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Yu-Gi-Oh Roleplay Episode 2: When the Kids are United [AT SCHOOL]

Tomas Elliot

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"Wait...what?" Luna was a bit confused by what just happened. "I thought we were talking about Lane, not...uh...this...stranger. Or should I call you a sorcerer? Seriously, how can you not be a gender? Better question, how does your species even date?" The girl still couldn't get a grasp of non-binary. To her this was some sort of magic in the making.

Kiive really was getting annoyed. It was one thing to not really understand at first glance, xe tried for an androgynous appearance and so confusion was to be expected. However when people persisted like this it really got on xyr nerves. No one wants to be called something they are not after all. "If you really must know, I was born a girl, just like you. Genitalia and all. However I dare say that is not talk for a table (Or an RP))" Xe said with a bit of a frown. Klive wasn't a big believer in a poker face. Emotions were hardly as telling as people made them out to be. Most people could barely understand their own, let alone others.

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Red could see that working with Klive and Luna was going to be a challenge, but she knew that working with these two might be her closer to something. So to defuse the situation, Red turned to the only thing they had in common.

The Cards

"Speaking of magic Luna, I was hoping to ask Klive if he has seen any of these magical cards. I've been taking notes of these strange cards and I'm wondering if they are all part of a special set. " Red handed her journal over to Klive. "Look here, my card had lore written on it and a number, so there has to be at-least that many cards and possibly more right?"

Izanami Lore

81: #81: "Only the Number Holders have the power to save the world"!

Edited by Red_Chaos
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[Anyone who still might be in the class room]

Roy had finished his lunch and seeing no point in just sitting at a table the rest of lunch headed back to the class. He noticed Gen walking out as he entered though he didn't speak to her and entered. Once inside he went back to his seat picking up the pencil bag he forgot. Now, seeing as he's got nothing better else to do he sat at his desk waiting for the time to fly.

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(Arial, Arthur, and Ken)

"I think I remember a voice..." Rene answered Ken's question. "I don't remember exactly what it said, but that sight was nothing I would ever want to see...Or at least something I would want to ever endure again..."

While Rene was waiting for Arthur he decided to tell a little bit about where he came from: "You see, experiencing that vision made me think of what happened to my family and me before we moved to Heartland less than a year ago. Back in the city I used to live in, there was a terrible tragedy that nearly wiped out half of the inhabitants there...Because of it, I lost not only several of my relatives, but also my cousin that I always enjoyed hanging out with. We would do almost anything together; duel one another, play games, or whatever you can think of...It's just really sad what happened just within a week before my parents and I abruptly left town..."

If anyone was interested in listening to what happened Rene would continue as he was waiting for Arthur to get ready.

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[[Dominic, Monika, and Lane]]

As she was musing, she heard the voice of a familiar person. She looked to the side to see that Dominic had come into the outer garden. "Ah! Dominic!" For some reason she could feel her face growing warmer. Anyone who could see her face would see a very visible blush. "What are you--" She cut herself off before knocking her head slightly with her fist to calm herself down, allowing for the blush to recede. "You seem to be coming to the garden a lot, recently. Well, have a seat!" She scooted over a bit on the long chair and motioned him to it.

"We were just exchanging some information and I was about to tell them about what happened yesterday. It would help if you were here to also explain about what happened at the port." At that moment, she remembered something. "Oh yeah. I'm sorry for suddenly leaving you yesterday."

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"Well duh," Luna responded. "There's rumors about magical cards going everywhere." Something suddenly clicked inside of Luna. "Hold on, did you say blank card? Well, it's definitely not blank right now. Can you tell me what exactly happened? I need you to go into details. It's kind of important."

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((Monika, Setsuna and Dominic))

Lane had been staring to the flowers the entire time. He was listening, but not really saying much. The two girls were eager to puzzle things together but he was lost in his own thoughts, until Dominic's arrival snapped him out of it.

After confirming the new arrival wasn't an intruder, Lane found an opening to answer some questions. “Monika, you asked if these cards have any special effects. As far as I can tell they show visions. I'm not sure if Adam saw the same vision and if that's the reason that drove him nuts or that the card did it. All that I know is that I obtained 2 Number Cards and it came twice with a headache. “

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"Well duh," Luna responded. "There's rumors about magical cards going everywhere." Something suddenly clicked inside of Luna. "Hold on, did you say blank card? Well, it's definitely not blank right now. Can you tell me what exactly happened? I need you to go into details. It's kind of important."

"Well, it all started when i left the gardens to the park. Once I grabbed some food, I wondered into a Fortune Teller's house and meet up with Professor Gawyn. He handed the lady a card and then the one in my pocket started glowing and then changed to a card with the lore on it! I think the professor's card said something like Number 104: Masquerade on it. "

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{Arial, Ken, and Rene}

As Arthur reached for his deck he froze up, recalling the beating he'd taken from Arclight the day before. I need to adjust it... he thought to himself. He cleared his throat. "On second thought, I'd rather not duel again so soon."

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(Arial, Arthur, and Rene)

Ken smiled as he took out another lollipop and stuck it in his mouth, before addressing Arial and Rene. "Yeah, that'd be the voice. I have absolutely no idea what Izanami lore means, I've always been a bit more interested in the lore and myths of the Greeks." Ken said with a flash of a smile before it lessened. But I'm more bothered by the other part of the sentence. Ken finished, biting off the head of the lollipop and tossing the stick in the trash.

Before he could continue, he fell into silence as he heard Rene recount his tale. It didn't sound very pretty. In fact, it was a really horrible thing. I mean, mass death of people you knew? That's a lot for a high schooler to deal with. But he knew from experience it's not all that great to get lost in the past, so wordlessly, Ken took out another lollipop and handed it to Rene, smiling.

"Rene, right? You're in a new place now. The past sounds pretty horrible, but if you focus on that too much, it's gonna be a lot harder to focus on the present. So take this and try to smile, alright? I don't think anyone of them would want you to go through life sad." Ken said with a small smile on his face. He did say yesterday that his job in all this - besides investigator, he supposed - was to try and keep everyone else smiling.

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[[Dominic, Monika, and Lane]]

"Headache? Did that headache happen to come with an 'Izanami Lore' vision? If so, did the other one's number match the number on the second Numbers Card you have?" Setsuna continued to try and probe for more information.

"That being said, have you guys heard of the rumored Ice Queen?"

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Klive said nothing as Red recounted her own tale. Evidently the conversation had moved past Reds prior question. Still, magical cards? "I hate to say it, truly I do, but magical cards? Really? We may still be in school but that doesn't mean we have to be naive"

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"Actually, you're the one who's being naive," Luna responded. "Magical or not, I'm thinking you've never seen a card like this before. Actually, you could've never seen like a card like this before. I've done a bit a research on rare and unique cards and nothing matched the official printed cards. Let me ask you a question: where did these cards come from? And don't say some random underground company. Why would anyone invest so much time into making..." Luna then looked back at the card. "83 of these one of a kind cards and not take credit. Think for a minute and the answers pretty obvious. Better yet, how does somebody forget about receiving a card like that? No matter how many times you throw it around there's no logical explanation."

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(Setsuna, Lane, Monika.)

"Hah! Will do!" Dominic sat down on the space Setsuna made, taking off his bag and setting on the ground next to his legs. "And, no worries about leaving. I'm just extremely glad we made it through all that." Listening in slightly as to what they were talking about as he adjusted himself, keywords rang in his head upon hearing them. "Headaches and visions, huh? I can strangely relate.."

Unzipping the bag next to him, he looked inside for a few small things to eat while talking with the others, as he did so, something Setsuna said caused him to slightly freeze, "Gah.." Dominic grimaced at the name 'Ice Queen', knowing full well who Setsuna meant. Pulling himself up, Dominic shuddered slightly at the events that happened the other day. "I know I have.." Dominic replied, albeit under his breath.

Edited by Zechs
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(Ken, Arthur, and Arial)

"Thank you," Rene replied to Ken. "It's Ken? I try not to dwell on it all of the time, but it's hard to shake it off. I try to think of the good, especially when I look at this card."

Rene took out Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon from his Extra Deck and show it to Ken, Arthur, and Arial. Rene continued, "This belonged to my close cousin, Jack. It's all I have left to remember him by...Somehow I know he was going to use this card to win our last duel together..."

Edited by tails12
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Dominic, Setsuna, Lane

"Ice Queen? Actually I have never heard about her. Did you two meet her or something? And does it have to do with Number cards?" Monika replied. This girl was probably the one the word 'her' that Setsuna pronounced was referred to. "So is this the person with strange powers you gave a hint about before? " whispered therefore Monika to the other girl.

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"Actually, you're the one who's being naive," Luna responded. "Magical or not, I'm thinking you've never seen a card like this before. Actually, you could've never seen like a card like this before. I've done a bit a research on rare and unique cards and nothing matched the official printed cards. Let me ask you a question: where did these cards come from? And don't say some random underground company. Why would anyone invest so much time into making..." Luna then looked back at the card. "83 of these one of a kind cards and not take credit. Think for a minute and the answers pretty obvious. Better yet, how does somebody forget about receiving a card like that? No matter how many times you throw it around there's no logical explanation."


Klive cocked an eyebrow at Lunas assertion. "We live in a world where little kids dream of becoming anything. One of which is a fantastic famous duelist. Meanwhile, we have people who want to make the cards we use in our duels and pour their hearts into making them. Who's to say all these cards aren't just someone's pet project that was dispersed into the world for some reason after they passed away? And why dismiss the idea of a random underground company? We don't even know how many of these cards there are, let alone the reasons they were made. There are too many things we don't know which is why it is naive to jump to magic." Klive argued, xyr voice was cool and their face more like a poker face than xyr normal expression. "Magic is simply science we don't understand yet"

Klive took a moment to think why xe was even getting annoyed with Luna. This investigation started as a curious whim. Why was xe actually pursuing it so much to the point where arguing with someone about it got Klive riled up internally? It was ridiculous. Hell, why were so many people looking into this so much to begin with? Despite Lanes protests in the class so many people seemed so set on this puzzle that they had tried uniting the whole class.

Why? What was their reason?

What was Klives reason?

Klive struggled for an answer, searching for it. It was just one more question xe had to answer. One that was consuming xem more and more.

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to himself

Dean walked away from Blair because he simply lost interest of the conversation. On the way to the cafeteria, he pulled his divine dragon fregland out. The card is an reminder/reward from being a student to an famous duelist which he used to watch as a kid."Nitro, you will be with me in my heart. I will never forget the day when you gave me this card."


"Here you go my student, a reward for beating me." *Show Divine Dragon Knight* "Its yours and you could do whenever you want with it except put it through a washing machine."

Dean(as 10 year old) eagerly exclaimed "Oh boy, a card? Wow! What it do? It looks pretty powerful."

Nitro modestly laughed "Haha, How about you find out through one spar"

One Hour later

" Go, Divine knight, destroy Excalibur with your Shining Slash!"

Nitro lp: 0

Nitro was surprised Dean learned how to use the card well to best him fast. "Well, your parents are here so farewall."

Dean responded with a simple bye.

-To Present-

Dean said "Well, they were my good days now I have Overlord and Divine Knight."

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(Arial, Rene, and Arthur)

Ken kept his smile on as he looked at Rene's card. " It's a nice card. I'm sure you'll be able to use it to pretty good effect sometime. Just hope you don't summon it against me." Ken said with a small laugh as he turned back to Arial and went on to continue his earlier point.

" Honestly, it all sounds like a really corny shonen show. If I remember, it said The world will be engulfed by shadows and destroyed, or something to that effect. Ken said sighing as he shrugged and sat upwards again, his chair landing on all four legs with a resounding clunk. " Unfortunately, I have absolutely no clue as to what that actually MEANS. Any ideas you three? Ken said, his eyes closed and lost in thought.

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The Garden

Upon entering the school garden, his nose was filled with the scent of flowers.

"The smell is nice. I never been into this part of the garden before...."

As he looks around he spotted Dominic as well as other folks with.

"Hey! Dominic!" He shouted as he goes into his location.

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Klive cocked an eyebrow at Lunas assertion. "We live in a world where little kids dream of becoming anything. One of which is a fantastic famous duelist. Meanwhile, we have people who want to make the cards we use in our duels and pour their hearts into making them. Who's to say all these cards aren't just someone's pet project that was dispersed into the world for some reason after they passed away? And why dismiss the idea of a random underground company? We don't even know how many of these cards there are, let alone the reasons they were made. There are too many things we don't know which is why it is naive to jump to magic." Klive argued, xyr voice was cool and their face more like a poker face than xyr normal expression. "Magic is simply science we don't understand yet"

Klive took a moment to think why xe was even getting annoyed with Luna. This investigation started as a curious whim. Why was xe actually pursuing it so much to the point where arguing with someone about it got Klive riled up internally? It was ridiculous. Hell, why were so many people looking into this so much to begin with? Despite Lanes protests in the class so many people seemed so set on this puzzle that they had tried uniting the whole class.

Why? What was their reason?

What was Klives reason?

Klive struggled for an answer, searching for it. It was just one more question xe had to answer. One that was consuming xem more and more.


"Fine, magic or no magic, but something is going on in this town that isn't normal like home. I don't know about you two, but I don't trust this new teacher. Every time I see her, my skin stands up. That's why I'm half torn about checking out that museum she suggested after school"

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{Ken, Arthur and Rene}

Arial gave a pat on Rene's shoulder as a way of offering her sympathy. Ken had already said the necessary words so there is no need for her to say any more to make Rene feel any worse. "Hey man, if you need anything, just let us know. I'm sure we will be glad to offer an ear or a hand. I'm sure my dragons will agree too." She nodded towards her bag, which contained her precious cards.

The green eyed teen then retreated her hand, allowing it to rest on her said bag as she considered what Ken had said. "Do you think it means what it says?" Arial asked hesitantly as she recalled what she was able to comprehend. "If the world will be engulfed by shadows and destroyed, that could explain why I heard people screaming and saw buildings burning. But now I wonder who is causing this destruction and how this is related to Izanami."

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(Ken, Arial, Arthur)

"Thanks," Rene said warmly with a smile as both Ken and Arial comforted him. Rene took the lollipop Ken had offered him before and set it aside to help him remember that there are those that do care and will listen. He serenely said afterwards, "I know it's a lot to bare, but I'll get through it one way or another. I'd be content once I can find an answer to what really caused everything to happen then. For now, let's focus on the matter at hand..."

Rene paused to listen to what Ken and Arial were discussing. When he had the chance to voice his opinion, he said, "I'm not sure how it may related to this Izanami or who may be causing it, but someone obviously is. If we end up part of this somehow...we'll need to make sure we're extremely careful and up to brush on our dueling skills and whatever else may be needed."

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Luna was about to speak, but remained silent for a minute to let Red finish. Instead of letting an outburst, she remained silent for a minute glaring at Red. A long time for the girl which was quite rare for this outspoken girl. When she regained her thoughts, she turned back to Klive.

"Just like the rest of them, you think to rationally, dearie. Look how far it's gotten them. Sometimes you got to think a little bit crazy before the truth comes out. Let me show you." Luna then pointed to the card on the table. "You see this card. The reason you don't believe it is magical is because you haven't seen one in action. I've witnessed a strange reaction to these cards with Lane getting a migraine, a busboy running from fear, a professor going a bit nuts, and Red here who seems to have lost her memory all of which I'm sure have one of these cards."

Luna was ready for Klive to interrupt her, but she continued ready to raise her voice. "It doesn't matter whether you believe they are magical or not as wielder of the cards DO believe they are often giving some strange reactions from wielding them. Now let's look at Tenjo's murder. Doesn't look like this ties into any of this, right? Wrong! I remember the teacher saying that someone theorized Tenjo participated in a duel. That's not the interesting part. Tenjo had his deck when he was murdered, correct?"

The girl took a quick breath before continuing. Man, explanations are hard. I hope I didn't screw anything up. "There's a possibility that Tenjo had one of these cards. Why is this important? It gives the culprit a motivation. Yes, the culprit killed Tenjo because of the card he had. What happened to the card I cannot say, but I'd say a magical card is a pretty good motivation considering they seem to tell the future or something...or was it the end of the world stories? I don't know and it don't matter. They do bizarre things and one of a kind so extreme measures are more likely to be taken."

Luna noticed her little outburst and tried calming down. What were these cards anyway? The more she thought about it, the more important they seemed to become. "The thing I'm puzzled about is who the culprit is. At this point, it still could be anyone, but Klive proved me wrong. There are many people like Klive who don't believe in magical cards just like everybody else. Seems like only people who own these cards believe they are magical. If that holds true, it would narrow the suspects down to..." Luna looked at Red's book again. "80 something...or something along the lines. That's a lot smaller compared to a whole city population."

Then there was silence, but the girl knew she had to continue. This time she turned back to Red. "There's something you said that bothered. When you mentioned our homeroom teacher, I realized where to start looking. A card wielder would've had to have known Tenjo beforehand to notice any odd behavior. So the most obvious place to look is in our own school. Even though this is all based on a crazy theory with little evidence, there's still the outcome the killer is hiding under our noses at this school. I'm sure you both know what that means..."

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