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Pokemon Academy Ch. 3: Queued-Up Battles


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{Jacob vs. Slade}

"He can't hit you if you don't come to the surface, so stay put for now!" Jacob ordered. "Another Dragon Rage!" The ground beneath the Arcanine shook as another gout of blue fire erupted from it, threatening to once again send Flare flying backward. "You're gonna need to go on the offensive if you want a ghost of a chance of winning!" Jacob noted to Slade.

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{Slade Vs. Jacob}

Flare was able to notice the scent getting close and was easily able to get out of the way when the other dragon rage came out. "If you say so, though I'd thought you'd remember this one. Flare show him what I mean and aim it for the hole." Flare knew what Slade was referring to and started to form a ball of flames (Flame Burst) then proceeded to launch it into the hole.

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{Jacob vs. Slade}

"Quick, while he's not getting a Reversal ready! Use Dig attack, and make it hurt!" The Charmeleon surfaced directly underneath the Arcanine as he fired his Flame Burst from nearby the hole, jumping out directly at the flame hound's abdomen, not even flinching as the Flame Burst's detonation lightly singed his backside.

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{Raiza vs. Ryan}

It wasn't too hard for Glacien to dodge the Confuse Ray. He'd been targeted by the move so many times, so he knew the basic maneuver. Roll to the side slightly, and then a swift roll to the other side. The Spheal rolled directly out of the path of the Confuse Ray and chuckled heartily at Lucifer. He wasn't intimidated of the Litwick. In fact, he saw it as a friend. The goofy Spheal thought this was a game of hide and seek, actually. Ryan smirked, seeing that Glacien was showing excitement indicative of the desire to play their favorite childhood game. "Seek." Ryan muttered the word, just audibly enough for Glacien to hear. He cackled shortly and then began rolling at incredible speed towards Lucifer. He stopped right in front of the candle and fired off another Water Pulse at the dastardly little candle.

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{Slade Vs. Jacob}

Flare was hit by the dig and was once again sent up and hitting the ground. Miraculously, he was able to get up. It was most likely due to the intimidate at the beginning of the battle. "Flare, are you alright!?" Slade asked concerned for Flare.

Flare's eyes then sparked with fury and gave a menacing growl, it was like Flare was saying, 'I'm not going to give up until I collapse, and even then I'll find a way to continue fighting.' Slade could feel Flare's emotion even through the steel fence separating them. He couldn't say no to Flare after seeing his passion. "Ok I get it Flare. Show them your true burning spirit!" Flare then grew a smirk before suddenly dashing at the SpirFyre, leaving a trail of white behind him (Agillity). Then once again the blue orbs appeared (Reversal) only this time they were sparkling a bright white and twice their usual size. Once they entered his body they made Flare spark up with white energy. It was like Flare got his second wind, cloaked up in a white hot flame. 'This must be the full power of reversal.' Slade thought to himself. Though every trainer knew that reversal's ultimate power only came when the user was at their limits. It came down to the wire with Flare, and he could not stop no matter what. He only had one goal in mind, making this last attack hit. Flare roared as he charged, loosing any and all hesitation in his mind.

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{Jacob vs. Slade}


A huge smile broke out on Jacob's face as Flare charged his attack. The power! That's incredible! Jacob thought to himself. He pumped his fist and shouted across the field, "This is what it's all about, Slade! Let's give these people a battle they'll remember all year!" He looked toward Spitfyre, who stood resolutely in the face of the incoming attack. His chest swelled with blue flame and he cocked his head back, the fire beginning to escape out the back of his jaw as he prepared a powerful blast. "Spitfyre, Dragon Rage!" Jacob ordered. The Charmeleon let the blast go just as Flare's attack impacted, meeting it head-on. A shockwave came out of the impact, followed by a cloud of dust being thrown violently in the air. As the dust cleared, Jacob strained to get a look at the combatants. Spitfyre was on his back, breathing heavily. Come on, bud, the young Trainer pleaded silently. You've got the most pride I've ever seen. The most drive. The most passion! "Spitfyre!" he said confidently. "I know you can keep fighting, buddy! What happened to taking this round by storm, huh?"

Spitfyre's eyes suddenly snapped open. He struggled to his feet, using his front claws for support. Eventually, though, he stood proudly in front of the audience. "CHAR-MELE-ON!" he roared defiantly, and suddenly he was cloaked in a red flame!

"It's the Blaze ability..." Jacob breathed. He then looked over to Slade's side of the field, realizing he hadn't even seen what happened to Flare.

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{Slade Vs. Jacob}

Flare slowly walked out of the dust taking each step with a large thump, his head down the entire time blocking his eyes. He made his way towards the blazing salamander, occasionally almost loosing his balance. Once he got in front of SpitFyre and looked into the lizard's eyes with one of his closed the other half open twitching. His breath was shakey and the left side of his mouth was open, now being able to see the cringing of his teeth. Suddenly his eye closed, jaw released from the cringing and his legs giving out as he fell over to his side knocked out. Slade grabbed Flare's pokeball and returned him into in while softly saying, "Flare, you did great. I'm very proud of you." He then looked up at Jacob, "Funny, it already this exiting and were not even done with our battle. But don't think we'll give up so easily." He then reached for the only great ball attached to his belt and clicked it's button. It soon grew to normal size and Slade then threw the ball into the area. "Sasuke, time to make a splash!" Slade yelled and out from the blue ball, much like the pokeball's white light, Sasuke appeared with blue sparkles as he entered the field standing with his arms crossed, bubble scarf flowing in the air. "Let's not waste any time, Sasuke bubble fury!" Slade said as Sasuke wasted not time getting into action. He charged towards the fiery pokemon and created clones of himself almost immediately. (Double Team) Then they started running circles around Spitfyre some going clockwise while others going counter. Then they all started firing water pulses at the salamander, though most of them were illusions and did no damage, one was real and would be able to inflict damage.

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{Jacob vs. Slade}

"The end may be closer than you think, Slade! Spitfyre, use Incinerate!" Jacob ordered. Spitfyre shot a blazing hot cone of fire at half of the clones, disintegrating them immediately. When the fire hit the Water Pulse, a cloud of steam erupted and the wave of flame was quenched before it could reach Sasuke. Still, It was clear that the Blaze-boosted Incinerate was hot enough to compensate for the type disadvantage and neutralize Water-attacks.

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{Ryan vs. Raiza}

Almost immediately, Lucifer flashed the colorful Confuse Ray lights in such a way that the orbs cloaked him as he hurtled up to dodge the Water Pulse. What a cheeky little creature this Spheal was! In retaliation, the Litwick charged up a vibrant orb of green energy and hurled it at Glacien from the height of his leap before ducking into the inky shadowed forest cover once more.

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Danielle vs Evan

Triton wasn't able to escape in time as Zared's jaws managed to get him by the tail. He felt his energy drain, but at the same time had the best opening yet and fired a Water Pulse at full power from point-blank range.

Kage vs Mareek (Steel Cage Field)

While the seventh and last field wasn't revealed the first day, it had come up for the second time today. Kage and Mareek had no choice but to fight it out in a steel cage where there wasn't much room for running.

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{Danielle vs Evan}

"Hang onto Vaporeon, Zared! And keep up the pressure!" Danielle enunciated the last word to Zared. This was the position she wanted her Mawile to be in; with that powerful jaw, her Mawile could keep a firm grip on the opponent while he charges up another attack. And, if her opponent dares to attack, he could always fall back on Pain Split to recover. Is it risky? Hell yes, and she knows it's not going to work everytime. But it feels great once Zared could lure his opponent into his range, and this small field was a perfect opportunity for him to use it.

Zared winced in pain as the Water Pulse hit him squarely in the face, threatening to send him flying towards the cage. By instinct, he clamped down his jaw onto the same object even tighter to prevent him from being pushed back, just like he used to whenever he found himself in a rushing current. Once he looked up from his position, the Mawile realized that the object he was holding onto was still the tail. Oh, so that's why his master gave him that command... Guess that means it's time to end it. With that, a ring surrounded the duo once more as the damage was shared between them (Pain Split). Once he felt his energy return to him (albeit a small amount), he stared at the Vaporeon with a smirk, twirling a finger as if he was preparing a Fairy Wind tornado. However, no pink wind came out. Instead, his steel horn clamped down even harder on the Vaporeon's tail (Bite).

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{Mareek vs Kage}

Let's get us some fightin' tunes going...

Mareek looked over the sparse battling provisions of the steel cage, unable to help but smirk, ever so slightly. Oh yeah... this right here, this is perfect. I may not be able to use Erce thanks to the small movement range, but Java and Nemo... His hand plucked a single plain capsule from his belt, tossing it up into the air and catching it like some Baseball Pitcher from Unova. Hopefully he'll be able to put a more interesting fight than James did... and there I go again... whatever- old hobbies die hard I guess. He tossed the capsule high into the air, no arc, completely vertical. "Nemo, onto the field!"

The device unleashed it's little occupant in a plain explosion of white light, the young fighter tucking himself in tight as he sailed down through the air from Mareek's position, hitting the metal floor of the cage and instantly distributing the force of impact with a miniature combat roll before bring himself to stop on a single knee and igniting a Bone Rush out the side, glaring at the empty space on the opposite side of the arena. He made no sound as he rose to both feet, twirling the blue construct about his small stature like a staff before coming into the combat-ready stance he had practiced so many times over the past few months- delivering a Kubrick stare to Kage with resolve... though he knew full well from what Mareek had told them all before hand that their opponent hadn't even seen a single bit of his little entrance. But that didn't mean the audience hadn't seen it.

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Danielle vs Evan

Triton wasn't impressed. He already had massive health to start with and was being healed by his Aqua Ring. If the steel type wanted to turn this into a stall-battle, Triton had the advantage.

“Smack him around,” Evan ordered after Zared's Bite.

This time the Vaporeon smirked and skated over the ice at the opposite side of the steel cage. The water type gained speed as he dragged Zared along and turned just in time to smack his opponent into the cage. If the Steel type didn't let loose, Triton could do this all day,

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{Danielle vs Evan}

Oh no no no! Zared knew what happened the last time he held onto a tail; he will absolutely not end up with his face smashed in again! As Vaporeon skated over to the side of the cage, his body glowed a metallic grey (Iron Defense) to lessen the damage being taken as he was continuously slammed into the cage. Like a participant in a jump rope competition, he bided his time until he was ready to deliver a show.

"Whenever you're ready, Zared." he heard his master from the side.

As Vaporeon got ready to whip him back again, Zared put his legs out to the cage, eliciting a loud bang on impact. Using the momentum he gained from the crash, he quickly spiraled into a somersault in ant attempt to smack him to the icy ground. Maybe the Vaporeon's body could help break the ice while he is at it, who knows? All he knows is that he will not let his prey go once its in his mandible.

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{Slade Vs. Jacob}

"You wish Jacob, Sasuke bring the darkness then once again water pulse!" Sasuke then spewed a black smoke over Spitfyre (smoke screen). Then with the remaining clones sent a few fake and the one real water pulse while also continueously moving around in the shadows. The smoke screen should make it harder to see and the fake attacks should confuse Spitfyre and hide the real attack.

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{Jacob vs. Slade}

Spitfyre looked around at the fake attacks, beginning to get confused. Luckily, his Trainer had a handle on the situation. "Spitfyre, don't let the distractions fool you! Use Incinerate again!" Jacob ordered. The Blaze-boosted attack performed just how Jacob had predicted, dissipating the fakes and hissing to a halt where it came into contact with the Water Pulse. The heat also had the added effect of carrying the smoke upward with it, lifting the vision barrier enough that all combatants could see through it with relative ease."Again!" Jacob shouted. A wide cone in front of the Charmeleon was once again filled with flame as the Flame Lizard went on the offensive, trying to catch the agile frog in his attack.

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{Slade Vs. Jacob}

"Douse that flame, then double team once more!" The lone frog quickly shot the ball of water at the incoming attack bursting it into steam much like Spitfyre had done. Next he created a new set of clones to replace the ones he had lost earlier. Though this time they were scattered all along the field and not moving. 'If plan A won't work, Time fore plan B!' Slade thought to himself as he prepped his next attempt at harming the Salamander.

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{Jacob vs. Slade}

"Alright, Spitfyre, while he's setting up it's time to show them why we're the most prepared! Use Warm Blankie!" Jacob shouted, smirking at the maneuver's ridiculous name. Spitfyre dug a tiny depression with his paws, then leapt in the air and fired a Dragon Rage into it. The weakened earth provided the perfect cushion for the shockwave, sending Spitfyre flying high above the field. "Now, finish it!" Jacob shouted. The Charmeleon fired a wide Incinerate that blanketed the Frogaadier's half of the field in flames, leaving little room for escape.

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Danielle vs Evan


A barrier erupted right on time to break the Vaporeon's fall. It wouldn't have done too much damage, but Evan liked the field to stay as it was. “Slide in a circle and swing that thing away!'

((Triton will become dizzy after this. He's standing in place but turning and swinging Zared around))

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{Danielle vs. Evan}

"Sink your teeth into the ice! Then go for tornado!" Danielle called out. If Evan is so bent on keeping the field, she'll just have to get rid of it for him.

The Mawile released his grip on the Vaporeon (much to his disappointment) and scraped some of the ice with his second jaw so that he could steady himself. After shaking his head to clear his own dizziness, Zared snapped his fingers and let the pink Fairy Wind tornado pick up the ice shards from the broken ice field and directed it towards the dizzy Vaporeon. Perhaps he could trap Triton into the tornado to make the Vaporeon even more dizzy...

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{Slade Vs. Jacob}

"Type shield W, then try out your new move while he's falling!" Slade yelled as he saw the wave of fire heading Sasuke's way. Sasuke then quickly charged a water pulse turning him back into a water type. Sasuke then threw the orb into the wave of fire but it did little to stop it because of how big the wave was. Once Sasuke survived the attack, using his frog like jumping skills, leaped into the air as Spitfyre was making his way down. Now sporting two blades of light (Cut) he aimed two slam him down to the ground with both blades

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{Jacob vs. Slade}

"Spitfyre, Iron Tail! Block the Cut!" Jacob shouted. However, the elongated battle had taken its toll, and the Dragon Rage had inflicted enough recoil damage to hurt. The Flame Lizard's fatigue showed as he raised his glowing tail to block the Cut attack but failed, instead getting knocked down to the ground. He began to get up slowly, clearly struggling, when Jacob cut in. "Enough. Spitfyre, you've done more than your share of the work today. Take a good rest," he said calmly, returning the Charmeleon to his ball in a flash of red light.

Jacob grinned. "Awesome move, Slade. But I still have another Pokemon left!" With that, he took Chalchi's Ball off his belt and threw it in the air. A burst of puffy white clouds flew out of her Ball, followed by a swirling vortex of white and cyan snowflakes. Then, the Lapras hit the battlefield. She brayed loudly, looking around at the lava field. "Don't worry about the fire, Chalchi!" her Trainer said encouragingly. "Let's get this show on the road! Chalchi, use Rain Dance!" The Lapras nodded and threw her head to the sky.Dark clouds quickly began to form above the Arena as a downpour began. The rain hissed on the bars and lava, but the actual battlefield was still wet from Sasuke's attacks. The rain evaporating just above the lava threw up a cloud of steam that hung low over the Arena, impeding sight for short Pokemon.

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{Slade Vs. Jacob}

"Sasuke get on all floors and hide yourself within the mist, then double team and make your way closer to Chalchi!" Sasuke got very low into the mist using as a cover as he made his way closer to Chalchi. Most of his stealth came from his natural ninja like abilities. Once hidden beneath the mist veil he created many clones of himself (Double Team). He remembered Chalchi's general location from before the mist and headed there but closer he was to Chalchi the better she could notice him through the mist.

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{Jacob & Slade}

"Slade, you walked right into this, so I have no pity for you! Chalchi, use Freeze Dry on the mist!" The condensed water in the atmosphere that was completely surrounding the Water-type frog, as well as the ground underneath him flash froze due to the rapidly decreasing temperature. The rain began to turn to hail as it approached the battlefield, bouncing off of the ground and buffeting the non-Ice type combatants.

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{Slade Vs. Jacob}

"What exactly did I walk into?" Slade asked as the mist froze and went away only to find that all the clones had vanished and Sasuke was no where to be found. "Sasuke, I think they should hang their head's in shame and taste your ski blades for their assumptions." Suddenly, the ice underneath Chalchi's neck cracked a broke apart as a green root appeared wanting to drag her head down to the ground (Grass Knot). Then Sasuke leaped out from one of the nice and toasty holes Spitfyre had made with his fight against Flare. It seems that Sasuke had no intent on contact with Chalchi in the first place, rather have only his clones on the surface while he rest a bit underground. Also the hole was kept nice and warm due to the lava surrounding it. Sasuke then used his Cut Blades as skis and stabbed them into the ground and pushed himself forward to gain speed, sliding on the ice and preparing to slash Chalchi's side with his blades of light. (Cut)

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