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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Vex

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3OPox7MBqs I'd just like to thank hi I'm gosu for introducing me to this fucking incredible playlist.
  2. Vex


    10/10, this team is absolutely amazing. your rmt's are just incredible. I love this so much.
  3. Porygon2 can burn in hell along with everyone who uses it
  4. So every time I PM Xiph the server crashes.

    1. Dark Desire

      Dark Desire

      xiph confirmed to be skarmpiss

    2. Joker


      My secret has been revealed!

  5. Can I just say one more thing? I'm not gonna say ya know, there's plenty more fish in the sea I'm not gonna say if you love her let her go And I'm not gonna bombard you with cliche's But what I will say is this: It's not the end of the world

  6. Long overdue update and stuff.
  7. So going through the album again, found one that I somehow missed. Dear lord.
  8. Your secret's out and the best part is it isn't even a good one.

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