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[IC] Of Shadow and Flame EP2: Investigation


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The roof, huh. Exactly as I figured. She thought.

He was most definitely going to jump. As such, Nagi simply decided to wait until he got off of the elevator to make a move. It would probably be best to restrain him once he was on the roof rather than in the elevator.

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Krys saw the other two materialise their weapons, but she couldn't think of doing it on her own. I don't know what I would do with a weapon, or for that matter which one I would use. She spent some time thinking about what she could do with her power. Her transformed state seemed to have a red armour and she felt like one of those English knights. Maybe that is it, I should get a sword. She thought about a sword and holding it in her hand. She spent time visualising it and thinking of the details, almost as if she was forging it. Then she brought forward the feeling that she helped her transform and started to form her sword. She held out her hand and grasped the hilt. She started examining it and was happy that she could call it. Thorn, that is what I'll call it. She turned to the others and smiled, showing them the sword. "So I did it. This sword is nice. I'm going to call it Thorn."

((OOC: sorry for the lame post.. on my cell and don't want to hold the group back))

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Bark gave Nagi a cursory glance and then went back to staring at the elevator door. I guess we're going all the way up. He continued waiting calmly for the elevator to reach the rooftop.

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Nagi acknowledged the glance and simply nodded back. More likely than not, he had the same idea as her. So, she waited until the elevator would hit the roof while readying herself mentally to ambush the man.

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Gavriil nodded. It was the type of training he received in fighting before he had any skills; he was told to simply attack his masters, and soon learned that his efforts were for naught. He brushed aside that thought, for this time, things were different; he already knew how to fight, basically. Perhaps these new skills would not be too difficult to manage.

The imposing figure suddenly lunged at Noriko. His right elbow came in front of his face, his hand just beside his left ear while his right hand was locked in a chamber fist, still holding the chain of the flail. Once he reached a distance at which the flail could hit, he unleashed his locked arms in an explosively-powerful swing of the ball, which gained massive momentum as it traveled from as far back as Gavriil could prepare it. Thus there was a giant, spiked, iron ball heading towards the blue-haired girl at a speed Gavriil himself was surprised he could manage to throw such a cumbersome object. He chalked it down to his new strength, of course.

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Noriko was a bit surprised by the raw speed of Gavriil's attack, but she still dodged backward and upward, ascending to a higher platform. This one was definitely out of reach without getting airborne. She gave no further instruction beyond an expectant look.

The door creaked open behind them, with Kouta and a couple other mages that Gavriil didn't know peeking in. They were curious about their new ally.

The elevator

The door opened straight to the roof. The lethargic man lurched forward with a start, shuffling in a straight line toward the edge and the fall to the street below...

Takeshi's training

"Alright, that's awesome. Remember how to do that. Next thing you need to learn, though, is how to move. Since you're all basically new and haven't worked on it yet, you've got about five minutes of energy to expend. Well, less now, but you use a lot less outside of active combat. You'll want to avoid threats rather than face them down until you can grow a bit - trust me. Basically, I want you guys to follow me." With that, the silver knight let his weapon vanish with a fading glow of the same teal hue and leapt off of his roof toward another building, moving faster and further than any normal human could hope to.

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It was sudden. Nagi had simply expected him to just walk with the same gait he had previously used. However, the sudden movements the man made were jarring.

However, Nagi immediately focused and took action. She leaped out of the elevator and ran straight to the guy while aiming her arms towards his neck with the intention to put him into a headlock and pull him onto his back.

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The man strained a bit, but it was clear that whatever had taken him over had sapped his strength as well. He struggled weakly, but his fist still balled around whatever he had picked up earlier.

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Having partially restrained the man who was now weakly struggling, Nagi decided the best thing to do would be to knock him out. It would be better than the alternative of him getting up and heading back to the edge of the building and at the same time, he would probably loosen his grip on whatever he picked up if he was unconscious. So, she let one of her hands go and took out one of her knives. She then carefully aimed the end of the handle at the side of his head. Hopefully, the quick movement of his head and brain would knock him out.

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The man fell unconscious at the blow, though the object was still in his hand. The fist had unfurled for the most part, revealing the strange item to be a small, black scale that was almost disturbing to look at for some unknown reason.

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"Get to ground level... a bit more eventful than I had hoped, but check." Faust made no hesitation once he'd gotten to the end of the stairs, striding out of the stairwell and across the front lobby of the place with some pseudo swagger that suggested he belonged here just as much as the white collars and the big shots. The moment he made it to the doors though he burst outside and onto the sidewalk, glancing around as he tried to pin point which direction the feeling from earlier was tugging at him the strongest now...

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Nagi let go of the man and knocked the hand that had the item with her foot in order to allow the item to fall out. She placed the knife back where she took it from and looked over the item. It was an eerie black scale-like item that gave off some oppressive presence. As she stood over the item, she started to reach down for it but stopped halfway.

"You said you are called Bark, right?" She said to the man who she had left behind in the elevator, not knowing if he had already left it. "Would you mind doing me a favor?"

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Bark had indeed left the lift, but was standing almost right behind Nagi, having followed her out to provide backup. "I'm Bark, yes. And it depends on what that favor is. And on what's in it for me," he added.

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"I am going to pick up this scale thing. This guy is likely not some fully trained magic-user so I want to see what it does to magic-users like us. Can I trust you to restrain me and knock it out of my hands if I start acting like this man did?"

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Bark extended an arm, attempting to block Nagi from picking up the scale. "Are you sure about this? We have no idea what type of magical energy is in there. For all we know it could spawn a Beast that burns everything down and kills everyone!" he explained, making light of his example. "Look, I just think we should be a little cautious. Maybe poke it with a stick or something before we go picking it up," he offered.

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Nagi sighed as she stood back up. "Here's the problem with that. This is likely not the only one in the area. Based on what I sensed, they seem to be all over the district. In other words, as we simply wait, others are going to pick these up and run to commit suicide as well. You are right that picking this up may be a bad idea, though. But simply prodding it with a stick will be useless. It has already been exposed to heavy move--…" She paused for a second and thought of something. "You know, there may be some merit in that prod with a stick idea. Except, why not try hitting it with a magic-based attack. Even if we end up destroying it, there are others in the area that I have noted the approximate location of."

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Bark sighed. She may have a point, he conceded mentally, his expression unwavering. He began to focus his frustration at the damage caused by the scales and a hammer appeared in his hand. It was roughly three and a half feet long and had a haft that seemed to be made of a light brown stone. It was not a smooth stone, bumps and ridges visible on the surface even from Nagi's distance. Its head went through the shaft. It was made of opaque orange crystal that glinted along the multifaceted surface of a roughly rectangular gemstone that was wider in the middle than it was its ends. Where the haft wrapped around the gemstone there seemed to be ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics scribed in delineated columns of the mystical text. As he raised the hammer to destroy the scale, he looked up at Nagi.

"Are you sure this is the best course of action? Maybe we could contain it within something? An enchanted box, perhaps?" he asked seriously.

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Nagi smirked. "I see we are in agreement, then."

She moved the body of the unconscious man to lean against the door of the now closed elevator to keep him as far away from any possible damage as possible.

As she walked back, he simply snapped with her right as it began to transform into a more slender arm while magically removing the sleeve of her trench coat up to the shoulder. On that slender arm was a bracelet with a cloud motif that had :N≡N: written on it. As she focused, the air around her arm began to move in a turbulent manner. In that second, a spear, transparent enough that people could only detect the edges if they were very focused, of about a meter long formed in her hand.

She held the her hand such that the end of the spear was pointing towards the scale.

"If you have some sort of containment mechanism, feel free to use it. Unfortunately, I have no such thing and moving it is risky."

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Krys looked at the others. Are they really going to do that? What if we fall? No, I shouldn't doubt myself. Even if I am scared. I have to try. She concentrated on Takeshi, trying to visualise herself following him. The weapon vanished from her hands. She took another glance at the others and said "Well, here goes nothing." She ran for the edge of the roof, trying to force herself to jump. She couldn't do it. She stopped near the edge. "I can't do this. What if I fall?" She looked at the others. She didn't know how to do this.

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When Takeshi jumped so easily across that gap, Dexter stood still on the roof, staring at him amazed. "How am I supposed to do that? Especially in these conditions." the blonde guy thought.

After that, he also saw Krys refusing to jump. She tried to run off the edge, but stopped right before jumping.

That was a fairly intimidating gap and Dexter tried to take his time before attempting any dangerous action. The shotgun disappeared from his hands.

Trying to remember exactly what Takeshi did, Dexter ran for the edge of the roof, then stopped. Although he wasn't feeling very well, Dexter was able to run quite fast, surely faster than the normal Dexter.

He tried to jump for a second time, his blue eye glowing with a fiery light, and finally he seemed to take off. The time spent in the air seemed eternal for Dexter despite his speed. He actually thought he could do it, as he was getting every second closer to the other building.

At the end of the jump Dexter had some doubts on that. The other building, which seemed so close, was actually not coming closer to Dexter like before... And it was then that the guy landed on the roof, right on its edge, then stumbling and falling forward, right in front of Takeshi.

"It seems I'll need to work on that. I landed here just for some centimeters.".

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"I was hoping you might," he said forlornly. Then he shrugged and grinned at Nagi. "At least I get to hit something." Then he brought his hammer down on the scale, fully intent on destroying it.

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Nagi reciprocated Bark's grin with one of her own.

As she saw Bark bring down his hammer, Nagi thrusted her spear towards the scale such that she would not interfere with Bark's own attack but would still do damage regardless.

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Ozymandias shot a dazzling smile at the nervous woman. "If you are nervous, let us do it together!" He grabbed Krys hand in his own and dragged her back to get a running start before beginning his own running start. His grip n her arm was firm and if she didn't run along Ozy probably wouldn't make it, not that it occurred to him, even just before they reached he edge of the building.

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Gavrill looked up to see Noriko's new position. He thought rapidly on how to strike her, for he had no projectiles... or did he? With a swift tug of his right arm, he reversed the massive ball's momentum to come back to him, and took hold of the chain where it connected to it. Without missing a beat, Gavriil held the ball between spikes, and used as much force as he could to throw the flail straight at the blue-haired girl. It flew up with the chain and handle trailing, like the tail of a comet.

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Krys was slightly shocked when Bobby/Ozy caught her hand. She wasn't ready to try it again but he started running anyway, half dragging her along. Oh crap, he's going to make us fall. I need to run with him. She gained control of herself and started running as well, hoping they would reach. As the edge got closer, she tensed up a little, holding Bobby's hand harder and prepared to jump. "Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap! We're gonna jump!" She scream't just before taking the final jump. She didn't know why, but having Bobby with her made her feel more confident. Then they were in the air. The rush of the wind in her face felt amazing. She could see the other roof and the two boys standing on it. She could feel Ozy's hand holding her's and she smiled and turned to look at Ozy, her worries gone. We're going to make it, she thought.

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