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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by SolTheHoeQween

  1. If the post-game doesn't have anything to do with the main story whatsoever then I'm uninterested tbh, otherwise I fuccs with it c:
  2. omagah ty a lot @Hooliganit must've taken you a lot of time to share c: But yeah, some RPG maker fangames have the option of having multiple save files that you can choose from c: But sadly not Reborn.
  3. Thanks yall I figured it out c: nao I'm on my journey with my shiny perfect IV Abra and Sneasel :3
  4. What yall are saying sounds like a good idea, I have a 4IV ditto so that makes it easy for me to breed any mon, you can just pass me the bad mon and i'll breed it c:
  5. @HooliganD00D I almost killed myself soft-resetting for like 2days, it almost made me hate the game lol But from what I heard from other players that much time isn't that bad for 4 max IVs c: @Zarcsuresies ma d00d, if you need some mons you can send the bad ones to me to breed c:
  6. @Zarc sure sounds good @HooliganMetagross is indeed a beauty c:
  7. @HooliganUmmmmmmm K xD I'm not trading only beldums, it's just what I starteed with for now, what I want to do breed any pokemon to give out to people, and if I don't have what they want they could give me their bad IV pokemon so that I can breed it for them since I've got a 4max IV ditto after days of soft resetting lel But ye I saw your topic on beldums! If you want me to help you breed some mons that you don't have I would be glad to do so
  8. Ye Breloom is one of my fav mons so I pimped him up a bit huehue c:
  9. @BushyTheBushSpiritI just edit the sprites in the Graphics folder ^^ Sometimes I just like to recolor my own favorite mons c:
  10. For now I'm breeding beldums, I mean who doesn't like a perfect 5IV adamant metagross huehuehue For now I have this much, I bred like boxfulls today and these are the only good 5IV ones, there's even a 6IV one in there too.
  11. Hey there boiz and galz! When I just started playing Reborn I struggled a lot especially with the first gym when I had no ground types, luckily I got a swinub that's 5IV and adamant via WonderTrade and dat boi is still going strong as one of my favorite mons <3 So now that I finished to available episodes I dedicated myself to breed perfect mons and release them in wondertrade for newer players to have some POWERFUL mons on their side like I did! I will be updating this topic from time to time telling yall the pokemons that I'm breeding and giving out in case anybody wants them :3 And if you want me to breed a good mon that I don't have you can trade it to me so that I can breed it with my Ditto. Ingame name: HoeQween
  12. That's what I used to transfer mons from my old savefile to my new one, it kind of creates a shared PC box, now I have the pokemons I bred in my old savefile :3
  13. nah I didn't mean trading as in the normal method, in the topic that @DreamblitzX suggested you can use a mod and it says that with it you can create a shared box in your pc, so that you can deposit pokemon from a savefile and pick them up in another, plus it mentioned there that it's possible to share mons from both games with that same mod, but I couldn't work it out c:
  14. Thanks a bunch yall <3 I managed to get my 5iv shiny snivy and honedge to a new game :3 Iz gon be bomb Btw I read that you can transfer pokemon from Reborn to Rejuv too in the topic that @DreamblitzXsuggested to me, I wonder how that's possible.
  15. @DreamblitzXty a bunch ma d00d <3 I will be trying this right away.
  16. Hey there! I was just wondering if there's a way to open two games of Reborn and trade mons from one to another? I've been thinking about playing the game from scratch but I want some mons from my old save file c:
  17. waaAAaaaAaaaaat *mindblown* I always thought it worked only once >.>
  18. @Cherub Thanks a bunch for the help c: I was a bit lost here hehe nao I can have dat POWERFUL magnezone Btw there's a bug with Sturdy, it activates infinitely if the trainer restores all the health of the pokemon which is broken.
  19. Hey guys first post here c: I was wondering if there is a way to evolve my magneton in Pokemon Desolation? I pretty much finished the game and I have no clue. I have a magnezone in both reborn and rejuv so it would be a shame if I didn't have one in deso
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