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Umm... What is happening?

Oh wait, crap, something bad happened again because I don't clarify enough...

I've said sorry when you made sad faces and you know it. Didn't I already explain this whole reason why I'm like this to you?

Errr... Maybe I shouldn't take the tough way again... Now, I don't say this often. And I honestly, have a pretty tough and in the raw sense o' humor. If you're sensitive about that, I'm sorry, it's how I am. And I'm a jerk, true.

Making fun to me, is funnier than a joke... But when I say those things, I don't mean it literally. I know you guys don't know that, and I shoulda said so.......so. Yeah, my bad.....

But it's still wrong to put a mod on me for a sense of humor difference, I guess!

Rose, I've seen you as a friend, you didn't do anything to me to make me aggressive to you, nobody has. And yeah, it sounds really messed up that I would rather playfully screw around with you than tell jokes, but that's me. And, I'm sorry I hadn't sorted that out.

Now my conscious is telling me this is a bad plan, but it's an assumed idiot anyways.

Wow this is a terrible place for this.

*hugs with one arm*

I soru, again.

Wait. Ban myself for hugs.

DANGIT... I done goofed.

Edited by Absol-lutelty awesome!
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Banned for...

The inception...

If I give hugs bad things might happen. The government could get involved, they become very suspicious when I pull things like this. I gotta skip...over the town, do a... barrel role, lay low... on the ground. I can't let me find me...

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