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[OOC] Of Shadow and Flame (Signups CLOSED)


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Speaking of which... a question I've had since this morning after getting on here:

Hukuna, is your avi Vixen's appearance? just noticed from the appearance and all...

((Also... new hint at what character VIxen is partially based on is about as subtle as a tiger doing a backflip into a cannon and being shot into the the sky while juggling scimitars and shooting a shotgun with it's tail.))

Yea it is, hence why I posted that line this morning right after I changed it to this one lol.

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High energy/spacey, exactly. And supernovae are good, since that's sort of her theme

And yes, I enjoy it for the same reason, though it isn't usually this hard >_>

Hell, I do it too... exact same reasons XD

It tends to be easy for me though, I just go on a massive YoutubeWalk (similar to a wikiwalk on TV tropes XD) and eventually, something awesomely fitting will present itself from the wood work

EDIT: That's what I thought...

Faust is more or less inspired by Captn America from Hentalia, along with elements of a few other pics that I can't access right now to show thanks to school blocking pinterest...

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How's this one sound for Kindle? It is a bit softer and has bit of an orchestral feel to it, but it has that grandeur and power to it as well. ((and there are some elements of modern music that give it sorta blend of old... and new at least... imo XD. Which makes sense since things related to space we think high tech or strange and new even though they are old and been around forever, so the blending of the styles makes it that much more interesting imo.)) I dunno if it would work for you, but this was the first song that just popped into my mind so bear with me on it lol XD.

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How's this one sound for Kindle? It is a bit softer and has bit of an orchestral feel to it, but it has that grandeur and power to it as well. ((and there are some elements of modern music that give it sorta blend of old... and new at least... imo XD. Which makes sense since things related to space we think high tech or strange and new even though they are old and been around forever, so the blending of the styles makes it that much more interesting imo.)) I dunno if it would work for you, but this was the first song that just popped into my mind so bear with me on it lol XD.

It's a pretty song~

But it's too slow~

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This more the speed you looking for lol? ((same sthick as before lol, this album is all this type of music... I actually haven't listened through it yet, so... actually listening to this right now myself XD. If not though, next time Imma just go Youtube diving and post a bunch at the same time rather than just 1 at a time.))

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((somebody who actually knows the character other than me... what is this SORCERY!?!!?!? Na, But really... Lal Mirch is actually one of my favourite characters of all time so to a degree there is some Lal in there. Certainly not a carbon copy lol, but definitely inspirations from there no doubt lol.))

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((somebody who actually knows the character other than me... what is this SORCERY!?!!?!? Na, But really... Lal Mirch is actually one of my favourite characters of all time so to a degree there is some Lal in there. Certainly not a carbon copy lol, but definitely inspirations from there no doubt lol.))

You're pretty lucky on that front. Katekyo Hitman Reborn is still a fairly well known series. I guarantee that almost nobody will realize where my character's (transformed self only) inspiration came from even after I put up the character as an avatar.

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You don't know how long it took to find this avatar... at least a few hours XD. People seem to forget Lal exists for some reason lol.

Likely because she's not as prominent in the series. Great character but she isn't the main band. Sadly, the art for KHR as a series overall is pretty sparse so that doesn't really help either.

I would say that it was hard for me to find the avatar I have but...the image was sitting in my folder so all I had to do was crop it. XD

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Alright, so here's all the photos I took visuals from in order to come up with Hans...

Just throwing that in for no reason...


Found this- liked the vibe and the facial structure of the picture overall. Face and Hair are rather close to what I envisioned, minus the cowlick, maybe make it a bit longer. Replace the eyes with violet instead of blue, and you'd have a pretty damn good reference point for him.

And I love that expression... the way he stares through you... as if he's impaling you in his thoughts, preparing to do the very same with that longsword...


Wanted the hair to be a bit longer, felt this one was a good reference to layer on top of Alfred F. Jones. The was all right, but I liked America's from the pic's above better once I stumbled across that one.


Didn't really take much from this one to be honest. Just figured if he were to cut his hair a bit shorter this would be the likely outcome or something

Now for the inspiration for his transformation:


Now, class, let us talk... of sephiroth. this is basically the bread and butter of the inspiration for Hans transformed state, because one- I find that personally, it just looks a certain type of bad ass, and two... we'll discuss two later.

Aside from the whole one wing concept though and flight, and the trademark seven foot sword (and skill to actually effectively wield it without killing oneself or looking like a fool, cause... what sense does it make to have a weapon, yet be unable to ever use it when necessary?), that's about all Hans takes from Sephiroth in terms of abilities... those are just the surface reasons though, and like I said, I'll explain after this the true reason why it's based off him.


This is a clip from the film "Legion" it's basically where I got the idea of literal "Wings of Steel" from. Hans wings also play a critical role in how he summons that big ass sword of his- I didn't have him just pluck a plume off and have it ready in his hands for no reason in my last IC post...


The haze coming off the bolt is more or less the shade of Blue his Wings and Hair while transformed are. The reason why I opted to give blue hair and wings instead of silver and black respectively, is because it is meant to represent the Nazi german ideal of the "Perfect race" constituting individuals of blonde hair and blue eyes. The combination of Blonde and blue is present in Johannes character, but not in the way his forefathers would've hoped. His hair is blonde while normal and yes, he has blue... but the coloring is in the wrong configuring- Blonde hair and... blue wings instead of blue eyes. This is meant to represent the concept of Perfection being a fallacy that can never be achieved no matter what is beveled about it or what it is believed to be

The reason I chose to base the transformation of off sephiroth, aside from how badass it might look, is simple. The man tried to commit genocide.


And got his ass handed to him. By a coalition he, in his arrogance, had underestimated in the beginning and as such had made mistakes against. Just like Hitler and his blunders against allied forces in WWII. And Sephiroth is also confirmed to have been mentally insane, just as many speculate Hitler was spiraling towards/ already deep in the the depths of by the time of 1945 rolling around.

Ultimately though, it represents how even though Johaness might look like something, does not make him that something. even though he resembles his forefathers from the Third Reich, he is nothing like them at all, and even though he resembles sephiroth while transformed, he does not act like the insane monster that man became. His magic revolves around lightning because of the german tactic of "Blitzkrieg"- IE, "Lightning War" used in World War II against Poland and France.

Events from the past are reflected in Johaness and his character, from his nationality to his appearance to how he almost got killed, all of it. all of it is for one reason. It's because the general moral and message his character is meant to portray is:

People need to stop fucking blaming each other for the sins of their fathers. The saying of "Forgive, but do not forget." exists for a good reason.

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Trust me, I know lol. It also doesn't help I am "that guy" when it comes to my favourite characters. They are almost never in the main group and more or less Side characters I dunno... I have always been that way. Not that I don't like the main characters etc... I just never really resonate with them all that much. ((also main protags I don;t like... they are suuuuper boring to me. Don't hate them I just rarely find them all that interesting.)).

And, I already had a feeling Hans was based from those origins. Just from all of the stuff adding up etc...With the theme you picked, to the name etc... Being honest here, I am actually not the much of a fan of FF7 really... but It certainly seems like an interesting place to go with it etc... ((I just love how rather than me be the guy who uses Lightning powers all the time... other people are this time around XD. I mean I do call myself Lupo di Fulmine, it is only fitting lol.))

((also I will mention Strat... funnily enough... The first time I put up Vixen in Exodus... I also had an Avvie of Lal Mirch also [different than this one. But I didn't want to use it again lol.] though her look in Exodus was slightly different and not as close to the original.))

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My inspirations were fairly standard, it wsn't till I'd finished he profile that I realised I had given Bobby/Ozzy a very strong fire motif. Then I just decided "Fuck it, give him a flamethrower"

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yay wall of text

just FYI, that was a pretty weak beast, which is why Takeshi was able to pulverize it so easily. I promise he isn't godmodded lol. (Though he is significantly more powerful than any one PC at this point due to his greater experience. If you wanted to kill him that badly you'd have to gang up on him, though idk why you'd want to. . .)

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(@ Hiss13: please don't just land autoattacks like that. It's not that big of a deal right now, but unless there's a swarm of weak enemies, make your attack and I will determine the result. @Cyaloom: a cat's coat is the color and form of its fur; he isn't wearing an actual coat lol.)

My bad. It's my first fantasy-action based RP in a while so I was a bit unsure about what to do. I'll keep that in mind.

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OMG! You called it a beoar, Kindle would be so proud <3

I was amused to see the name catch on as well.

On another note, my family and I are going to Italy tomorrow for Spring Break and depending on how things go, I may not be able to bring my laptop with me so I might be out of commission until the 11th-ish.

I'll make an update later here if I end up being able to bring my laptop with me though.

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