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Yo so Lancer knocked it out of the park this week in Fate. Now you all understand one more part of what makes me like him so much.

In other fate related news, while not really anime I dropped by Fate/Grand Order (the game that's in development) and they have a whole massive list of characters now in the game. Most of them don't have identities yet, but there are tidbits of information dropped.

This lovely lady here:


managed to grab my attention as her description is basically the old description of Scathach (the woman who taught FSN Lancer how to fight/use magic and was also the one who gave him Gae Bolg). This makes me very excited and if she's playable then they've damn well sold me a copy. I mean this chick is so badass she was born a human but ascended to godhood because she was too skilled and killed too many crazy things. Not to mention her design just oozes a female version of the Irish lancers we've had so far.

Once someone asked me who I'd summon if I had the choice and was in the holy grail war. No joke Scathach was my answer, long before I knew anything about this game. So yeah, I'm excited to say the least, and if this isn't Scathach then they trolled me hard.

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Well everything I've seen in Fate/ makes me want expansion on the mythologies they've touched on already. So yeah, characters like Scathach would be awesome.

I just wanna know why Lancer didn't just behead Shinji and makes things easier for fucking everyone.

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I just wanna know why Lancer didn't just behead Shinji and makes things easier for fucking everyone.

this. this is one of the things that seriously annoys me about this show. there are, like, 5 characters, to say the least, that could've already died ages ago, the writer relies way too hard on plot armor.

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Can't stop smiling due to this whole episode and these moments ;-;



Once the series ends I'm planning on marathoning both series after soaking in everything that happens.

Just a nice, happy episode. Like, really, key word there to summarise the episode is Nice.

Ore monogatari is starting to hit that point where the novelty of how expressive Takeo is and the cuteness of the relationship is just starting to fade.

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Can't stop smiling due to this whole episode and these moments ;-;



This ship fans gonna go crazy(including me a bit)

But seriously, this was relaxing episode. Felt smiling as same simon.

And that bit of ending through with hayato, woah.

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Yea, that was something. IT seemed like Yukididn't notice it but Yui and Hikki did.

And holy crap DIO and the World. Man, that Stand is so fken amazing.

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I haven't forgotten before when Hayato told us the initial of the girl he likes... Fucker. (I knew what he was gonna say beforehand anyway cuz obvious but come on)

honestly this feels like the kind that won't ever give romantic resolution. And oddly I'm kinda fine with that.

Also, whilst it may not appeal to the people who despise Fairy tail (And is several weeks late), news has reached my ears that filler is over and it's safe to return to Fairy tail now that they're apparently starting a very relevant Arc. A lot about that show is off but when they actually do relevant things in the world my interest gets piqued. It was one of my entry shows so it'll always have a special place in my heart for that.



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is anyone else watching grisaia no rakuen? i recently finished the first season and all ive gotta say is, if you get past all the fanservice and almost constant panty shots (iirc there were like ten of them per episode in the beginning) and eventually get to witness each of the girls' backgrounds, you will most likely find this show to be fucking amazing like i did (ESPECIALLY AMANE AND YUJI'S BACKGROUNDS). holy shit, i hadn't come across a show that actually managed to creep me out in a good time. i've started watching the currently airing second season and im pretty hyped for it, since it seems to be even better than the first one.

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I saw Hayato turning her down before already as he said to hikki "I´m not as nice as you may think" and she came uncommonly late to the meeting.

And I just aggree with MMM on Grisaia loved the show since the beginning, probably because the MC isnt a total jerk like 90% of the rest ones in Harem genres, also the background stories are more then well done. Fun Fact to that, ppl were actually complaining that it has not enough Fanservice, because the VN´s its based off was some kind of hardcore eroge and they needed to skip some parts in the different routes to avoid the sex scenes (wich they apparently dropped in the second season^^).

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So Yamada- was fun and interesting for a while but now it's starting to feel very rushed. I don't blame 'em, it is a 13 episode series, but it's just detracting from the quality. Hell, from the preview of the last witch, she's licking a lolipop wondering what kind of fun she can have. They then further play on this idea of a manipulative personality and then BOOP all of a sudden she's a kawaii desu loli who cared about her friends all along. Like, what? What was the point of setting her up as manipulative outside of simply setting it up for conflicts sake? Her idea to help her friends didn't even make sense seeing as only a select few who have literally seen those abilities in action believe in the witches, how would that help? Especially when you know not all powers are good, like hers? Come on now.

Also, big ol' introduction of the green hair guy last ep. He speaks what, like twice this ep? Oh the issues of packing 15 characters into a 13 ep show

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Well, then. I caught up in Grisaria earlier today and oh man. I have no words for some of the moments in it, but I love the MC and how he is way better than the stereotypical Harem MC. That being said, my friend compared this to the Monogatari series and I see the similarities between the two, but this is far more darker than it.

EDIT: If people were complaining about the fanservice, they should just keep watching those damn 3 minute specials they did. Honestly didn't expect THAT stuff lol.

also holy shit that Tokyo Ghoul Re Chapter.

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So Yamada- was fun and interesting for a while but now it's starting to feel very rushed. I don't blame 'em, it is a 13 episode series, but it's just detracting from the quality. Hell, from the preview of the last witch, she's licking a lolipop wondering what kind of fun she can have. They then further play on this idea of a manipulative personality and then BOOP all of a sudden she's a kawaii desu loli who cared about her friends all along. Like, what? What was the point of setting her up as manipulative outside of simply setting it up for conflicts sake? Her idea to help her friends didn't even make sense seeing as only a select few who have literally seen those abilities in action believe in the witches, how would that help? Especially when you know not all powers are good, like hers? Come on now.

Also, big ol' introduction of the green hair guy last ep. He speaks what, like twice this ep? Oh the issues of packing 15 characters into a 13 ep show

this had been in my mind for a while now too, and it's not just the blue haired loli they fucked up with, they've been doing it for a while now. i understand it's a 12 episode show and i'm guessing what they're trying to do is introduce all of the witches and give it a decent conclusion, but still, i think it'd be way better to pace the show correctly, even if they don't give it a decent conclusion AND even if they never continue it, because it'll at least pick my interest enough so that i read the manga. this has happened to multiple shows before, such as dangaronpa and tg, where the original source material is just so good, and yet, the people adapting it still manage to fuck it up so badly resulting in a disappointing mess. that said, i really hope the people adapting this realize their mistakes and stop rushing episodes for good.

And I just aggree with MMM on Grisaia loved the show since the beginning, probably because the MC isnt a total jerk like 90% of the rest ones in Harem genres, also the background stories are more then well done. Fun Fact to that, ppl were actually complaining that it has not enough Fanservice, because the VN´s its based off was some kind of hardcore eroge and they needed to skip some parts in the different routes to avoid the sex scenes (wich they apparently dropped in the second season^^).

Well, then. I caught up in Grisaria earlier today and oh man. I have no words for some of the moments in it, but I love the MC and how he is way better than the stereotypical Harem MC. That being said, my friend compared this to the Monogatari series and I see the similarities between the two, but this is far more darker than it.

EDIT: If people were complaining about the fanservice, they should just keep watching those damn 3 minute specials they did. Honestly didn't expect THAT stuff lol.

i agree so much - yuuji's character is probably the best thing about this show. in the beginning i was unsure about him as a main character, he just seemed really flat to me and didnt interest me that much, but as the story progressed, i started liking him more and more, something that rarely happens to me while watching other ecchi/harems. also, another thing that really distinguishes grisaia from regular ecchi/harems is the psychological attribute the show has, which goes really unnoticed at first, on the comedy/ecchi bits, but is done so well when it comes to the character backgrounds. overall, i just thought it gave a really nice contrast, something ive seen on very few shows, such as higurashi and to aru kagaku no railgun.

the similarities with the monogatari series are another thing i couldnt help but notice. the type of comedy is often the same, with the main difference being that grisaia doesnt have as much references. also, the character designs, holy shit. michiru is blonde hachikuji and yumiko is senjougahara's secret twin sister. but yea, grisaia is slightly more edgy when it comes to the events and character backgrounds, though it also has one fucking million times more fanservice.

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Overall, I enjoyed this episode despite the rushed feelings. Yuki and Hikki were pretty ruthless my lord. Hachiman is a serious insult, can't even lie. And that ending showed pretty much showed how Yuki is asking for Help from Hikki but it won't work in this situation.

EDIT: Also 1500th Post. Yay, totally not a thing I do often.

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Overall, I enjoyed this episode despite the rushed feelings. Yuki and Hikki were pretty ruthless my lord. Hachiman is a serious insult, can't even lie. And that ending showed pretty much showed how Yuki is asking for Help from Hikki but it won't work in this situation.

EDIT: Also 1500th Post. Yay, totally not a thing I do often.

I loved this episode if only because they brought back the Opening song from the previous series. That song is one of my favourites like ever and I love it when a series brings back a song it KNOWS will have sentimental value like that. It also didn't feel particularly rushed for me, the story arc had to resolve itself eventually. Besides, Yukinon and Hiki dropping the truth nukes on the council was fantastic.

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lol i dropped that on the first 10 minutes. the only entertaining thing was the fanservice, other than that i was barely amused tbh, like i almost fell asleep while trying to follow. is it really that worth watching it?

on a side note, i finally picked up on ass class and the show is turning out pretty great. this season hasnt even ended and im already hyped for the second one. also, nagisa's cross dressing. 10/10

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lol i dropped that on the first 10 minutes. the only entertaining thing was the fanservice, other than that i was barely amused tbh, like i almost fell asleep while trying to follow. is it really that worth watching it?

on a side note, i finally picked up on ass class and the show is turning out pretty great. this season hasnt even ended and im already hyped for the second one. also, nagisa's cross dressing. 10/10

Dude, this is a show where the Three ep rule is a must. It's sooooooo good, one of the freshest shounens to appear for a while and not just cuz of the ingredients

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Yeah it's pretty entertaining for what it is. Though personally I haven't watched the anime in favor of reading the manga. I've only seen the first episode of the anime.

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I have been reading the manga as well as watching the anime. Despite the fanservice, Shokugeki no Souma is really good for a shounen.

And I have to catch up in Classroom, been slacking off and missed two episodes now.

Anyways, Jojo is showing why it is so fken good. Holy shit. The World vs Star Platinum lets goo

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Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso is pretty interesting. Gonna watch all of it.

And the lastest oregairu episode was alright imo.

Dude, if you like slice of life feelfests Shigatsu is fantastic. Go watch marathon it

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