


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