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I have my own opinions regarding shirou's ideals in UBW but can't be asked to debate that so I'm just gonna provide my input on the fate route

Only about 25% of the fate route actually contains anything I like about fate; the conflicts with Berserker, Emiya's confrontations with Kirei, TYPE-MOON setting up Kirei in a light that makes you underestimate him, Rin in general, and the battles with Rider were the only things I actually liked in the fate route. Everything else, to me, was horrible. To start with, Shirou's character is completely ripped apart and discarded, reducing his ideals to that one lone page in chivalry where girls are treated like shit (the amount of times I hear Shirou essentially stating "stay in the kitchen" in this route makes me cringe legitimately) and completely breaking any sort of like I felt for the romance between him and Saber; the only time Shirou's character felt legitimately portrayed to me was when Kirei made him undergo his "confession". Saber's background was done well here, but I feel as if the route didn't reflect her origins and motivations properly in the present tense of that route. Ilya's character is also horribly misportrayed, discarding her maturity, relationship with Berserker and experience as a homunculus of the Einzbern family and instead simply portraying her as psychopathic child murderer who gets forgiven with no explanation other than Shirou's already misportrayed ideals. Sakura's nowhere to be seen, and Fujimura didn't really have any involvement either. I feel like the only characters who weren't ruined in personality here were Rin, Kirei, Lancer, Shinji and Gilgamesh, and the last 2 are dicks anyway and Lancer barely had any screentime. The ruination of so many characters personalities in this route really dropped any attachment I had to what was going on unless Rin or Kirei was involved, especially since so much of the story is just Shirou being sexist as fuck to Saber without any legitimate backlash from Saber; Shirou's ideals aren't specifically based on the sex of the person he wants to save; him not wanting Saber to fight is legitimately fueled by his ideals, but using the excuse of Saber being a girl feels like TYPE-MOON's shallow blank check.

Also, the first sex scene was one of the most garbage ones in the VN.

While I can agree with some of what you say here I personally do think of Shirou as a sexist person, so that aspect of his character wasn't so out of place for me. It's one of the many reasons I don't like Shirou. As for the forgiveness of Illya, again it's part of Shirou's character to be that way and if you don't like it blame him. To be fair Sakura's nowhere to be seen in UBW either, she's a completely forgotten character until you get to HF while Fujimura sticks to being Fujimura, a character who isn't entirely necessary in the first place (though I still love her). For me the story was much more about Shirou's ideals than anything else and while none of the three routes managed to make me like him UBW was the only one to make me angry at him.

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While I can agree with some of what you say here I personally do think of Shirou as a sexist person, so that aspect of his character wasn't so out of place for me. It's one of the many reasons I don't like Shirou. As for the forgiveness of Illya, again it's part of Shirou's character to be that way and if you don't like it blame him. To be fair Sakura's nowhere to be seen in UBW either, she's a completely forgotten character until you get to HF while Fujimura sticks to being Fujimura, a character who isn't entirely necessary in the first place (though I still love her). For me the story was much more about Shirou's ideals than anything else and while none of the three routes managed to make me like him UBW was the only one to make me angry at him.

I understand that Shirou's character is the reason for Ilya being forgiven, but the fact that his character feels so misrepresented to me in this route is what makes me feel like there isn't really a reason for Ilya being forgiven to begin with. I wouldn't actually blame Shirou for forgiving her, and I can understand why he would, it's just that his writing was done so shoddily there that they didn't give any upfront justification for his actions in the first place, completely failing yet again to portray or develop his character in that particular route.

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I really liked this weeks episode of yamada, because one of the things I feared that the show wouldn't accomplish was give each character proper backstory/development in a natural way. shiraishi was already quite different than most female leads and the little we got on this episode (especially her childhood pics) has distinguished her even more from most of them. now im really curious about the silver haired guy's past too, not to mention yamada himself.

and speaking of character backstories, shinoa from owari no seraph has got me pretty interested as well as the female antagonist that showcased on this weeks episode (couldn't care less about brown haired armin wannabe and the red-haired jean with glasses). tho, I have feeling they might not even go in-depth into them in the end, considering this seasons only 12 episodes long. especially on the aforementioned antagonist.

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i tried asking you on tumblr but your ask box is fucked up :<

goddamit not again

since anime topic, is owari no seraph good/plastic memories good because i've been delaying them for weeks and i wanna know if they're worth it to watch.

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yup, probably the main reason.

also, this is just a personal opinion and doesn't really matter much, but those white monsters that show up on the opening and which we've barely gotten explanations on regarding their origins, purpose and relation to vampires look pretty ridiculous and unnecessary.

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They call em the "Horsemen". From what I'm assuming, they are the reason why the Human population was nearly wiped out but you are right. They haven't explained shite about it.

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I really liked this weeks episode of yamada, because one of the things I feared that the show wouldn't accomplish was give each character proper backstory/development in a natural way. shiraishi was already quite different than most female leads and the little we got on this episode (especially her childhood pics) has distinguished her even more from most of them. now im really curious about the silver haired guy's past too, not to mention yamada himself.

and speaking of character backstories, shinoa from owari no seraph has got me pretty interested as well as the female antagonist that showcased on this weeks episode (couldn't care less about brown haired armin wannabe and the red-haired jean with glasses). tho, I have feeling they might not even go in-depth into them in the end, considering this seasons only 12 episodes long. especially on the aforementioned antagonist.

Yamada is slowly earning my respect. I legit dismissed it when I first heard of it, figured it was a generic SoL, whatevs. But the characters are just a nice cast. It's chock full of tropes of the genre its in sure but Tropes aren't really bad. Plus all the kissing fucks with every single ship possible. "I ship them so much, I want them to- oh. Well. What now?"

Owari. ehhhhhhhhh. It's not built anything really good after the great opening. It would also have been nice if they had at least tried to hide how

Mika was a vamp

but that's a meh twist anyway, easy to see even without them blatantly showing you in the OP.

Oreigaru, the last ep was chock full of interesting interactions. And Hiki did what every MC should do when they accidentally see a girls panties; Don't gawk, Get the fuck out.

Oh, and watch this vid

TL;DW, they legit claimed they thought Punchline was going to be Anime of the season. Like, what?

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heard about it a lot, but haven't had the time to watch it. is it really worth it or are you just supposed to watch it for the hilarious death scenes like another?

As far as I know Blood-C are only the death scenes. Blood+ on the other hand has a story behind it that is pretty interesting and definetly worth a watch.

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I watched it as a child, the action is nice to that its the first shounen (I know of) and basically that what ppl talk about when they say "this show is a generic shounen". Oh and dont expect to much of a plot, if you want to watch it. XD

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So, uh, DB. That, uh, that's a thing. I missed DB so I don't really get the hype :P

The original Dragon Ball is quite good honestly, then there's Dragon Ball Z which just likes to exaggerate a lot and waste a lot of time with repeated sequences and scenes from previous episodes but still makes you hype for the big moments for whatever reason, and there's Dragon Ball GT which i actually liked since it seemed more similar to the original (with a ridiculous premise though) but the majority of people dislike or don't even acknowledge GT.

Didn't watch any of the abridged or whatever versions since i already know how it goes.

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Puella Magi Madoka Magica is definitely one of my favorite animes. Especially after Rebellion, even though most of the fanbase has diverged at that point, I still like Homura as a character, despite what she did. #hailhomucifer

I don't know if this belongs here, but I also love Umineko no Naku koro ni and it's prequel, Higurashi. Those two have been a great source of inspiration from me, and has thought me lots of things about life, especially Umineko.


I really like the madoka series too, it had some issues overall, such as being too short (but that might just be my opinion), but it's so freaking worth watching for the shock value. I also liked the twist in the third movie, unlike most of the fanbase did. The only real bad thing is that we have to wait for a sequel now :v.

Also, I'm a MASSIVE fanboy for the no naku koro ni series, mainly higurashi however, since I still haven't had the time to play that umineko vn people praise so much.

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I really enjoyed Umineko too, but so many open questions are left in the anime.

The anime was a terrible adaptation. I would suggest that you read the Umitweak version of the VN from the beginning, itself. Either that or watch a play through on youtube. I'm sure you could find it.

The manga is your best friend. Especially the EP8 manga, although it's not completely translated yet. The anime is also very very bad. You should go read the novel instead, if you haven't yet.

EP7 in the manga is also not completely translated. :/

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