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Ymora Academy [OOC / Sign-Ups Closed]


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Yeah, I know the feels. Unfortunately most people seem to completely forget about their sheets after a while unless they constantly get poked and prodded to take care of em, like they should already be taking the initiative to go ahead and do without someone having to watch over their shoulder and babysit them twenty-four seven... I always hated having to sometimes often do that, back in the day when I still bothered to do such hostly things... well, not really, that's actually a bull faced lie. I was actually a bit fond of Character Sheet maintenance, found it kinda fun because I could just reformat it and make it all neat and pretty and conforming to my OCD whenever there were new details to be added.

Anyways, you have the hyperlink right to my sheet already.

Since I easily did the most overall maintenance on my profile out of anyone in the old run, and I'm probably going to be making a shit ton of changes as I reveal more and more details about the girl, that should save you a good bit of trouble from my end at least, since you can just connect the link right to the Character sheet name in your post and be done with it. I can't speak for anyone else though. People seemed to be more hit or miss on keeping their shit up to date than anything else, back in the old run...

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Ragnar I'm going to update tomorrow. I lost a lot of time at the doctor and at this point I'm kinda pissed. So I'm just heading straight to bed and see what I can do tomorrow after work.

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Oh god I didn't realize how much of a 180 Rosie is from the previous RP, but I kind of really like it so that I'm not going to change it. But yeah, I made that little Gypsy reference because I know Burrows, Zuko, and Gypsy aren't coming back (probably Paradox too...considering this is Citrine we're talking about). And Citrine is very interesting when it comes to battling. But if I wasn't planning on her losing, it would've actually been a really close battle believe it or not.

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Not really. It will take a few months for it to heal. My first guess was a cracked bone and after a month, turns out I was right. The doc's first 4 guesses were wrong and I wasted an entire month.

Anyway, Princess is playing tag. She did not dodge the tackle but is running in front of Panzer. You can decide if the attack hits or not. I plan to let her lose anyway.

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Eh, I don't really think a recap post is needed for my fight (though I could do one), but I'll get on to making another post tonight if anyone wants to interact. Pretty much grinded down to Techie dying to a single bite though.

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You can just say you won or lost and your PCs reaction. I don't need to see the entire battle in a spoiler or anything.

And Ragnar I said you could choose if the tackle hit or not. Everything you did after that is bunnying my character. I have no choice in what happened to Princess so chance that please.

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Tacps, Chalice, Bagel, Author and Cyaloom, first this a check if you're actively reading this thread. If I don't get a response from you here, I'll be PMing you.

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Whoops, I didn't mean that, I was just taking initiative when you said i can choose whether Panzer's tackle connected or not. Sure, i'll change it later this day, this sins of 2015 is catching up to me and have lesser time here in the forum. sorry for the delay man.

EDIT: it's done.

Edited by Ragnar
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No problem. And I rather have you take initiative and make a mistake instead of doing nothing at all.

I'll see if I can get a reply up later today. Fair warning: Kay is going to break the rules.

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Yes i'm using ice shard as a knife. deal with it. Also, i'll make Panzer lose to this one. Considering the level difference, the typing disadvantage. not to mention that Kay just freaking swap his main poke on this one. :P

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I believe that Kay broke the rules when he did that.

I already said he was going to do that. It's all in-character and eventually you'll know why.

Yes i'm using ice shard as a knife. deal with it. Also, i'll make Panzer lose to this one. Considering the level difference, the typing disadvantage. not to mention that Kay just freaking swap his main poke on this one. :P

Only 3 levels and Kay isn't going to use Absorb. But Herman is very bulky so it's going to take a lot of time to win. If you propose a draw he'll agree though.

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Reply is up, finally.

Now I'm not trying to find an opponent right away simply because I stated I've obtained my second Pokemon without much delay: at the moment though, there are people that have already finished the battle, so I need a different reason to explain why I'm starting later (a reason that makes sense, of course).

Also, this means that if someone (mainly people who still need to post about their Second Pokemon: if I'm not mistaken there are still some) wants to have a match, he/she can just come and talk to my character.

Of course, if there are some errors or moves I'm not allowed to use with my Pokemon, just inform me.

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Oh god, seeing that Togepi brings back memories of Paradox and the Metronome jokes (throwing Techie out the window...good times. Good times). But yeah, that move is pretty much problematic as no matter how you put it, it's going to be a bit bias as it's too hard to really randomize moves and pick one though...the only thing I see that could replace that is the tutor move Covet. The only reason I even had Metronome and Paradox was that she was super underleveled (as she wasn't going to fight until real late) and mostly for humor than a battle.

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Oh god, seeing that Togepi brings back memories of Paradox and the Metronome jokes (throwing Techie out the window...good times. Good times). But yeah, that move is pretty much problematic as no matter how you put it, it's going to be a bit bias as it's too hard to really randomize moves and pick one though...the only thing I see that could replace that is the tutor move Covet. The only reason I even had Metronome and Paradox was that she was super underleveled (as she wasn't going to fight until real late) and mostly for humor than a battle.

You have a point there actually...

but hey, look at this!


Ain't Bing Lord Google great?

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Ok People, Tapc's and Chalice's PCs have been ousted from the PC pool for inactivity. Chalice did state beforehand that they couldn't be around though so if they return, they can hit us up and I'll put Aliah back in. For now though, Only active Pc's in the PC post. ez pz

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I'm not really sure who's active but it looks like most of the battles are kind of wrapping up. I know Cyaloom still needs to battle, but it's kind of hard to converse about battle when they're in a different topic (which is why I was against that but oh well). If anyone wants to converse with Citrine just say something here otherwise, I'll get back to gaming while we wait.

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I'm not really sure who's active but it looks like most of the battles are kind of wrapping up. I know Cyaloom still needs to battle, but it's kind of hard to converse about battle when they're in a different topic (which is why I was against that but oh well). If anyone wants to converse with Citrine just say something here otherwise, I'll get back to gaming while we wait.

The ones that actually battled + Cyaloom imo.

And he doesn't need to start a new battle. Just wait until the other battles are done so I can start chapter 2. I mainly did these battles to see if people would go overboard like last time.

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my last post is probably gonna be my decisive move, you can choose whether Panzer loses or not. by the way, that Rollout doubles its power due to the defense curl value. Are you sure you don't want to use absorb? :P

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I'm going to end the battle later today with your victory. Kay did break the rules so technically he should've lost immediately after the substitution. (Also the reason I mentioned video camera's instead of a teacher watching the battle). I'll also post the summary and mention Samantha and Matt's battles. And once Hukuna and Dobby finish we can start chapter 2.

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K so there were some PC problems and basically everything got reset. This means I also lost my Ymora documents, including the ones with my plans and general plans for each chapter. I didn't make a back-ups and when I tried yesterday it failed. This means I have to rework most details. Characters is going to be a pain.

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K so there were some PC problems and basically everything got reset. This means I also lost my Ymora documents, including the ones with my plans and general plans for each chapter. I didn't make a back-ups and when I tried yesterday it failed. This means I have to rework most details. Characters is going to be a pain.

That's really depressing, does this mean that CH2 will be delayed for a bit or will you just remake the documents as we go start interactions?

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I'm just going to start chapter 2. I don't think I'm going to rewrite everything in those documents and just put general directions I want to take. I'm only going to write everything down when it comes to all those characters.

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K so there were some PC problems and basically everything got reset. This means I also lost my Ymora documents, including the ones with my plans and general plans for each chapter. I didn't make a back-ups and when I tried yesterday it failed. This means I have to rework most details. Characters is going to be a pain.

Google docs is your friend for that reason. But sorry to see that happen. Generally, I keep almost all my information right inside this noggin I which is surprisingly good at remembering stuff (even some very minor details).

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