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Pokémon Academy: Ymora Region [OOC / Registrations Closed]


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I already said I'd control Java. You control Colere/ Lance like in a normal battle and Chim will probably control the Torkoal.

At least, that's how I think it's supposed to go...

So for example: Claude gives Colere/ Lance an order to use against Torkoal, I post with Java choosing to do something to support them of his own accord, and the Torkoal reacts in Chim's updates, and so on and so forth...

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It's 2 vs 1. The Torkoal can't know Java doesn't belong to Claude and it has the advantage. I thought Mareek was going to jump in and wanted to see how well he does in team battles.

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It's 2 vs 1. The Torkoal can't know Java doesn't belong to Claude and it has the advantage. I thought Mareek was going to jump in and wanted to see how well he does in team battles.

He'll jump in once he notices Java is nowhere to be found and looks over to see it fighting alongside cluade.

I want to try to get Java into a corner first, though, then have Mareek come in with Nemo or Erce and bail him out, afterwards fighting alongside Claude and his team against the Torkoal. If you want, you could just speed things up by having Torkoal go all out on Java now or something...

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Just to make it clear, this is Lances moment with Claude, he's not had much time for development in my eyes, so he's gonna be there to distract the torkoal pretty much. If I can, i'll try to finagle a strategy, but it's a torkoal vs a karrablast and a porygon/Scyther.

Scratch that, I remembered the training I had them put in, now's the time to use it. As said in the post, make a hole for Lance to get through.

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Nemo might also be thrown in there too if the first two go down. Here's my plan for the line up, since Mareek's relationship with his team members is already developed enough at this point in time in my eyes:

Java- goes in first relying on the standard Convert and Attack strategy he uses. it's Special attacks can make Torkoals high defense more or less irrelevant

Erce- Sent in if Java is taken out, can defend herself from fire using the Vacuum shield method, but the raw heat in the area will get to her before very long... most can hope for in terms of attack would be Vacuum wave. can also dodge and distract Torkoal for a while using "Ninjutsu" but again, the heat factor...

Nemo- sent in if both Java and Erce get taken out. probably the best we can hope for is being able to use bone club to keep from getting up close, but with torkoal's shell and high defense...

well, GG for us, Corporal, it'll be a nice effort we put up, at least... but us actually winning isn't that big of a possibility from the looks of things.

on an unrelated note, I'm considering swapping out the Swampert for Mareek's planned team for something else given that it's role as a diver/ aquatics specialist can be played by Dragonite just as well as the dragon can do Aerial support...

Only question is soldiers, what the hell to replace it with?

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That's the thing though... Dragonite can function in water as well as air. Lives by the sea, saves fodering ships and drowning people, and can fly faster than the speed of sound, as well as capable of learning all 3 of the major water crossing moves, Surf, Dive, and Waterfall...

so D-nite will actually serve two roles. Diver was completely eliminated because of that. now there's just an open slot, soldier...

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That's the thing though... Dragonite can function in water as well as air. Lives by the sea, saves fodering ships and drowning people, and can fly faster than the speed of sound, as well as capable of learning all 3 of the major water crossing moves, Surf, Dive, and Waterfall...

so D-nite will actually serve two roles. Diver was completely eliminated because of that. now there's just an open slot, soldier...

Do you have another water type planned? Because you can go back to your first idea with the Azumarill. (I think that was you right?)

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I honestly don't think a an Azumarill fits him all that well in light of the recent direction I intend to direct his development. And I'm rather on the fence about just replacing it with another water type since that just brings back the redundancy issue that Swampert had because of D-nite.

I was thinking about something involving a certain electric type a certain RoG member has, but honestly it would make more sense to just replace the jolteon's slot with it (I forgot to talk to you about that part of the discussed matter in our PM, by the way, I'll do it soon though.) thus, there's still one empty slot...

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A water type doesn't need to be a diver. Can you summarize your team again? I can only remember Jolteon / Swampert / Blaziken besides the ones you already have and Dragonite.

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Their all assembled based on the possible uses they could have in Police Work and Anti Terror ops; basically for law utilities.
**- Already acquired the evo line

212.gif-The Old and Faithful Friend**

-The Ace and the second team member who Mareek trusts above the others; will be the Mega Evo

474.gif-The Tech Specialist & Analyst **

-Going to act more and more crazy the closer it gets for time for it's final evolution, will provide a few interesting antics to say the least, but will still be quite helpful when needed.

105.gif-One Partner to Rule Them All**

-"The perfect Link" not necessarily the ace of the team, but nevertheless will become the one member who Mareek trusts above all others

257f.gif-The Melee Specialist

-Lone fighting type on the team, might be a little defiant after first being captured, before it comes to trust Mareek, still haven't decided if I want to do it or not.

242.gif -The Medic

-Rather self explanatory from the role title. will try to force a Happiness imbued egg down Mareek's throat from time to time... but honestly he'll be needing it probably more than any other PC here...

154.gif-The Mediator

-Calms things down if needed; a way to avoid needless violence

628.gif-The Air Lift

-Murica! Can lift a car with it's strength... nuff said, self explanatory from the title.

149.gif-The Aerial Support

-Originally meant to only serve as an aerial fighter/ rescuer and what not, but also will be used for aquatics

466.gif-The Surge

-I have... something planned in the future. likely going to be among the last to be acquired. I'm requiring him to have at least one Electric type for obvious reasons, soldiers...

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A water that fits Mareek, I might say dragalge, clawitzer or barbaracle.

Barbaracle being another melee specialist sufficient in water, Clawitzer the sniper, and Dragalge same role.

Also, you do realise that Claude also had a leech seeding, stun sporin, prankster Cottonee? At the very least, Doux can provide the utmost finest support you ever did see for Erce. And if you do clear a good opportunity, Lances attack will do a hefty bit of damage.

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yes, but due to fact that Mareek's team is the one who has to distract the thing and make all the openings, it's going to go down at lot faster than Claudes, probably long before Lance gets taken down since Mareek will just keep switching in seamlessly until he runs out to keep the thing busy and prevent it from turning on Claude's team.

EDIT: and speaking of openings... there actually happens to be one for Lance, right now...

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Well, since the fine Lieutenant was nice enough to post his planned team I think I'll follow suit.

330.gif -- Teotlatl, the Desert Spirit--

As Jacob's first Pokemon and best friend, he's the one he trusts most. He'll be a speed demon and able to take down everyone

else on the team, but won't necessarily be the strongest.

131.gif --Chalchi, the Icebringer--

Chalchi is the "mother" of Jacob's team and is fiercely loyal to them. She values her teammates above all else and is far and away

the most intelligent member of the squad.

006.gif--Spitfyre, the Raging Inferno--

The most formidable member of Jacob's team and the one that currently has the strongest potential to become a Mega Evolution. He

travels with Jacob because he values his strength and integrity, but also because he personally desires strength.

468.gif--Arete, the Star-Crossed Lover--

The Pokemon on the team who cares the most about her Trainer, Arete values the people and Pokemon closest to her. She is shy by

nature, but shows kindness and compassion to those who she feels strongly about.

560.gif --Pancho, the Drunken Fist--

Pancho is a lazy Pokemon who needs to be motivated in order to fight at his full capacity. However, once he gets a Bulk Up in he becomes

very hard to take down. He favors moves that don't hit that hard, but allow him to take a lot of punishment in return.

407f.gif--Florence, the Graceful Assassin--

Florence is a confident fighter who excels at using her mobility and unconventional tactics to catch enemies off guard. She has a crippling

fear of Fire, which can hurt her ability to function as a team player. As such, she usually operates as a lone wolf.

424.gif--Ukiki, the Smiling Trickster--

The fastest Pokemon on the team, Ukiki enjoys messing with his Trainer and teammates. Ultimately he is loyal to them, but he does not

express this with any degree of frequency. He is close with Pancho, as the lazy Scrafty can't muster up the energy to hate him.

196.gif--Orpheus, the Fearless Wanderer--

It's not that Orpheus is afraid of nothing; he simply doesn't allow it to surprise him. Aside from being one of Jacob's most trusted teammates,

he has a modest demeanor that many find unsettling. He has never been heard, but his voice works just fine.

467.gif--Vulkan, the Flame Manipulator--

After catching so many Pokemon weak to Ice-types, Vulkan becomes Jacob's answer to those frozen pests. He has a fiery temperament rivaled

only by the mysterious calm of Orpheus, making the two butt heads often.

423.gif --Eska, the Aggressive Slug--

His title says it all. This sea slug means business, and the only thing it'll stop for is to crawl up onto its Trainer to give him a big slimy hug. Eska gets

along very well with his teammates, but anyone his Trainer doesn't like is fair game. Luckily he's very slow, otherwise other Trainers might be in danger.

??? --???, the Unrevealed Trump Card--

You didn't think I'd let you see everything in advance, did you? Rest assured this Pokemon covers most of Jacob's team's weaknesses, but is also

one of the most formidable members of the squad and the last to join it.

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Hmmm, posting Detailed rosters eh? I think I shall, sans the pictures. Interesting way to spend time.

Note, I'll be speaking of them as I want their Character arcs to go, so spoilers(Ish)

Doux the Whimsicott

Claudes first and closest friend. Upon meeting him, Claude became much more open and accepting of his own identity. Doux is rather calm, but not exempt from making mischief, thus his ability, Prankster.

Lancelot or Lance the Escavalier

As the name says, he is Claudes weapon, when he wants to be. Very fierce, very stupid, very loyal.

Colere the Tyrantrum

The overseer of the family. Sees herself as the leader more than Claude most of the time due to territorial rights, but will listen to him when the situation is serious. Helping Claude to overcome his fear of rocks, though he shall always be itchy if caught off guard...

Roy the Conkeldurr

Let the King Live On! Anyone familiar with the Mystery Dungeon Rp shall know of this guy. He is fast friends with Lance, naturally.

Brick the Slowbro and Clay the Quagsire

The magnificently daft duo comprised of Brick and Clay. The two are inseparable, especially in battles, and are lovely and daft.

Note: planned guys are Darmanitan, cofagrigus and cloyster.

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well, I was just posting what they would be used for in police work/ which utility they would serve on the team, but if we're doing personas for them and what not, here's the ones for the three he currently has:

212.gif-The Old and Faithful Friend


-The first pokemon ever received by Mareek, She is his oldest friend who has been by his side since the very beginning. She has a somewhat long past and was once another Trainer's before somehow being separated from them and winding up in the Prize Selection of the Celadon City Game Corner many years ago, but came to easily accept Mareek because of how much he reminded her of her former master. She is rather over-protective of him at times, willing to even fight to the death should it be necessary to defend him, while also serving as a restraining figure at others, keeping the boy from doing certain things out of spite or anger. It is her who takes on the role of being a Warden and leader of sorts for the others on the team, keeping them in line even when her trainer isn't around. It is her will be trusted to be the Mega Evolution on the team

474.gif-The Tech Specialist & Analyst


-The Second Pokemon Obtained by Mareek and by far the smartest member of the team. His abilities with computers and other electronic devices will prove rather useful in the future. Though his craziness tends to cause antics that are interesting to say the least, he's always willing to calm down long enough to get an important job done or help Mareek with team Strategy against opponents. Has a bit of resentment for Erce though...

105.gif-One Partner to Rule Them All


-The one team member whom Mareek will trust above all others, even Erce, and if he had a possible Mega Evo, he'd have it instead of the Scizor. Surprisingly perceptive of others despite his nature as a relative loner, he became determined and resolute by fully embracing the courage and strength that Mareek will teach and show him over time, and later go on to give his trainer a crash course in the very lessons he had given to Nemo when the boy needs it most. He pretends to like being alone for appearances, but will not hesitate to step up to reign in the others on the team if things ever spiral out of Erce's control. If there's anyone who can keep the order, it's honestly him.

All of this is in the Character sheet for him and will be updated regularly by myself as more members are acquired.

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After these battles are finished I'm going to move ahead. (And after Zephyr captured Skorupi)

I know Tacos and Jory want to train 2 more Pokémon but I'm postponing those battles until they reach the last area. That way I can start some plot and let the others be involved again.

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Turbo, Sissy can be undecisive from times to times.

Also I wanted to put my future final team here, and wanted to ask chim a question. How many pokemon we will be able to catch in total?

Misdreavus/Mismagius - I'm still uncertain to if I want to evolve her or not. I will see in the near future.

Ampharos - This one is gonna be Megaevolved.




Musqerain/Crobat - This here will be determinated on how many we will be able to catch in total.

Also I'm thinking of a fire type either Magmar or Flareon.

And either Granbull or Ursaring.

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