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Tomas Elliot

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That contradiction though.

Ooops fixed.

...Nope, no dueling for me this chapter. Nope, nope, and nope. Even if the Rogue only used Kurribos I still wouldn't do it. Nope, not gonna happen.

lol as you prefer. This probably means that one Rogue will make it to the next After School topic, because so far you are the only one who managed to trigger the event that leads to him/her.

Honestly, I am worried about the people at the port and Tacos/the people at the Square: I mean, they just pieced things together to get on the tracks of two Rogues, but time is almost over, and Easter holidays certainly don't help from this point of view... Of course Murdoc can handle the Recap Posts in my absence, but the problem is, if they do locate the Rogues they won't be able to duel them anyway, due to me being absent from thursday to monday...

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Frankly, as long as people enjoy the RP I am happy, I don't care about who achieves what... The sole reason why I am worried about the situation involving Tacos, the people in the Square and the people at the port is that they would lose the ability to duel NPCs 4 days in advance than expected because of my own fault, and it would happen mid-hunt too: I simply think it wouldn't be fair to them.

But this doesn't change the fact that dueling will be absolutely impossible for me from thursday to monday: a possible solution could be to put the topic on hold with tomorrow's Recap Post, resume it on monday and have it last one extra week (untill april the 12th), so that those people can complete their investigations and duel their Rogues... I am discussing this option with Murdoc as I type this message, if he doesn't have a better solution this is probably what we will do. The alternative would be to ask those guys to beat around the bush in their posts from thursday to sunday, voluntarily stalling out their own investigation, and leaving the opportunity to find and duel the Rogues to the next £After School" topic, but I doubt they'd be ok with this after the effort they put in collecting info...

I would like to hear their opinion on this matter tho.

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Honestly, I'd rather you bend the rule and extend this chapter to three weeks rather than trap yourself into two. Stuff comes up so trying to force I deadline in is just going to make this mess keep coming up. On the other hand, I do think doing duels early should be considered as it requires both people to be online.

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Yeah, I'd rather you extend the time for the topic instead of rushing not only yourself, but the players for a deadline. If you're going to be gone for a number of days, I recommend tacking those on at the end of the original deadline so we don't miss any opportunities we would have had originally.

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Ok it would seem this is by far the best solution: tomorrow I will make the Recap Post, and with that the whole topic will be suspended (people will be free to post of course, but if you make an Important Action you still must wait for me to make the next Recap Post before posting again, and I won't be around untill next monday, so yeah...). Next monday I will make another Recap Post, thus allowing the roleplay to get back on track: from that moment, the roleplay will last untill the next sunday, that is april the 12th.

Keep in mind that, in general, being like "ding dong deadline is here, I'm sorry you'll have to leave your investigation to next time" would be ok for me. In the future, I won't hesitate to do it should the occasion arise. But in this specific situation, I am settling with this decision because my absence for Easter holidays will rob players of 4 days that could have been used to duel (specially considering the point their investigation has reached by now), and well, doing so mid-hunt would have been really unfair.

So yeah, this is the final decision: I am going to edit the OP of the IC topic too.

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So many people going to the school ;-;

Just don't overrun the Garden. :P

Just remember. This is Yugioh! The characters spend more time on screen at school after school is over than they do when the school day is still happening. Just remember that...Then again I could apply that to more than just Yugioh...

Too many for me... I'm going to have Arial go to the park or the beach since nobody has really been there yet. Will update soon (hopefully)

Depending on how things end up, if you head to the beach, you could end up running into Setsuna if the host wills it. :P

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If this is a contest who could get to school first, I think Luna would win as she could just try to convince Will to drive her there in his van. I'm assuming it's a van just because of Luna and her innuendos.

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Frankly, as long as people enjoy the RP I am happy, I don't care about who achieves what... The sole reason why I am worried about the situation involving Tacos, the people in the Square and the people at the port is that they would lose the ability to duel NPCs 4 days in advance than expected because of my own fault, and it would happen mid-hunt too: I simply think it wouldn't be fair to them.

But this doesn't change the fact that dueling will be absolutely impossible for me from thursday to monday: a possible solution could be to put the topic on hold with tomorrow's Recap Post, resume it on monday and have it last one extra week (untill april the 12th), so that those people can complete their investigations and duel their Rogues... I am discussing this option with Murdoc as I type this message, if he doesn't have a better solution this is probably what we will do. The alternative would be to ask those guys to beat around the bush in their posts from thursday to sunday, voluntarily stalling out their own investigation, and leaving the opportunity to find and duel the Rogues to the next £After School" topic, but I doubt they'd be ok with this after the effort they put in collecting info...

I would like to hear their opinion on this matter tho.

I don't mind the wait, so take your time. (That is if I'm even going to duel :P)

Edit: Also Ice Queen?!?! Oh no..... :blink:

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Wow this got spicy in my absence. Time to catch up on everything.

And @Commander, yep, Will can have a van. I'm pretty sure I left it description-less in the first post about it because I didn't know what I wanted it to be yet.

Edited by Pixl
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Betcha 5 bucks it's cause I kept bugging Charles. xD

Maybe. Or maybe not. I'll only say that somone did the one thing that was scripted to trigger the dreaded encounter. And the funny thing is that they did it of their own accord, without any prompt or imput on my part. I won't say what the action in question was tho, and I won't reveal who the unlucky one(s) are, untill I make the Recap Post.

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