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Is The Trade Thread Still Good?


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One of the mods said that the trading thread was the place to ask for trade via save manipulation. I've been on there for a few days but I've yet to see any activity other than my own, and the last post before mine was from September. I was just wondering if this means its considered a dead thread or not and if yes, is there someone still over it..

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its still good maybe someone didnt want what you were or offering or if they did didnt have what you wanted in exchange and for a replay sometimes it can take a while and i mean a while for these things to go through

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The exception to necroposting is that as long as it provides new information to the topic, it's fine. Since the trading topic is a topic that can basically be posted in at any time, it's fine to post in it... Just don't expect that any of the trade offers in that topic are still standing, seeing as they may be months old.

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