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Poke'mon Battlegrounds- CHAPTER 1 [ENDED]


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He nods at Crystal.

"Yes, as was I... Though I feel we need to be on high alert if there are Pokemon out there that can defeat Vertex so easily."

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A hooded pokemon approaches Zabuza. From the looks of it its a Kabutops, he looks at the poke'mon with lifeless look.


" You here for the king of the magic Kingdom?" he paused as he exhales bubbles as if they were smoke "Well..... what say you?"

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She sighed at Shidew's response, "That's not what I meant, though yes it is surprising Vertex was taken down so easily. What I meant was I am surprised they found a Kabutops and not a frokie. I recentlycalled over a mercenary from a village of frokie in the swamp so their rep should be here soon."


He looked up at the hooded Kabutops, "Well, more or less the Queen, but yea. I'm head to the royal chamber as we speak. Why, you affiliated with them at all?" He was unsure how to react to the pokemon. He heard that this city was mainly inhabited by dark, psychic, ghost and fairy type pokemon.

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"Like I said, he should be here soon. I hope." She adjusted her regal Tiara and went back to laying on her cushion as she waited.


"Would you mind telling me those reasons? I can't just bring you there without knowing anything." Something was fishy about this guy, and its not kuz he's a water type. He just had to make sure he wasn't bringing anyone bad to his clients domain. Rule number 24 of training, never put the client in unnecessary danger.

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He exhales "Your saying you wont help a weary traveler..... your client is the queen" He exhaled bubbles "I seek out the King..." He adjusted his cloak. "Besides... even if you did not cooperate I could just follow you in the shadows.... you wouldn't even know I'm around"

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He sighed, "Look, if you can't tell me why you want to meet with my client or her acquaintances I can't help you. Just ask a town guard or someone else to lead you." With that he dashed off. This man is obviously up to something. So after he cut the corner he created a substitute clone and had it continue down the road, while the real him took a detour around the place in hopes he'd follow the clone and buy Zabuza some time to get to the castle.

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The Legendary Sky Drake hovered through the training "Grounds" as he inspected his soldier's performances one by one, from the Salamences perfecting their flamethrower attacks to the Dragonites lashing out at one another with Electrified, Thunder Wave-Laced Aqua Tails, to the Noiverns blasting the barren mountainside with Boombursts...All while a freezing, merciless wind blew across the air space in harrowing squalls.

"Yes, yes..." Azauqyar chuckled at his handiwork. Not a single one of his men gave any sign of discomfort- For... they had trained in such horrid conditions day in and day out, everyday on a rotating regime, some fulfilling Guard duties in the morning and training at dusk, some patrolling at night and training in the morning. And through it all, Azauqyar was always here to oversee it himself; the task of ensuring his men would be ready to defend the king and his capitol should the need ever arose... it was not something to merely be pawned off to a second in command or a delegate. The only time in the entire day the "Grounds", as they called them (though in truth the space was nothing more than the open air space encircling the entirety of the mountain itself) were ever Vacant was when Azauqyar was not present.

And the only times when Azauqyar was not present was in the hours between Noon and Dusk when he took a patrol of his own throughout the capital alongside his chosen best soldiers, or when his Highness had business for which he was needed. Some might think such a rotation plan to be a hindrance and disadvantage.Some might dare even call him a fool for not having a fully manned Guard at all times.

But He knew it was anything but, and that was enough for him. For what many of his critics did not realize was that any advancing army would have to first scale the mountain side, and if they dare tried in the morning or the night, they'd be noticed almost immediately precisely because of the fact that Azauqyar did not assign the entirety of the force to active duty at once.

And if they wised up enough to luanch an afternoon attack...? well, he and his most elite forces would just have to give them his regards, no wouldn't they? Yes, truly... for though the plan he had devised appeared on the surface to leave the city without a suitable defense for two times out of every day, in truth it merely established an inner and outer guard at almost all times. The inner to guard the city directly, the outer to provide support and rain death from the heavens as needed...

Regardless of how paradoxically brilliant or blatantly foolish his mechanations were though, it was not yet the hours between noon and dusk. And, to his knowledge, his lord had no dire task that needed his attentions at the moment.

And so here he was... just as any other day, watching...

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He sighed "Why do they aways have to do things the hard way..." he slowly lurked around eventually finding the Castle on his own... "Now then... Time to have a word with a certain ghost type" He enters the castle, knocking out ever guard that stood in his way eventually reaching the throne room.

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Crystal & Frokie

Once again she sighed, how can she live with this man. "No, Shidew. I was planning on setting him on a mission as soon as he got here." and before she knew it the frokie had appeared kneeling in front of both of them after he jumped through one of the nearby windows of the room. "I'm here for the mission my good lady, also there seems to be a Kabutops looking for the king. Is he an acquaintance of yours?" The Eevee then stood up,"A Kabutops, Shidew you think it's the same one?" She asked the ghost who was still on his pile of gems.

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"No doubt. I know you want to send him on a mission, but I think his first mission should be to stay here for the time being, in case the Kaputops gets in here."

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He exhaled bubbles once more "Don't talk as if I'm not here" he slowly walked forward as he is cut off by a poke'mon


"YOU AGAIN?" he said in anger, "you may have got the drop on me last time but your not getting away this time."

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finally a fellow sky ally.


"Ah, training hard as always.. i see" Swain said to Azauqyar as a flock of his murkrow entourage filled the airspace, almost covering the sky with their bundle of black feathers all group together. "Don't stress yourself captain, for these petty non-flying creatures will never get to us, for we are above them in every way possible." The mafia bird said as Swain squawk himself in amusement. underestimating the pokemon living below them.

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Crystal & Zabuza

"Vertex halt!" The Espeon yelled at her obviously tired commander since he was beaten just a moment ago. "Now, you're Xeen if I am correct. We don't want to have any unnecessary conflict here, so why have you bursted your way into our throne room? You must have a pretty good reason if you went through all this trouble." She was on guard as well as Zabuza, just in case he made a sudden attack.

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Vertex & Xeen

Vertex kneeld to Crystal and calmly said "As you wish my queen". Xeen then took a few setps forward and pointed his claw to Shidew "Your Husband is the sole reason why I come forth lady Crystal...." He paused for a moment, and exhaled " I have a few questions to ask of him you see" He lowered his claw back down and remained silent

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finally a fellow sky ally.


"Ah, training hard as always.. i see" Swain said to Azauqyar as a flock of his murkrow entourage filled the airspace, almost covering the sky with their bundle of black feathers all group together. "Don't stress yourself captain, for these petty non-flying creatures will never get to us, for we are above them in every way possible." The mafia bird said as Swain squawk himself in amusement. underestimating the pokemon living below them.


"Rabble as they may be," Azauqyar said, turning his attentions to the sudden arrival of the Murder. His own men kept training without even the slightest distraction however... "Do not underestimate the Land Crawlers or the Sea dwellers... for those gifted with high places in this world are by nature vulnerable to the mechanations of those beneath them. You would do well to remember this..." He paused, considering the significance of why Swain was even here in the first place.

"What of his Highness though?" he asked, continuing to hover about and inspect as the two of them talked. "Surely he would not have permitted his advisor to leave his side without some errand. Has he some need of my power?" The slightest trace of a twister appeared around his tail as the wind currents suddenly changed direction and grew even fiercer in the grounds, sending gales far colder than before circulating throughout the space. His men still showed no signs of discomfort... most of them...

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He remains calm, and removes his hood to reveal that he is not just any ordinary Kabutops "I am in search of a criminal ghost type poke'mon... since you not only are a ghost type, but rule over them..." he exhales bubbles "I'd suspect you'd be able to pint me into the right direction... I know that he is a Banette... but I have lost his trail." He paused for a moment and gave what looked like a leer. "You would happen to know where I could find ghost types of that nature..." he sharpens his claws "Would you?"

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"Criminal, eh? There's one little area in the kingdom where I would think one of those would be. Y'can't miss it." He calls for a servant. "Get me a map." he demands from the Pokemon.

He opens the map and points to a spot, before tossing it to Xeen, along with a random water stone. "Now get out of my presence."

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he turns around without saying a word and began to walk away ( There still might be a chance in for this kingdom.... at least for the psychic types) he thought to him self before stopping at the door. "If your going to use that Froakie to attack one of the kingdoms I wouldn't recomend it" he said before exiting the room.


He rose up and glared at the Fossil poke'mon as he walked down the hallway "You ant me to put a tail on him My lords?" he said

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Crystal & Zabuza

"I already have something planned," She said to Vertex, now turning to the Frokie in-front of her, "I was originally going to have you infiltrate the Water Kingdom and send information to us but this interests me a little bit more. I want you to follow Xeen, to make sure he doesn't do anything harmful to the people around him and keep us informed about his motives. If he asks why you're following him just say I would like to give him support and that support is you. Of course you will be payed handsomely for your work now get to it." The Frokie Nodded and headed off to catch up with Xeen and follow behind him.

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"at ease, captain, The king is not here yet (literary) i'm just inspecting what your man are doing in your time, making sure the funds of the kingdom is not wasted on such an investment." The crow said as he inspect the troops with his judging eye, so far Swain was pleased. "so what method of training do you use on your troops?" Swain said with his one eyebrow raised to the sky dragon.

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Xeen wandered the town, asking around about the information he had just been told, Although he knew he was being followed, He knew he was in no real danger and humored their mastery of stealth. eventual he grew tired and stopped my a local INN for the night.

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