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Intense Mode Team


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Ok, I just started intense mode and this time I wanna play it legit, no edits to pokemon no megastones no X items (UNLESS I REALLY NEED IT WHICH WILL MOST LIKELY BE AROUND ANGIE) and I want to know what team you guys can recommend that can work with my Fennekin, any ideas? 

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12 minutes ago, XxAlexxX said:

Ok, I just started intense mode and this time I wanna play it legit, no edits to pokemon no megastones no X items (UNLESS I REALLY NEED IT WHICH WILL MOST LIKELY BE AROUND ANGIE) and I want to know what team you guys can recommend that can work with my Fennekin, any ideas? 

With that attitude, I'm recommending normal mode. 🤰

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Guest Relinquished

Well, using the shared PC mod, i sent over some fully evolved, strong moves known, common candy fed beasts, with perfect IVs and EV trained. No need to edit or cheat your way through; just "call for some help", from the game you already beat up legitimately!

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Right, jokes aside I should have thrown something useful here. I don't think I've ever had a team of 6 that just beat everything and anything, intense mode asks for a specific strategy from time to time. You can get a lot of help on the forums for when you get stuck too.


Fennekin alone is probably enough for the first gym with Psybeam at level 17. There's no way you should pass on Rockruff, definitely get one of those. Always thought Vivillon early game is quite useful as well (another psybeam level 17). Xatu is your guy for the second and third gym. I would use Hariyama as well, bulky and strong (not to mention it makes a mince out of Angie) I have no freakin' idea what straight out beats Narcissa, use to be Pyroar. Maybe Woobat can, you'd be suprised how useful that little fucker can be with Simple ability. Valerie I heard gets pummeled by Amoongus which can be found in the same jungle where the battle is. Maybe a Manectric can help out. Maybe you turned your Eevee into Jolteon? I don't know, smoother sailing involves Blaziken against everything (Blaziken blasted even Valerie in my case)


I mean you get the idea, there is a solution for every single gym battle prior to that battle, just gotta be creative and figure it out. Who knows, maybe Mystery Egg drops you an Axew and solves everything right then and there.

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Use anything you want. Intense, while very challenging, is not unfair to the point where certain teams / mons are required for you to win. With that said, I really like A-Raichu after using it on two Intense mode runs.

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Here's some suggestions for mons you should try out:

1). Medicham. Glass cannon with excellent type coverage. Anything that doesn't resist HJK gets either 1 or 2 shot. Evolves rather late at level 37 but well worth the investment.

2). A-Muk. Good bulk, typing and moveset. Puts in work in almost every battle. Similar to Medicham he evolves pretty late at 37.

3). Golem. Good movepool and access to stealth rock. With sturdy can always get an attack in before dying. If you want something faster you should try out Lycanroc.

4). Magnezone. Good typing and moveset, though unfortunately no access to TB yet (afaik). I think sturdy is by far the best ability to have.


21 hours ago, Zargerth said:

Use anything you want. Intense, while very challenging, is not unfair to the point where certain teams / mons are required for you to win. With that said, I really like A-Raichu after using it on two Intense mode runs.

I'd say that's true with the exception of the latest gym leader.


Even at -2/3 Attack his Braviary was OHKOing my entire team with Sky Attack. Even A-Raichu and Lycanroc got OHKO'd despite resisting it. I had to resort to using a sturdy A-Graveler (caught in the cave in Route 9) with Stealth Rock to beat him).

Idk why people fear Angie so much, I never really struggled with her in my 2 intense mode runs.

Also I'm using A-Raichu in my current playthrough, but tbh I'm quite disappointed with his performance. Even at +2 (with max IV/EV /w Modest) he can't always OHKO stuff and with his paper thin defenses he can't take a hit either without dying. I think Magnezone is a way better pick overall, especially also against the latest gym leader.

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I am currently doing an intense run right now, and the best ones I have found are Dawn Lycanroc, Magnezone, and Swoobat. Each of these guys has trivialized fights on their own.  


Lycanroc with Rock Slide is insane in the double battle gyms with the flinch chance. There were times that no one could move for multiple turns.


Magnezone has a great moveset and is all around tanky.


Swoobat with simple and calm mind is able to completely sweep gym leaders if you can get it to set up on a special attacker.


Also, while at Blacksteeple Castle, make sure to pick up an Abomasnow. I would not have beaten 2 gym leaders without it. 


Other than that, just try to get a decent nature, and ev training is always worthwhile. Good luck!


Also, side note on the A-Raichu that someone mentioned above, you cant get the item to evolve Pikachu until GDC, so I might not bank on that personally.

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5 hours ago, Arlonen said:

Also, side note on the A-Raichu that someone mentioned above, you cant get the item to evolve Pikachu until GDC, so I might not bank on that personally.

You should be able to buy Apophyll Pancakes in Route 3. I already had A-Raichu against Marianette.

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12 hours ago, Zargerth said:

You should be able to buy Apophyll Pancakes in Route 3. I already had A-Raichu against Marianette.

Well that is unfortunate. I held off on replacing my Pikachu until Terajuma before I looked up how to evolve it. I only saw that it was available in Nightmare City. Wish I had seen it was available there too...

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