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I wouldn't say we destroyed them, but then I'd be lying.

Trailblazer with Devour enchantment is what I highly recommend for Shyv jungle players. It's like a 10x better Feral Flare. Her camp clear is insane with the AoE smite, burnout, tiamat, insane attack speed, etc. Bitches melted at my feet once I got it. Died like 2 or 3 times before I got it, but then I carried.


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I wouldn't say we destroyed them, but then I'd be lying.

Trailblazer with Devour enchantment is what I highly recommend for Shyv jungle players. It's like a 10x better Feral Flare. Her camp clear is insane with the AoE smite, burnout, tiamat, insane attack speed, etc. Bitches melted at my feet once I got it. Died like 2 or 3 times before I got it, but then I carried.

I personally believe that the Chilling Smite (Stalker's Blade) is better for Shyvana as it gives her a much-needed slow in ganks. Also with how much Shyvana likes to splitpush and 1v1 in the mid- and even late-game, Challenging Smite (Skirmisher's Sabre) is another option you'd want to consider. That true damage on hit hurts like hell.

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Wanted to share three of my ranked placement matches that I frantically raced to finish in the last few days before the season ended. I don't want to spam the page with my images, so I put them in this album: http://imgur.com/a/R8aIf

Hadn't played Ezreal in a while, and ADC isn't really my role, so I was surprised I did so well! I placed in Silver 2 by the end. Haven't played him (or ranked in general) since then, I'd rather keep that 100% win-rate. ;)

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*Appears for like twenty seconds*

SoIwasboredandhadn'tplayedanactuallaneinawhilesoIdecidedtorandomly- Haaahh -goLuxthecrapoutofthingsanditwentverywellsohere'sascreenshotnewVoidchampisfrigginepic


Edited by KosherKitten
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