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Everything posted by Trufa

  1. @KiwiEmpire Hey, I would like one too. I have no idea how to breed with Smearggle, I don't even know where to catch it haha
  2. hey @Starry Knight thanks! @Alanara7 I'm here now
  3. Sorry, I couldn't be here. I am now, and for a while. Tag me when you are online.
  4. Trufa

    LF Caterpie

    I can trade you one
  5. I can provide you one. Tell me when you are online
  6. I can provide you one. Tell me when you are online
  7. I'm leaviing the pc now, maybe in two or three hours
  8. I have a female Shroomish ready to trade.
  9. On my first playthrough Floatzel was MVP on my team a lot of times. Didn't know much about moves, nature and IV/EV at that time. Worth give a shot xD
  10. I have a 5IV adamant Kabuto with Rapid Spin as egg move, ready to trade xD
  11. I also have a Charmander ready to trade Sorry about that ^^
  12. I may be mistaken, but there are trainers inside the Grand Hall that you can battle against. They change every day and they mons become stronger as you progress on the game. I just don't remember if they are available just after Julia or if you have to wait a little. Also, you can try grinding on the rooftop of that building in Onyx Ward.
  13. Good enough, I think. You can change their natures when you have access to 7th street (after 9th badge, if I'm not mistaken). Also, if you want, I have those mons to trade right away, 5IVs and the nature you want. Just say the word and they are yours. See ya~
  14. @SuperNova9 Enjoy! I may have the drifloom in another save. I'll look into it when I can. Don't wait for me though xD
  15. @SuperNova9 Ah, I forge to answer. No, unfortunately I don't have one, sorry.
  16. @SuperNova9 I'll take the first five so. Tell me you online name and we'll proceed xD
  17. Here's a bigger list: pawniard vullaby inkay jangmo-o bagon tyrunt drampa gligar baltoy natu oranguru mantine archen flechling hawlucha pikipek Just pick any and we can trade xD
  18. Hey, I'm looking for Amaura, Crabominable, Emolga, Sableye, Poipole. If you don't have them, there are others I need xD
  19. @gzcb Hey, I'm here now, and will be for a while. Tag me when you come online. @SuperNova9 Hey, I have all of them. Tag me when you come online too
  20. Don't worry, I couldn't make the trade now too, need to get of the pc for some hours. Tomorrow I think I'll be online almost all day. Tag me when you come online Also, I forgot Poipole, if you have it, we change one of the mons I had asked for it. See ya~
  21. I can trade you all the starters. Also Feebas, Gothita, Watchog, Tynamo, Spiritbomb, Aegislash, Deino, Larvesta and Goomy. Isn't Guiladin and Chespin the same evoluntion line? I want: passimian - hawlucha - stufful - jangmo-o - drifloon - sandygast - frillish - gollet - cubone - gollet - mawile - cutiefly - buneary.
  22. Enjoy. Forget Riolu moves, I used the parent on the breeding of a Physical set. Just use Agility, if you want. xD
  23. They are all ready to trade, tell me your username and we can trade.
  24. Rotom would be a good option. I also suggested Delphox for that matter. I don't have a Rotom though, even to breed. It's up to you xD
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