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  1. How to trigger people 101 On a serious note i don't hate the game Could do with character changes BADLY tho @Honchy Please look up roast on urban dictionary That reply made me cringe so badly Anyways before you attack me any further children This games story didn't work on me Simple as that
  2. The story, this game has the most cringey and painfully edgy story i ever seen on a fan game Its like reading a 7 year olds tumblr fanfiction. WHY DO ALL THE CHARACTERS LOOK LIKE EMOS
  3. Gonna be honest here Why do the main and side characters look like emos Why does it try so hard to be dark and fall flat on its face Why does it feel like a tumblr fanfiction One example is Cain *jesus christ help me the cringe hurts* I am not even alone on this there are plenty of places where people say the same http://prntscr.com/bqejzd
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