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What does each diffuculty setting mean in terms of hard numbers?

Shinoda Yagami

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From what I remember, it was just harder battles. Gym leaders, for example, had more and stronger pokemon. Trainers have higher leveled pokemon as well

There might be more to it, but I didn't notice anything outside the ordinary besides those points.

Since I've only played on Intense, this might be related or it might not be, but I have noticed low yen pay outs for battles in exchange for higher exp gained.

Edited by Jiggle
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Uhm, it kind of is. The difficulty settings toggle the game form being difficult to downright unfair. I wouldn't recommend going with the hardest difficulty on your first try of the game.

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I think its a little overboard to call it down right unfair lol, its definetly more challenging than the normal setting, but if you EV train and use good pokemon its really not as bad as you think.

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Agree with Milotic. Haven't played anything but Intense mode and honestly I expected it to be way harder than it was. Maybe I'm a tryhard but intense mode should live up to it's name, in version 7 that isn't the case. Not a single time have I felt that the game was unfair.

It's okay to lose or struggle if your pokemon aren't good for the particular battle even for hours. EV train it, change moves, use cheesy tactics, be creative because you are fighting against a tested AI and against AI there's always a way. I'm not sure what feedback is the creator using but so far they've made him overnerf the game mode.

On topic: I've noticed that sometimes you may run out of cash. Sometimes you may have to EV train or at the very least try and switch around your pokemon when it's possible to collect proper EVs. I think that fields give higher bonus stats in gym battles but don't quote me on that.

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Agree with Milotic. Haven't played anything but Intense mode and honestly I expected it to be way harder than it was. Maybe I'm a tryhard but intense mode should live up to it's name, in version 7 that isn't the case. Not a single time have I felt that the game was unfair.

It's okay to lose or struggle if your pokemon aren't good for the particular battle even for hours. EV train it, change moves, use cheesy tactics, be creative because you are fighting against a tested AI and against AI there's always a way. I'm not sure what feedback is the creator using but so far they've made him overnerf the game mode.

On topic: I've noticed that sometimes you may run out of cash. Sometimes you may have to EV train or at the very least try and switch around your pokemon when it's possible to collect proper EVs. I think that fields give higher bonus stats in gym battles but don't quote me on that.

Speaking of hidden mechanics I increasingly get the sense that IVs are rigged. My oshawott and nidoran[M] have a measly 6 and 1 attack IV but my HM slave Bidoof? above 20 IVs in all and a perfect 31 in attack. Also saw an old thread with someone complaining of constantly getting low attack IV axews. I do feel that weak pokemon are buffed while strong ones are nerfed, which is not necessarily a bad thing. This game definitely favors breeding and EV training more than reborn anyway.

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Playing on a higher difficulty setting primarily means tougher gym battles and less money being awarded at the end of a battle. The gym leaders' Pokemon are higher leveled, and they can even carry different Pokemon from their Normal and Casual counterparts. Intense Mode is, as indicted by the name, intense. But certainly not impossible. If you're up for a challenge, Intense Mode is the way to go.

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Agree with Milotic. Haven't played anything but Intense mode and honestly I expected it to be way harder than it was. Maybe I'm a tryhard but intense mode should live up to it's name, in version 7 that isn't the case. Not a single time have I felt that the game was unfair.

It's okay to lose or struggle if your pokemon aren't good for the particular battle even for hours. EV train it, change moves, use cheesy tactics, be creative because you are fighting against a tested AI and against AI there's always a way. I'm not sure what feedback is the creator using but so far they've made him overnerf the game mode.

Nerfs are used to help balance out a game to make it flow better. This happened to Reborn when people were enraged by the whole Charlotte, Aya, and Serra nerfs which eventually led to topics being created on it. Quite a few actually. I feel Aya got a little bit too nerfed, but that's another topic. Leaders such as Valerie (that's the water gym, right?) just could one shot 80-90% of the obtainable Pokemon which...lead to forced grinding. I hear a lot of people say just use Ludicolo on her...which is kind of a ridiculous answer when you should be able to use almost anything in a battle and win with the right strategy. I kind of stopped playing after Version 6 Crawli as I was tired of grinding new mons. I hope level flow is better now.

Anyways, Jan adjusted the game to fit the average player who picks it up. He's not going to be able to satisfy everyone, but usually a goal is to reach middle ground so that he can satisfy the largest number of people. If you cater towards the weaker players a bit more, then you have a wider audience and satisfy more people. I can't speak for Jan, but I do pay attention to all the feedback I get. I can't always do something about it though.

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Makes sense. I've made my comment look pretty ignorant, haven't I? Of course I agree that being one shot is ridiculous and grinding itself gets annoying if you have to do it over and over. My point of view on that is from mostly fully EV trained pokemon from 4th gym onward which probably made me a bit biased.

Most gyms lacked just a little bit more to bring that "intense" feel. Overall I think battles are really well made, they just need to become a wee bit more evil. Does that mean a cheap trick or pure power? I don't really know. Maybe a sprinkle of both.

What if a Chamber of Memories happens to this game too...? In which case scratch all of the above. I know that's way into the future, possibly never but I can dream.

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I kind of get what you mean. There really isn't anything to test out the super strong mons you spent a long time working on since all they do is destroy the main story. There's nothing that promotes this other than crushing your enemies with ease...which gets boring after a while. A lot of RPGs create super bosses or special dungeons in order to make up for its other shortcomings for the grinders. The non-grinders can still enjoy the story and everything without being punished to cater towards power grinders.

As for CoM, that was a demon to make. Not because it's hard, but because of how time consuming it is. 18 maps, roughly 45 different trainers, and then a few hours of testing for each individual leader. It's not even a month old yet, but if it grows popular enough, I'm sure other fan-games would try implementing it. I literally released it and depending on its popularity, I'd either add more routes to take (aka all 34 leaders) or just keep a single one adding an additional leader each episode.

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i have only played at the hardest difficulty so far, and i succesfully reached end game (well as far as it goes), there were some battles that were very very hard but this is good from my perspective. the story is good, but if you just effortlessly bash your way through it, you might as well sit back, grab some popcorn and watch a playthrough at youtube

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