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Everything posted by YouGotLittUp

  1. I've got both the badge and the golden wings and can't use them either Maybe in the next patch, then.
  2. Can you tell me where the growlithe is?
  3. Since it's mid february already, can we talk about the ending for a bit now that the next release approaches? I just love speculating. (Spoilers ahead, for everyone that hasn't finished the game yet!) First off, am I the only one who finds this game incredibly creepy? Way more so than rejuvenation or reborn. In a good way, though! I was home alone last night playing, and when I got to the final cutscene when you're in that dark corridor with the mysterious voice and the other characters' sprites start to show up, I was so creeped out I had to turn all my living room lights on. So kudos to Caz on that ending, you really managed to freak me out! So what are people's theories on what happened in that ending, the weird voice, the right choices to make, etc.? Personally I saved both Nova and Scarlett (lucky I snooped through the forum first or I wouldn't have known to go back for the bow). I'm not sure if saving Nova was the right choice, but it seemed wrong to side with Shiv's sister or just do nothing when I had the option to. I was convinced that the disembodied voice that kept asking what our dreams are and what a hero is was Tristan, but after that ending now I'm thinking that maybe it's Aurora? So my new theory is that since Aurora thought we were interesting she put us to sleep and conned us into telling her all our backstory so she'd know what the heroes had been up to, starting from the boat ride, which is the adventure we've been having up until now. As for waking up with her in the jungle, I think that's the dream and the rest of the adventure was real, and she just wants us to think that it's the other way around (to con us into trusting her, maybe?). The only problem is that apparently Garrett said people only have powers in the dream world, so we might have been in a dream the whole time. This is confusing, man. Caz should seriously consider a career as a philosopher or something. And what's Tristan's deal? Am I the only one who thought his grandpa had locked him up in that pokeball in his house? If we didn't actually get his badge, why couldn't we have just taken one from his house like everyone else apparently did? If he wasn't really with us throughout silver rise, were all the trainers in there just a bunch of jerks ganging up two-on-one against a poor kid? Didn't he speak to some of the rangers in the mountain, or am I remembering wrong? Plus, did Tristan do some ghost magic voodoo to stop us from snooping through his house when we first enter it? The first sign I had that something wasn't quite right with Tristan was when it said we "shouldn't really read other people's diaries" and "shouldn't snoop in people's rooms", considering that's the first thing we pokemon players obsessively do as soon as we get to a new place or spy a suspiciously-coloured item anywhere. Anywhoo, I'd love to hear people's theories! And congrats on making a very enjoyable game, Caz!
  4. Oh wow I can't believe I forgot about that one, especially since it ticked me off so badly when it happened. They could at least have put some grunts up there with Zetta so it looked like our helpful friendos actually fought someone. Otherwise what the hell did Zetta have, like 40 pokemon to fight everyone at once? Or did the scooby gang just stand menacingly on the sidelines with their pokemon out waiting to pounce with their witty remarks to steal our credit again after we did the heavy lifting? Honestly, there have been times in the game where I wish we could join Team Xen, if only so we could do something people actually acknowledge.
  5. @Jess Agreed! I was so happy when the puppet master said we have to stick with Aelita. More Aelita and less Melia tagging along, please. I like Tesla too, she's the first one to empathize with the player, and it was touching when she offered us a room for ourselves at her house.
  6. I don't really think the player's an inkay, just kidding. Something's definitely up with our character, though, considering (spoilerinos ahead) our mother's apparently some kind of robot, and Crescent keeps looking out for us. Though team xen does seem to be less interested in us than in Melia, so maybe we actually are a wee rogue inkay just like them, and they know it.
  7. Conspiracy theories ahoy! So could this mean that Madame X is somehow connected to that help request with the mind-controlling inkays? Is she really the Malamar head honcho of the gang, and is that why she always wears a mask and armor? Or is she being controlled by said gang boss, and the mask is to hide her glazed-over eyes so nobody notices? Did an ancient Malamar go around controlling Garufans and is that why their whole tribe was afraid of pokemon's unchecked power? Is the player actually a rogue inkay, maybe with their memories erased, who was assigned a "human mother" by team Xen and the boss Malamar to ensure they don't spill the beans? And is that why they talk so little? There was a "human" solosis, so who knows!
  8. Sorry for the late reply, I haven't had too much free time lately! So far, Mosely, the ghost gym leader, Melia, Venam and the team Xen guys have seen us beat Giratina. I thought Amber, Tesla and Madelis hadn't been able to control the Kyogre themselves, so they knew what we had to go through to save them. For Groudon I think I recall the elder being there? And yeah, only Aelita was there for the Yveltal, what a shame. Still, a comment like "wow lucky her Yveltal wasn't there to take the hit from Melia's laser for Madame X. Oh wow, what do you mean you beat it five minutes ago?" would have been fun! Again, sorry for taking so much time to reply! Yeah, another issue is we don't really feel like we're going along with this adventure because we want to. Crescent keeps saying "stop going along with them, just do your own thing", and I'm always like... well I wish, but no can do! So since they keep dragging us into all these messes, they could at least recognize that we're the MVP of their little gang!
  9. @Gentleman Jaggi Ohh, that's why I keep confusing her name then. Thanks for clarifying! And yeah lol, but if Melia & co. are sharing the credit they should also share the blame, it's only fair. @Lord Drakyle Must be, or else they're all just taking advantage of the poor nearly-mute player character to steal all the glory. Still, some acknowledgment would be nice, otherwise sometimes it seems like all our hard work was for nothing. Nobody even mentions you beating that yveltal, all they talk about after the castle events is Melia coming back, and if they deign to mention you it's only to say how sorry they are for your mother dying. Nice timing for Melia there, too, now that I think about it. Would it have killed her to hit Madame X with the laser 5 seconds earlier? We were very nearly kebab'd by an evil overlord, for christ's sake! Between her suspicious timing there and our falling in the lava I'm beginning to suspect she really wants the player gone so she can hoard the glorious spotlight all to herself. I bet she even keeps that garbodor for herself once it's un-demonized, since she "created it" by throwing a trash bag in the sewers and forgetting about it until Venam reminded her. (Although please no spoilers if we do get to catch it, I'd love to be pleasantly surprised and proved wrong).
  10. Sorry if I'm not replying correctly, I haven't posted anything else on the forums yet! Yeah I get that, but it felt kind of strange hearing this guy who did nothing of note at the prison while we had to beat a max-level legendary say that he won't bother to battle you because you couldn't beat him. It's like... well nice to know I apparently did nothing amazing back there, I guess it was just another regular tuesday for Adam! I haven't gotten too far in reborn yet, I'll pick it up again once I finish rejuvenation! Oh certainly! Let Melia be the hero then, I want to be a regular ol' praise-hog! Completely agree. I think that's why I like the help quests so much, since they're the only time we actually get to go achieve things on our own. It's sad that even team anti-assist seems to take us more seriously than the main gang! Never, I hope. She already stole our thunder at the team xen castle, and we beat a level 100 legendary there when our level cap was around the 40s. I haven't managed to forgive her yet, and I don't think I ever will! Second reply to you, sorry! But I just noticed the league manager girl who gives us our first pokemon (Amaria, I think? I always seem to remember her as Amanda for some reason) at west gearen, and I remembered your reply. She blames us for the gym leaders disappearing, and that's the highest amount of recognition I've gotten from a main character so far. At least it's something, but, Jesus, you're welcome for saving your town I guess!
  11. Hello everyone! Long time lurker, first time poster here. I didn't get very far in previous versions of rejuvenation due to lack of time, but have now started over in v9 and just finished the west gearen garbodor fight. I had a couple of thoughts that I just had to get out of my chest, so please bear with me, and sorry for any formatting mistakes I might make on the post or if other posters have already said the same things (which they very well might have). First off, let me say I absolutely love this game. It's challenging but manageable in normal mode (I did need some cheese strategies against the yveltal and a couple others, but all's well that ends well), the region is huge, the selection of pokemon is so big that I'll probably still change my team around a bit (whereas I never bothered to train more than 6 pokemon in regular games), the increased shiny chance is much appreciated, the story sucks you in and keeps you wondering (I'm not even sure who the real bad guys are here, I don't trust anyone as far as I can throw them), and the side quests are incredibly fun. Seriously, the first thing I do every time I get to a new town is eagerly look for the help center. But there's just one tiny thing that makes me curse at my computer, and that's everyone's reactions to me, the player character, and specifically their underwhelming response to my achievements. I'm here planning strategies and training my pokemon to beat the bad guys and running around solving everyone's problems (looking at you, Venam, Melia & co.) while they do the bare minimum, and nobody gives me any credit! Let's start with Melia, since she's the worst offender. The last drop was right after the second battle with the garbodor. I had the weird diary, and what can I do with it? Give it to Melia. She gets to make the big reveal and acts as if she's the one who discovered it. Oh no you didn't! You were nowhere to be seen! I was the one who ran around snooping through every nook and cranny until I stumbled upon this thing! I seriously considered not showing her the damn thing just because I knew she was going to hog the spotlight once again, but I felt sorry for the garbodor after everyone kept calling it ugly and stinky all through the sewers. As you can tell, this makes me so mad, and it's the only thing that kind of sours her character for me. I can deal with not being the "chosen one" since apparently she is. That's fine, we can make a "moral of the story" out of it once I beat everyone and become the Aevium champion. Hard work beats god-given gifts and all that. She finds shiny pokemon everywhere she goes? Fine by me, shiny or not mine still beat yours every time. She gets trained by superheroes in Goku's time chamber? Well my pokemon were trained in regular ol' patches of grass, and that's fine because we don't need no magic shenanigans to help us get strong. All that is perfectly fine, but I will NOT stand for her stealing my rightful credit! It's like she's an addict! She can't let me do a single thing without butting her nose in! Amber wants me to fight two gym leaders at once? Bring them on! But oh wait, here's little miss I-stick-my-nose-in-other-people's-business, ready to help! Kindly piss off and let me do my thing, Melia! I don't want you sending your stupid fairy types against the steel and poison gym leaders! Of course, she was out of pokemon by round three, and left me to pick up the pieces at a disadvantage. "You both did so well!" says Tesla. Uh, were we watching the same match? I did just fine, thank you very much, but that was despite Melia's uncalled for "halping". Another time that grinds my gears is at the top of that volcano, where she insists on rescuing Nim herself. "She's my responsibility, so I'm the one who pulls the chain to save Nim!" It's not your responsibility, it's mine! I'm the one who's been battling these people all over the mountain while you came up with a perfect plan to send your poor zorua off with two dangerous, evil freaks while you hide behind a rock. I'm Nim's "best friend". I'm the only one she knows from our merry gang. I'm the one who's been chasing her around every route playing hide and seek. You don't get the credit for saving her! Aaaand of course she bungled up the chain-yanking and I get thrown into lava. Hooray for Melia! There's so much more I could say (don't get me started on her oh-so-clever ruse at Blacksteeple castle), but I think I've made my point clear by now, so I'll end it here. Next up is Venam. Let's go back to our stinky friend garbodor for a sec. To add insult to injury, after I (with no outside help, may I add! All on my lonesome!) once again defeat the garbodor, Venam keeps saying "WE" did it! Excuse me? You did fuck all! I did all the work here while you thought it was a great idea to keep insulting the rabid, demon-ified pokemon and Melia played big brother from the clean, safe security room. "We" did jack shit. "I" saved the city by myself and now you want me to share the credit? Hell no! Good job making me feel like a third-wheel on my own adventure too, by the way, Venam. Even though I'm the one actually being useful, she acts like it's all about Melia and her. What am I, spare change? They tell me to go away from her room back at Crawli's so they can jump up and down to her music, they commandeer MY room at Tesla's so princess Melia can rest when there's a perfectly good hotel right next door (Venam even calls it "Melia's room". I confess it hurt that no one even acknowledge that it was ME who was graciously giving up her bed here. Not that I had any choice, since no one bothered to ask me, but still!), and on the boat ride to west gearen Venam goes on about how she wants to have a day for "just the two of them". Well if prior events have been any indication, you'll both be dead by noon without me, so good luck with your super-exclusive "day of fun"! I'll be hanging out with your dad, since he actually appreciates my efforts. There are many more people who act this way towards Aevium's number-one boy scout (me!), but since this is so long it's probably already making me look like a lunatic I'll just finish off with a quick comment on Adam (the gym leader with the blue hair that tags along with Valerie & co.). Just to show that it's not only our so-called "friends" who constantly undervalue us, but everyone else too. When we need another badge to surf, he says I'm not on his level yet? Well if I'm not on your level, then who is? No one, apparently, since I'm the one who not even a day ago beat a level 100 yveltal with a fuck-you custom move while everyone else was quaking in their boots. And if you're so tough, where the hell were you in that fight? Beating up meat-shield mooks around the castle? Running off like Scooby Doo towards the boat like everyone else? Certainly not helping, he was nowhere to be seen! I can't wait to beat his smug ass too. Anyway, sorry for the essay, although I'll admit it's felt wonderful to get that off my chest. I will say though, I just went snooping around Akuwa town since I didn't feel like continuing with the main story just yet, and I had a wonderful surprise! Every single person in that town actually recognized me and thanked me for saving their lives! It almost made me tear up, that's how good it felt to finally be acknowledged! So to anyone who has the same thoughts as me about our ungrateful main-character friends, do yourselves a favour and take a trip to Akuwa town. Shame I didn't find the old man who let us fall into the trap in the first place, since I would have loved to give him a piece of my mind. Still, 10/10 would recommend Akuwa town for a moral pick-me-up. To finish! To Jan and the rest of the team, if you actually read this, please don't take it the wrong way. I love the game, and it's quickly becoming my favourite fan game ever, along with insurgence, so, really, thank you for all your hard work, and know that everyone appreciates it very much! I just get too passionate when I start writing and can never seem to stop. As for my plea, pretty please with a cherry on top, could you give us the option in future updates to just say no when people offer help? It doesn't have to be for past events, either, I wouldn't want you to have to rewrite an already great story, but, as the storyline progresses, please let our poor character assert a bit of independence from time to time. Just something like "Do you want my help against Madame X?" "No thanks, I got this.". I don't even care if I end up with negative karma points and all the gang thinks I'm a loner. Just give credit where credit is due! Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's! Let me have my moment in the spotlight! Thank you for reading, and have a great day!
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