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Why is this game so painfully edgy?


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Btw, where I come from, this might be the most dark Pokemon game I've ever played, and most of the people I know would love this game, so thanks Amethyst c:

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[waves non-native speaker flag]

To me the those things are pretty much synonymous, though people often seem to use edgy for when they want to put the meaning in a negative context? I don't automatically associate edgy with being bad, though. And I've seen it used in a neutral context before.

No idea, really. I'm not even sure if we have a truly equivalent word in German.

...That said, I am now imagining various characters in Hot Topic kinda outfits and it's beautiful.

Ordinarily, 'dark,' 'gritty,' and 'edgy' do mean roughly the same thing, but the internet's given it a more negative connotation.

... I like looking at Hot Topic's accessories...

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With Billions of people around the world, one can only expect and accept that not everyone will like the came. Hell, I've had plenty of people tell me that a story I wrote isn't their cup of tea, but that doesn't mean it's bad. I doubt this is criticism since someone who brings criticism up usually is to help a creator improve, not belittle or throw accusations out the window. I have my own thoughts of Reborn and I can even understand that post you linked in the OP. There's just a bunch of terms thrown around that have become so general or broad that they mean so little. Edgy is one such term.

Is Reborn edgy? In the olden days, the answer would probably be no, but the term has become so broad that it's yes. I mean it could almost be applied anything that uses dark elements which is basically almost any story. Over the years, a lot of writers' writing grows darker since they try to be more realistic since not everything is lollipops and dandelions. Not everyone likes dark stories but you'd be surprised by the number of people who like dark elements in plots since it brings suspense and usually a few wow moments. So basically, using the word edgy is so confusing that nobody can really understand what you're saying.

Now back to Reborn's design, you can see quite a bit of Colosseum in Reborn City if you compare both games. Tbh, the actual city is not that much darker than Colosseum. The biggest difference is that there are mutated Pokemon rampaging Reborn City. So you're almost arguing that a children's game is "edgy" and way too dark. Reborn is certainly not a children's game as it goes into more mature themes like sexuality, depression, suicide, etc. Most of that was based on the league since characters played those roles and some were actually real. You wouldn't remove Lincoln's assassination from a game just because it's too dark. It's an event and should be included.

The tumblr fanfiction statement is also kind of interesting. That's just horrible slang for amateur writing which Reborn proves itself at points it can be quite mature and make good use of vocabulary. There's a lot of different characters who all try to speak differently since rarely does everyone use the same dialect as that'd get very boring, and very old quickly. The writer's knew what they were doing despite such tight constraints. 34 pre defined characters is easier said then done to work with. Besides, this is Pokemon. Since when are you expecting a Stephen King novel in a series known for cookie cutter plots.

Tbh, you I can't take serious but the person you linked I can take quite a bit more. Instead of bashing on the game, he gave his reasons for not liking it. It's okay to have an opinion since nothing is perfect. I'll save my own opinions for when the game is complete, but I don't think Reborn as the best game ever (it does everything I want from a Pokemon game though). If you were willing to act a bit more mature, I'd gladly talk about the cons of Reborn, but there's no point as of now.

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In terms of the kinds of themes this game touches...yeah, it's different. You have things like suggestive dialogue that is not only on the nose, but very much in your face. (Thank you, Cain...) You have things like gym leaders offing themselves by leaping off of a bridge or gym leaders getting offed by Pokemon's scythe arms. You have multiple personality disorders, you have memory loss, you have ugly displays of deception and torture, you have drug use, and you have the sinking feeling that this game's evil organization isn't after your pokemon, a grand terraforming scheme, or even some form of "liberation" of your pocket monsters.

You have a game that normally functions in a sphere of innocence a majority of the time, thrust in the lens of innocence long lost.

I don't think the forum needed to go on crusade against you, friend. Not that it gives you a pass, but that this game has overachieved and shot well above it's target audience because of it's amazing gameplay features, difficulty, availability of Pokemon, items, and even abilities.

As others have stated, the game's focal point isn't the story. People don't play Reborn for the story today (taking into account the sheer size of the playerbase) - and just because the story is "edgey" - it doesn't detract from the other aspects of the game.

As others have stated, if you can't handle the game, you can always make the decision yourself to stop playing.

However - as someone who knows the developer personally - this work is how it is because the author put characters from her own life into her art. She didn't do it to make money or get famous - but to entertain herself and her circle of friends.

It's only coincidence everything else followed.

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You know, because I have way too much time on my hands, I went through the character list and looked for edgyness. The following is my opinions on the characters with dialog, and whether or not I find them edgy. Please note that this is only my opinion, and not the opinions of the Reborn development team.

Cain: Ok, so his name might be a little edgy, since it sort of reminds me of everyone's least favorite "Shadowmancer," but really Cain is not edgy. He's loud and flamboyant, but not edgy. I suppose his hair and clothes might be kind of edgy, but I don't consider him to be edgy.

Fern: I hate this guy, but he's more into "swag" than he is into being edgy. He's evil, and he loves it.

Victoria: Another character who looks more edgy than anything else, you could really just say she's more Gothic than anything.

Adrienn: While I don't really remember Adrienn, I wouldn't say Adrienn is edgy. The whole restoration project also seems to throw Adrienn into the no edgy pile.

Amaria: Sure, she probably had the worst reaction possible to the diary incident, but I wouldn't call her edgy. She seemed way too cherrful for that.

Aya: Ok, you might have me here, Aya might be kind of edgy, but since when was punk edgy? I guess I'll have to coincided though,,, Uninteresting Venam is edgy. One point for edgy.

Charlotte: She seems more crazy than anything, but dresses too brightly for me to consider her edgy.

Ciel: No, not edgy.

Corey: At first glance, one might be able to consider Corey edgy, but I feel like his character runs deeer than that. After he lost his house wife, I could see him being more depressed and desperate more than anything. Plus, he's apparently based off of a real person (the details are hazy to me) so yeah...

Florinia: Can robots be edgy? I think not.

Hardy: Seriously though, is punk edgy?

Julia: I think Julia might be the exact opposite of edgy. She's bright, energetic, and is a cheerleader. The three words that vanquish edgyness!

Kiki: Zen is not edgy. It really isn't.

Luna: Another character on the fringe of edgyness, I personally think she's more Gothic than anything.

Noel: (Man his portait makes him look like he needs to take a nap.)

Radomus: Is the Mad Hatter edgy? Maybe for Tim Burton, but not here. He's just... Mad?

Samson: "Now I'm a jerk and everyone loves me!"

Saphira: Yeah... Most of the characters who resort to murder are edgy in this game, so here's another edgy character.

Serra: Can moms be edgy? I sure hope not.

Shade: I really hate to say this, but Shade might be edgy. His lack of dialog makes it hard to determine, but he feels like a CreepySpaghetti, which are often edgelord conventions. I do love his design though.

Shelly: Someone give this poor kid a hug already!

Terra: I hate this character, but at least she's "random" enough to not be edgy.

Titania: Little miss murder is edgy, but for a steel type gym leader, she kind of needs to be.

Anna: Kind of creepy, but not edgy.

Arclight: Would an edgy character give you a lucky egg for helping stop a smuggler?

Bennett: Creepy for different reasons, but still not edgy.

Blake: He's more "MLG" than edgy, so no.

Cal: I'll need some input for Cal before I can call him edgy or not. He seems regretful, so for now I'm going to say no.

El: I almost made a GoT joke here, but to keep this spoiler free, I won't. He isn't edgy though.

Heather: I don't think so?

Laura: I honestly don't know or remember this character. For the sake of this list though, I'm going to label her not edgy.

Sigmund: Mad scientists are not edgy. They're just crazy.

The Bad Guys: One is like Two Face from Batman, and not edgy. One has daddy issues, but is not edgy. One I can't remember his personality, but looks kind of edgy so I'll count him as half. One is legitimately evil, but doesn't seem edgy.

So my final count... We have... Thirty no edgy characters to four and a half edgy characters with one character undecided. The game is dark, the plot is dark, but the characters are overwhelmingly not edgy. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong though, this is all my opinion.

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That is kind of why I love this game, it's not like those official pokemon games that always end in a happy-happy-joy-joy way and the storyline is breathtakingly good. Yeah I agree Cain making innuendos every conversation is like a poor sitcom with those annoying laugh tracks but overall I love this game. The dark theme is what I really crave and it's catered to that audience who were bored of the official game storylines so I don't mind it one bit.

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>come to reborn forum

>ridicule reborn

why cant you just leave it alone lol, if you really have that much of an issue with it PM ame/dan/ikaru and ask them what they were thinking

whats wrong with you people lmao

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Popping in to request that we please don't crucify this guy for having an opinion that differs from that of the general population.

Yes, thank you.

Also, you gotta admit, Reborn is a little edgy. And that's not necessarily a bad thing.

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How to trigger people 101

On a serious note i don't hate the game

Could do with character changes BADLY tho


Please look up roast on urban dictionary

That reply made me cringe so badly

Anyways before you attack me any further children

This games story didn't work on me

Simple as that

Edited by MMXZero
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I'm confused on what you're trying to achieve here than triggered. You don't like the story, which is fine. I've seen plenty of posts of people who don't like Reborn so it's not like one more is going to really bother me. If you wanted discussion, why not bring something up to actually discuss. If you wanted people's opinions then why not say that. If you keep being vague like that, I can't promise anyone will respond anymore.

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How to trigger people 101

On a serious note i don't hate the game

Could do with character changes BADLY tho


Please look up roast on urban dictionary

That reply made me cringe so badly

Anyways before you attack me any further children

This games story didn't work on me

Simple as that

I'm curious what you hope to gain from this conversation. I disagree with you on many points (like, seriously, the term "roast" has a long history of exactly this kind of usage in English; nobody cares what UD says), and it's worth discussing some of your points, but you're being a little dismissive for someone who wants their opinion heard. Seriously, telling people that what they're writing and saying makes you cringe is not exactly opening up a dialogue with anyone.

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I am surprised by how many people replied to this topic.

Sure Reborn is kind of punk-ish and everything, but we played the game and stayed here for the challenge, the story, and community.

Reborn is awesome and we (mostly) love it.

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I am surprised by how many people replied to this topic.

It's like people can have opinions on a given topic that is relevant to their interests or something.


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How to trigger people 101

On a serious note i don't hate the game

Could do with character changes BADLY tho


Please look up roast on urban dictionary

That reply made me cringe so badly

Anyways before you attack me any further children

This games story didn't work on me

Simple as that

Didn't trigger anyone.

You say characters need changing and then literally name 0 outside of the implied Cain from ur original Post.

"Children". no one attacked you. Most of us just said "I can agree with your point of view because others have said it too, but here's a summary of why your point might be wrong" which imo was a lot more grown up and civilised then how you've responded just now. If the game story didn't work for you and you have no idea of how you think it should be better, why even post?

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How to trigger people 101

On a serious note i don't hate the game

Could do with character changes BADLY tho


Please look up roast on urban dictionary

That reply made me cringe so badly

Anyways before you attack me any further children

This games story didn't work on me

Simple as that

If this is all you have to say to everyone's replies, I think we're done here. I was fine with it being a discussion because people have their opinions and are super allowed to not like something, but you're not even trying.

And fun fact, Cain ended up being the "least worst" character in the player's opinion in those 4chan threads I mentioned. Funny how that works.

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