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[OOC] Pokemon: Luminous Dawn


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Alright! That shocking revelation concludes Chapter 1. Just a few questions for y'all, but feel free to give me a free-form response that includes whichever questions you have an answer for.

- How's my writing style? Are there any words or phrases that you feel I use too often? Am I descriptive enough of the settings? How can I fix any issues you have?

- Am I making sure everybody gets a fair amount of participation? If you feel as though I've been ignoring you, speak up because that's definitely not my intention.

- As the story begins to unfold, which characters that have already appeared do you hope to see more of? Which do you anticipate seeing more of?

- And finally, are you enjoying yourself?

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For the most part, I don't really have any actual "answers" for 1 and 2 since I haven't really seen any problems with those two things. I think you and Strats are doing a good job with how you've run this so far.

For the third question, I mostly just want to see more Prof. Oak and Bianca (which I'm 99% sure we'll end up seeing soon anyway considering she's leading the three kids in a similar journey to ours).

For question numero quatro...yes, now hurry up and bring us the next chapter ASAP!

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For the mental health of myself and my much-beloved co-host, I'll be waiting until Sunday, May 8 to begin posting Chapter 2. I have my final exams this week ending on Saturday, so I hope you all have a great week. But this leaves many questions unanswered.

Who is this mysterious man with the Electivire? And who is this woman claiming he's her brother? And is Alecks a boy, or a girl?


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Uhhh... as for the first question, there's only little teeny things. Like, sometimes you repeat "so and so wore" a couple times in a row when you're describing clothing. And... wait, no, that's it actually. For number two, I personally don't feel ignored at all!! Both you and Strat are doing really well at that!

Number three... more juniper please. And more professors in general; Mio didn't get to fawn over them practically at all :c

I'm excited to hear more from the Mysterious Mysteriosa with the ranger outfit and the sableye. Sounds cool.

and yes!!!! I'm having so much fun!!!! Honestly I keep refreshing the notifications page juuuust in case someone posts something new. Updates are basically the highlights of my day.

Oh and, uh, the ninth is a Monday...

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Uhhh... as for the first question, there's only little teeny things. Like, sometimes you repeat "so and so wore" a couple times in a row when you're describing clothing. And... wait, no, that's it actually. For number two, I personally don't feel ignored at all!! Both you and Strat are doing really well at that!

Number three... more juniper please. And more professors in general; Mio didn't get to fawn over them practically at all :c

I'm excited to hear more from the Mysterious Mysteriosa with the ranger outfit and the sableye. Sounds cool.

and yes!!!! I'm having so much fun!!!! Honestly I keep refreshing the notifications page juuuust in case someone posts something new. Updates are basically the highlights of my day.

Oh and, uh, the ninth is a Monday...

So glad to hear you're enjoying it! I'll try to vary my vocabulary a bit more in character descriptions as we move on. And I'm glad you liked Juniper. I tried to make her have a similar relationship with her Cinccino as Jason does with his Minccino. I figured since she's the only female professor so far, she might feel as though she has to act extra professional in order to be taken seriously.

Don't worry. The Pokemon Professors will appear throughout the story, especially when you begin to get to areas inhabited by more dangerous and rare Pokemon.

Also, I have no idea what you're talking about >_>'

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Hey guys! If anyone wants to take the next couple of days to write up a side quest, you can submit it to me for approval on Sunday. It'll be offered as an option during Route 2 once you and I talk about any changes that need to be made. Only 3 rules that I can think of off the top of my head:

1. Don't leave the area

2. If you're planning a Pokemon encounter, let me know! I'd be happy to battle against you as any NPCs you may have (within reason). Plus, I've already assigned each of your next Pokemon.

3. Don't use my NPCs without permission. This includes any factions that are active (once a faction has been defeated, you can encounter Cells of remaining grunts and lieutenants)

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So are we all required to make our own side quests or are there already side quests planned out that we can choose to take once the new chapter begins?

I have four quests planned for Route 2. As of now it is actually possible to do all three that have stories, as they occur in sequence. "Wild Pokemon Encounters!" is the fourth. You'll be able to opt out of the first two quests in favor of catching a new Pokemon if you'd like.

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So if I understand correctly our personal quest will take the place of the first two quests and that's when we'll catch the pokemon we've asked for?

Edit: Or does opting out of the first two quests give you the chance to catch another new pokemon but still having to wait for the 4th quest to catch the one pokemon you've asked for?

Edited by Shadow Sketches
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Sorry that I wasn't clear. The structure of Route 2 is as follows:

Quest 1 (optional)- you can separate from the group to catch a Pokemon

Quest 2 (optional)- you can separate from the group to catch a Pokemon

Quest 3 (mandatory)

Keep in mind that if you asked for a rare Pokemon (only 1 of you did), you MUST go on a Quest and MAY NOT find it in a normal encounter. As of right now there are 3 Trainers who are slated to find their Pokemon on Route 2, only 1 of whom is required to do the Side Quests.

Also keep in mind that if you want a common Pokemon you can also do a Side Quest and I'll just write the encounter into the Quest. It's not a huge deal, and in many cases the Wild Pokemon encounters should be short enough to actually do in the middle of a Quest! The purpose behind having a separate group specifically looking for Pokemon is that if you have a busy week coming up, we can just have you catch a Pokemon so that everyone else can move at a faster pace.

There are also branching questlines, meaning that there may actually be more than 4 quests and I may just be a sneaky bastard. Usually branching questlines will arise when there's a large group committed to one quest and I can't reasonably explain another group of 6 Trainers traveling around.

I'm going to do my best over the course of this RP to make sure groups get varied up so everyone spends time together.

Just trust the process and everything will be fine 'n dandy.

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Finally done with that bitch of a final exam. Don't expect a super long-winded introduction for Chapter 2 like there was for Chapter 1, since it's a pretty direct continuation. We're going to get moving to Route 2 as soon as possible. Post will be up by the end of the day tomorrow.

Welcome back, Trainers.

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Hey! I've posted Chapter 2! We're picking up right where we left off with the group meeting Marcella. If you have any questions for her, now would be the time to ask. Otherwise we'll be healing up and moving on out toward Route 2.

EDIT: Hey guys, so because I'm the slowest of the slow I didn't realize Darvan got banned. Trying to figure out what to do about the 6th slot.

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Chill out. Chapter 2 literally started in the middle of the night for me. I only just had time to read everything in the IC...

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Didn't mean for that to sound angry. should have just bolded it instead. I just thought that I had been unclear about who should answer that.

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Hey man, since Darvan got banned I have great news for you. Even if another person asks to participate, Alice will be filling the 6th slot in the group on a permanent basis. We'll worry about it later if someone else wants in.


Hey guys, just here to give a quick announcement that Alice is now here to stay. She'll be joining up with our current party as a new member and will primarily be travelling alongside Alecks on devious adventures. Look forward to seeing more of the mischievous Alice and the adorable Raven.
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If your Opponent has an OHKO Attack, what should you do? Use a Pokemon that has the Ability Sturdy.

If your Opponent sends out an Electric Type, what should you do? Use a Ground Type or something that has an Electric-nullifying Ability.

If your Opponent uses a Pokemon that is too powerful for you to face, what should you do? GTFO with your entire team, and only maybe come back when you can call in the cavalry.

Edited by K_H
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TL;DR for Marcella's lecture-

Maxing out your level doesn't matter.

The bad guys will cheat regardless how strong you are, and they will cheat HARD. They are the assholes who bring illegally hacked mons into online comp and wipe your entire team out with Sturdy Shedninjas and Huge Power Slakings who have 250 EVs in every stat and perfect IVs all across the freaking board.

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So... cheat right the hell back?

Except right now we're just straight up too weak for any of that obvs

If you cheat them back, you'll be no better than them.

^^^of course though... the exception to this trope is nigh always self-defense where one has to make a split second, literally life or death decision and act immediately. That, and anti-heroes... but none of you are anti heroes, so...yeah, no.

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Here's how it's done:

We plan our moves before acting and choose which fights we participate in.

We know our opponents and make ourselves control the flow of combat when in a fight by application of that knowledge.

We exploit the Type Matchup Tables and Abilities Systems to nullify as many of their advantages as possible while remaining within the boundaries set out by the rules.

We use the field itself to our advantage and think outside the box in terms of strategy.

And most importantly of all, we use each other as a way to boost each other and ourselves.

Edited by K_H
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Here's how it's done:

We plan our moves before acting and choose which fights we participate in.

We know our opponents and make ourselves control the flow of combat when in a fight by application of that knowledge.

We exploit the Type Matchup Tables and Abilities Systems to nullify as many of their advantages as possible while remaining within the boundaries set out by the rules.

We use the field itself to our advantage.

And most importantly of all, we use each other as a way to boost each other and ourselves.

But see, that's all assuming Jory and I actually give you guys all the ample time or chance to plan out encounters or study your enemy's capabilities or do any of that crap, as we gradually reveal how deep the wicked rabbit hole goes and what the hellish landscape of wonderland looks like.

Hint: Trust me, there's no way in hell we will

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