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Everything posted by Darvin

  1. You send the request... that's why i told you my ID.
  2. @Linkz Your Skrelp is ready. Also, I don't need any specific pokemon.
  3. @Linkz I can trade you one, if you're willing to wait a few minutes.
  4. @Sayia Your pokemon is ready. I'll send you a request.
  5. @Sayia Sure! Just give me a few minutes to breed one for you.
  6. @HUEnd I guess I'll take care of your request. I'll PM you once it's ready.
  7. Quick announcement: I'm about to wonder trade 60 pokemon today... right now. 15 Mareanies ( 2 shiny) 15 Rockruffs (4 Shiny) 13 Wimpods (2 shiny) 17 Mudbrays
  8. @Ainz Ooal Gown I can give you a 5 IVs Grubbin with HP fire, if you're interested.
  9. @HUEnd Ok, i'll see what i can do about that Grubbin. Edit: @HUEnd Your Grubbin is ready. I'll be waiting for your request.
  10. @HUEnd I'm ready to trade. Send me a request. My online ID is Darvin. I was planning on breeding for a HP grass Salandit, so i could use one of yours. What do you want in return?
  11. I made a similar thread two months ago and I thought I was done with introductions. I thought wrong. Anyway, since I'm a moderator now I guess I should do this. Hi, I'm known by many nicknames: Darvin/Orange/Clyde/Duce (don't ask why)/ Muffin (don't ask why) ect. (You can call me however you want but i prefer Darvin.) I'm 19 years old, from Albania. Here is a list of some things i like: Biology Pokemon Owls Turtles Dogs Music Drawing Anime Abridged series LittleKuriboh Forests Flowers ect. Here is a list of some things i hate: Holidays Cats Mainstream media Mainstream music Albanians Four (or higher) digit numbers My grandmother (don't ask why) Weddings The list goes on and on... I'm generally a peaceful guy and I don't get offended easily, so there is no need to walk on eggshells around me. That's all.
  12. @Sayia Your pokemon are ready. I'll be waiting for your request. My online ID is Darvin.
  13. @Sayia Ok, got it. ^^ I'll let you know once they are ready.
  14. @Sayia Sure. Do you require any specific nature or IVs?
  15. @HahnSolo I'm ready to trade. I'll send you a request... and no, i don't want anything specific in return.
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