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[IC] Brailens Gifted: The First Gift: Premier


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Richard swallowed once more as he stared at the bloodstain on the stone. What have I done? My beliefs have never been... I cannot be wrong and yet it is so. Is it my sin that weighs me down or is it truly the laxness of my superiors? How can I doubt them, and yet know they speak truth? I have not been so perplexed since... Richard tried his hardest not to break his composure but the cold was back as he ever so slightly shivered. How can I show them that our power corrupts? Even when we use the Gift for a so called good... There is always an ulterior motive, right? And this wound of the soul... Is this my pride that burns so? Impossible. I cannot have any pride if I am to serve Trevalus; if I am to overcome my cursed heritage. And yet... It was then that Richard realized his inner turmoil was only serving to waste the time of Lieutenant Timms: the man who had once again reminded Richard of his place. Taking a deep breath, Richard managed to stand once more, and despite his aches and pains, assume near perfect posture and form a salute. Gathering the courage to stare Lieutenant Timms in the eyes once more, Richard declared, "Patrol Officer Richard Gallus, requesting permission to leave, sir!"

Edited by GotWala
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Desmond face turns red and was pretty embarrassed as the girl glares at him for a moment, someone has play him a fool and to think that he was protecting a wooden puppet just because his morality clouds him from killing any person. Desmond clench his fist as he looks at the wooden figure with disgust, using his gift,the earth shook and out of nowhere, a mutated vine appear out of the ground and wraps its self around the golem's body *Crack!* a violent shattering of wood was heard as the vine that Desmond produce squeeze the bejeezus out of the wooden man and was strong enough to snap the golem into pieces of broken wood, The message was sent clear, whoever did this shall surfer the wrath of Desmond's plants.

Desmond nodded at the girl. she seems to be the voice of revolution as she rallies the crowd once more. "Hi maybe i got into the wrong foot,so let me try this again.. my name is Desmond Morales and i would be happy to aid you in catching whoever is responsible for this."

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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"Hello madame. Feel free to ask any question you wish. I am here to help"

Kyrie nodded and grinned. "I'm here to..." she hesitated, she wasn't quite sure if she really had any questions to ask before joining. While she did have a good idea with what they were about, she wasn't quite sure if she knew everything, and it would be easier to back out now rather than later.

"Err, are you okay..?"

"I- Oh!" Kyrie shook her head and gave a brief gesture to indicate she was fine. "Sorry about that, yeah. I'm good. I'd like to join the Shields." Well. She decided to go on a whim. If it didn't turn out good then it would be easy enough to leave.

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Solace shook his head when the man used his Gift to destroy the body. Trying to ignore the crowd and slip away while they were distracted, he moved to pick up the severed head of the golem and bring it inside to show the police.

((If nothing happens, he went inside))

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Timms sighed. "Granted, report to your superior officer tomorrow, they'll want to know why you had the shit beaten out of you." He waved Richard away and gestured for the next person.

((You're essentially over now, unless you want to interact with someone. I'll start you off in the precinct the next day))


Nigel quirked his eyebrow at the young woman. "Well, whilst the thought is appreciated, I do need SOME elaboration on why you might want to join, and what you think of us. I had an incident with a fool a little while ago, and I'd hate to repeat that."

The Crowd

"Well, Desmond, you can try and help us, so long as you actually smarten up. Go find the Steelwood Sword, a pub in this quarter. Tomorrow, I'll hold some sort of meeting there." She turned to the crowd "That goes for you lot too! Tell everyone who matters!"


The White Cloaked man had achieved his Goal.

They were pleased...

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Richard snapped his saluting hand back into the attention position, about faced, and proceeded to march out of the School with every attempt to salvage his dignity. As he walked by, he realized that what had transpired her took place in front of many people; a fact which caused the cold sweat to set in again. How can I protect the people who need it if I cannot even please a superior? My carelessness will only make the people of Trevalus lose what little faith in a Gifted like me they could possibly have. Fool! Damn myself and damn my curse!

After fully leaving the building, Richard took a long look back at the School. Are you pleased with yourselves? You have the pure people of Trevalus in the palms of your hands. Savor your reign while it lasts, dogs. I will stop you... Richard gritted his teeth as he marched back towards his home. I will put an end to your ambitions, even if I must do so alone! I cannot falter!

However, Richard's chance to lick his wounds was cut short by the sight of a familiar face with... A head!?

"You!," Richard shouted at the sheepish, young man with the hazel eyes. "What are you doing with that head!? Explain yourself, cretin!"

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Smarten-up? lady im only doing that cause your gonna kill a human being(or so he thought), which i wont allow in any form.. maybe the world isn't what i envision to be.maybe i'm too soft, perhaps there's a right time to use force. Desmond question is beliefs, followed by a heavy sigh, "see you when i see you" Desmond waves goodbye and left the scene.

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Thomas heard the woman's remarks.

A meeting at the steelwood sword pub... who will attend and what will be discussed? I should go, if I want to get to the bottom of this. I'll have to find a way to attend the meeting in a way I won't stand out, so I can either blend in with the other members, or listen in from a hiding spot. Also, there's the chance that she is an accomplice... the second option would be the safest. My hearing ability will be useful for that, too.

He quickly left the scene and headed back for the Merchant's Quarter.

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Solace shrank back at the harsh voice, because he recognized it. He glared back at Richard and held the head out upside-down, to show the wooden core. Not wanting to get into another altercation with the man, he tried to direct his attention toward the crowd outside with a jerk of his head.

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Wood!? But why would he have a wooden head? Richard started to stride toward Solace until he turned to see the crowd that the young man motioned towards. Another crime? This little rat...

"I have had just about enough of your shenanigans! You will open that mouth of yours and speak nothing but the truth to me," Ordered Richard as he got within arm's reach of Solace. "My colleagues and those clinic workers are not here to save you this time, cowardly worm! I would hear the truth from you! Now!"

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Jackson had strayed far enough away from the group for the incident with the white-cloaked man to go unnoticed to him. "Filthy heretics using everything as a form of propaganda. People need some common courtesy as well as common sense." He began to stare at his hands, slipping off his gloves. The disturbance was still alive and well flowing from his hands. It seemed to be floating up, as if extending. Jackson's gaze followed, and he looked to see two men in an altercation. Deciding that it was more exciting to be over there, Jackson slipped his gloves back on and sauntered over to the arguing duo. When he approached Richard and Solace, he stopped, clearing his throat. "Is there a problem here, sirs?"

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Gotwala & Murdoc & Tacps

Sabrina was milling around, minding her business when she saw the officer who had been beaten on by the army man move onto another, smaller man. She wandered over, looking as intimidating as she could and raised her voice for all to hear. "I know your pride must hurt, but you don't have to wail on someone else!" Then she noticed Jackson. "Well, hello there..." She purred.

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Richard didn't even turn to face the source of the new voices.

"Nothing of your concern, civilians. This is a matter of the security of Trevalus and is strictly police business," Stated Richard in his matter of fact tone as he continued to stare down Solace. "I assure you this has nothing to do with what... Transpired within the School."

Richard's visage grew more and more furled and angry at this new development. Damn this day! This perpetrator is finally within my grasp and more interference must defend him!

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Cara tensed up as she heard the words drawl out behind her, an almost inaudible whisper due to the deafening roar of the crowd. She slowly retreated, trying her best to make it look casual, walking off and looking around. She rounded a corner, and when she was sure she was alone, called out in a steady voice.

"Whoever it was that talked to me, appear and speak now."

Edited by Annie Leonhardt
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Solace's group

"I'm not sure if you noticed, but We, the Citizens are Trevalus. If it's a matter of our security, we deserve to know!" Sabrina pointed out, a grin on her face. People like Richard were the easiest for her to piss off.


Again, a whisper, this time, there was a slight echo.

"How shall we appear? male, female, black, white? It's up to you, our beloved..."

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This harlo- ... Civilian is going to ruin this!

"All you need to know, miss, is that this individual is a Gifted that is under suspicion of tampering with evidence, corrupting crime scenes, and refusing to cooperate with The Trevalus Police Department on several occasions!" Declared Richard as he finally broke eye contact with Haru to face the source of the voices. "Now vacate the premises this instant! I wish not to see innocent people harmed at the hands of a rogue Gifted."

Richards sized up both the young woman and her tall companion. The man seemed to have a sense of discipline about him, but this girl appeared to be... The bothersome type. Heed my warnings! I will not be interfered with when I am this close!

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The Fun Group

"Oh really? All I see is a man with a wooden head. Is there anything illegal with that?" Sabrina poked, glancing at the man for some sort of clue as to what happened. If she was honest, the head was creepy


"Then we choose to appear as nothing~" The voice giggled. "You never answered our question, this makes us sad..." When it said this, Caras head slowly began to ring with the beginnings of a headache.

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Cara growled lowly. A tricky, crafty power.

"I retract my previous statement. I request you appear as a white teenage male. Black hair. Thin. I don't care about clothes." She stuttered out, clutching her head and placing a hand against the wall nearest her.

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At this point, Richard fully turned away from Solace to face the two interlopers.

"This person has been evading us for some time now, so those offenses I have listed account for any and all crimes he is under suspicion of commiting! If you have any respect for your protectors, you would leave now before you get involved!" Commanded Richard as he presented his badge to further show proof of his seriousness.

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"Well, I wouldn't be too happy knowing that a man was falsely accused right in front of me and I had done nothing. So what is specifically that he has done. I want details sir." Jackson used his height as a form of intimidation, while glancing back and forth between the girl and the man, giving the girl reassuring looks and the man somewhat threatening glares.

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The voice did as told. First there was a slight distortion in the air, and then a boy, just as Cara asked for. With one important detail that was easily noted when one saw how much skin was visible. "now will you answer our question?" The boy had a grin on his face and his eyes were bugging out and skittering around. The ringing increased in Caras head.

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Solace looked back and forth between the people who had come to his assistance. He gave them both grateful looks, but he was still panicking. He had no doubt that Richard would imprison him- or worse- given the opportunity. Finally, he managed two words. "Ask them," he said with a gesture at where the body had laid.

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Annie's eyes closed for a second as she endured the pain in her head, the sound racking her brains.

"Yes. It was... very impressive. On an unrelated note, can you stop this godforsaken pain?" She gasped out, shaking slightly as she leaned against the wall.

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