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"No card is useless." the game


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We all know the anime trope: no card is useless. The player gets the card one way or another and gets mocked for playing such a weak card. He then proceeds to kick ass with that card.

So what if you are the protaginist? How would you kick ass with said card? The more anime-ish the better.


So the rules:

- The antagonist can select a card.

- The protagonists can each come up with a few scenarios (max 3) which use the card each in a different post (hopefully the mods will accept the double posting).

- People (antgonist,protagonist or spectator) can like the post, this means that they approve of this scenario. 

- The first post that gets enough likes (let's test with 3), becomes an antognist and can select a new card.

- If after 2 days  the designated amount of likes is not acumulated by anyone the post with the most likes wins. 

- In case of contention the earlier post wins.


I'm willing to try this out. So who's game?

I'll start with a simple one.




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