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[OOC] Fate/Full Moon


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That really has nothing to do with it, I could care less what it looks like if the story is good and it works well enough that it looks passable. ((but I am that way with everything, content is the most important thing to me, above all else. Graphics are just something nice on top, but they need only be serviceable in my opinion. I am sure others disagree, but eh.))

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Nah, you got it wrong. Animation isnt the most important thing in an anime. I could watch something that looks like crap, as long as its got a kewl story. There have only been two instances when I was discouraged from watching a show because of its art: Shiki amd UBW. However, while I will never watch Shiki, I cannot stop myself from watching UBW. Probably the biggest reason for me putting it on hold is that I got too used to Deen's designs and I expected UBW to look the same but better. ~

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Oh. Lancer's finished, I just need to finish my PC. I've been gone the last few days driving back to California but everything's basically done. I'll post it all after work today in like. Nine-ish hours.

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well its time to put up my rewrites of Casters NP's

Hysteria:A bound field placed around Casters Territory to contain the madness and fear(its similar to Mental Pollution though its not centered on Caster) that Caster sparks within her territory. she has small amount of control of it enough to target specific targets with in it. (ether they become the target of others hysteria or they become more hysterical) and how fast it grows.

(its not a attack its more like mental interference and is not magical in nature the only magic it the bound field to contain it)

Witch Trial: A Reality Marble that Caster can create within Hysteria though her presence is required for its full activation.(she can summon thing from within it out side of Hysteria and within Hysteria if she is not present).Within it the targets suffer a major decrease in all around ability well Caster revives a major increase. Which is judged by how powerful hysteria has grown and how much knowledge caster has about them. NP's of the target that Caster knows of or has been used within Hysteria are sealed(what prison would allow a prisoner to have weapons they know about.) Skills are used partially to deuterium the outcome of the trial which is happen well Caster and the target our fighting within it(this is usually shown bu disembodied voices talking well they fight) caster and anyone within it can influence it by speaking out on one way or the other (guilty and innocent). Once the targets' fate is decided they suffer the out come of it. Either death by one of many different(hanging, burning, crushed to death, and so forth) ways or freedom though they will still be weakened for bit after it.

(it takes a lot out of caster to use it so she can't continually use it. and at initial stages of Hysteria most times it will be freedom, unless she has a lot of knowledge of the target. Though once Hysteria grows more it more likely death will happen.)

Well there's my rewrites they haven't changed that much just hopefully enough for everyone can understand it a bit better ask any questions you may have.

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Witch Trial: A Reality Marble that Caster can create within Hysteria though her presence is required for its full activation (she can summon thing from within it outside of Hysteria and within Hysteria if she is not present (I don't understand this part)). Within it the targets suffer a major decrease in all around ability well while Caster revives a major increase. Which is The magnitude of these changes are judged by directly correlated with how powerful hysteria has grown and how much knowledge Caster has about them the target. NP's of the target that Caster knows of or has have been used within Hysteria are sealed (what prison would allow a prisoner to have weapons they know about.?) Skills are used partially to deuterium determine the outcome of the trial which is happen well and this occurs while Caster and the target our are fighting within it (this is usually shown bu by disembodied voices talking well while they fight). Caster and anyone else within it can influence it the outcome by speaking out on one way to support one side or the other (guilty and innocent). Once the target's fate is decided they suffer the outcome of the trial's judgement. Either death by one of many different methods (hanging, burning, crushed to death, and so forth) ways or freedom though they will still be remain weakened for bit a time after it the ordeal.

Ok Rusty, I didn't want to say anything but you've really got to do something about your writing. I struggled to understand what you were saying because some of the words aren't just misspelled, they're plain wrong.

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No offense taken Sheep I am well aware that i am a horrible writer.(though that's actually less then what i normally have wrong). It mainly comes from me not thinking things through when i write it(it all makes sense to me) , and for me writing in school was all about how many words and x number of pages, so i tend to use a lot of small words to explain things when only a couple words would do.

also that part you don't understand its like how Iskander can bring out one solider from his Reality Marble she can do a similar thing with her's.

and i am truly sorry for making it a pain to read but thanks none the less.

Edited by rustytengo
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One more question. If they are passive NPs, do they also deactivate? Since Macbeth doesn't really activate either of his, they are just sort of on all the time. Just going to say it would be a little more than bull if they shut off just cause he "used" them. ((I just don't think it makes sense to activate on more innate stuff even is she does know about them, since they can't really be triggered off.))

And you really need to work on being clear and concise Rusty. It can be hard to muddle through your posts at times because you add a lot of words that shouldn't be there. ((You are a heck of a lot better then you used to be, so I don't mean to sound mean here. Heck, I have my own problems sometimes XD.))

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One more question. If they are passive NPs, do they also deactivate? Since Macbeth doesn't really activate either of his, they are just sort of on all the time. Just going to say it would be a little more than bull if they shut off just cause he "used" them. ((I just don't think it makes sense to activate on more innate stuff even is she does know about them, since they can't really be triggered off.))

And you really need to work on being clear and concise Rusty. It can be hard to muddle through your posts at times because you add a lot of words that shouldn't be there. ((You are a heck of a lot better then you used to be, so I don't mean to sound mean here. Heck, I have my own problems sometimes XD.))

almost posted something completely different.

if they are passive like his they would not get shut down since they have no activation.you where right on your thought on that.

and trust me i am trying my best to get better. its just really hard to break the habit. and it gets frustrating when you are trying to spell a word and you can't figure out how to spell it. so i just use a round about way of saying it.

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Oh tell me about it, I know the feeling exactly my friend lol. Trust me, if spell check didn't exist I wouldn't be anywhere near this articulate in text. And I know it isn't going to change overnight, the fact that you are working on it is all that matters. ((it most certainly hasn't for me lol, I still struggle sometimes. Wish my brain didn't try to spell phonetically XD. Heck....I still switch words that sound similar sometimes. [like who and you, I switch them a lot without thinking about it.]))

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Yeah that's mainly because we where taught to spell like that.and even with spell check if you are completely off the word it gives you something completely different.[ Like verdict i keep trying to spell it vertic, because that how it sounds when i say it and i kept getting words like vertical and vertices which was making me mad]

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Here's Lancer.


Celtchar of Ulster

Strenght: A
Endurance: A
Agility: B
Magic: E
Luck: E
Noble Phantasm: A+/D

Magic Resistance: D

Battle Continuation: A

Three Menaces - Three specific trials which plague Ulster in which Celtchar faces and defeats. If any of these three trials are faced, Celtchar gains properties according.

First Menace - Conganchnes mac Dedad - When faced with an opponent with high durability and/or Endurance of A or higher, a weakness if any will be revealed to him.

Second Menace - Brown Mouse -During combat, Celtchar may summon an enchanted log to fit around his arm. Anything that cuts into this incredibly durable log will be stuck in the thick, sticky rubbery material of the enchanted wood.

Third Menace - Doelchu - During his life, Celtchar was oddly gifted with a talent for handling and understanding animals. Lost animals, even a raging war lion, would calm and form a bond with Celtchar by his words. Only when his personal pet hound became corrupted and began to run amok, sundering neighboring farms and villages was he forced to put it down with a heavy heart. When faced with a non-human entity, Celtchar is given high aspects in relation to handling beasts. Celtchar gains a mundane understanding of a creature's mind set as well as the ability to soothe the heart of a raging animal, creating an almost kinship with it. With this capability, Celtchar would be more suited to the Rider Class Servant.

Heat Resistance: A

Poison Resistance: A

Luin e Celtchar - A+ : A massive lance some ten feet long and nearly two feet thick with a massive blade, decorated in steel rivets. The lance itself is obsessed with blood lust, only appearing when the wielder calls upon it for battle. Luin is a cursed lance, permanently ablaze with a thick dark hazy flame that grows continuously brighter, hotter, and far more ferocious with every waking second, infinitely growing stronger. The lance ignites the first post summoned. These flames can be sent out in a jet, or a projectile, power and force ranging with how long the lance remains ablaze. However, the stronger the lance grows, the greater the toll on the user. The lance grows stronger and more ferocious in increments every post, taking a toll on the user after five post, lowering Endurance one rank. Ten posts follows suit into fifteen, losing one rank in Endurance every five posts where a sixteenth consecutive post will end the user's life, yet the sheer power it grows by is absurdly high. Luin e Celtchar is also able to create an invisible blade three feet from the tip with the force of the thrust, yet only appears when the lance is thrust or thrown.

Active - For One's Kingdom - An active ability of Luin e Celtchar where once activated, Celtchar will throw his lance in an unstoppable javelin toss which travels nearly a mile maximum. The throw compresses all of the fire built up in Luin e Celtchar and upon landing, generates an explosion based upon the power of Luin's charge. The greater the charge, the more powerful the explosion.

Luin e Vec - D: A massive cauldron of dark velvet acid able to kill a man with a single drop. This cauldron is summoned and dismisses by tapping the bottom of Luin e Celtchar three times. The vat of dark velvet venom is used as a medium for the blazing lance, completely extinguishing the fires. After extinguishing the fires, the lance is coated and dripping with the horrible poison which has incredible lethal potential comparable to EX of rank, yet ranked D due to its actual use. Who would actually be willing to jump in a tub of poison.

Edited by Flynn
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wow some one with ever worst luck then Caster that's going to be interesting. hmm i don't see anything wrong other then Poison and heat resistance should actually be under personal skills not class since there form his legend not give from the class.

Edit:though reading the Wikipedia page he actually shouldn't have that high of poison resistance since that is what killed him in his legend.

Edited by rustytengo
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I think it is meant as like an offshoot of his magic resistance, like his magic resistance is lower because he resists specialized forms of it. In the end I think it is fine in either category. EDIT: and ninja'd

Should note, Macbeth is totally immune to the Poison since it ranks the same as his Weakened Weird Sister's Prophecy.((even if it is super potent, it's actually rank he is still immune to.)) otherwise, the Lance is super decent against him.

The Resistance/Immunity feels so broken lol.

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I'm just going to go with you on that. I mean. The poison itself is easily above A rank, yet remains D due to its actual use of a fire extinguisher. But your point stands.

Either way, Lancer feels like a solid Servant to me and I'm happy with how he turned out.

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It's interesting if not sprawled out. There's a page on a Wiki about his death and the three menaces but I found more info on books and little inserts on pages. It took a while just because a decent Lancer was hard to find and when I did, I kept finding more and more information just when I thought I was done.

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