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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Brave

  1. I don't care how many times i have to reset! I will get my Legit Shiny Zekrom!

  2. First day of human sexuality- Professor: "We're going to do lots of fun things in here- we'll play charades!" ...does anyone else see anything wrong with that?

  3. sup site I missed you bby

  4. So we get into our first class, and the professor tries to play a DVD. For some reason, it has no sound, so he calls tech guy up to fix it. He comes, he gets the volume going, he leaves. Professor continues, "So as I was saying-" SUDDENLY a bunch of strange noises as if from a cartoon begin playing. "As we were saying, "IT's ELMOS WORLD!"

  5. We're back? :'D

  6. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <333333333333333333333333333333333333

  7. Hm. You know... sometimes I really do feel as if I don't have emotions and really am a robot... Certainly explains why I can be so calm in the face of most storms.

  8. I'm in so much pain from this sickness right now...

  9. I'm sorry. I'm sorry... I don't know how many apologies I'll have to oath over before I'm heard, but... In the mess I am, I didn't mean harm... I... I didn't, really.... I don't deserve the air I breathe. I really don't. Hypocrite. Destroyer, IDIOT, THAT'S JUST WHAT I AM! A MESS OF IDIOCY AND BAD THINGS!!!

  10. Why does everyone hate Monotype?

  11. I just got banned for making joke. Fuck you guys.

  12. today has just been fabulous

  13. The next 2 days will be fantastic c=

  14. I don't wanna turn 18 tomorrow I wanna be jailbait forever

  15. (17:51:19) +Ikaru: And right, well, if it goes down again I'm leaving it down until nyu himself restarts it

  16. X and Y... Inb4 gen6 explores gender roles/differences...

  17. And it was not your fault, but mine. And it was your heart on the line. I really fucked it up this time, didn't I my dear?

  18. I am trying to decide wether people are ignoring me by mistake, or doing it to seriously hurt me. Either way you better all stop it...

  19. When life gives you lemons...

  20. I feel like since becoming auth, I've also become a troll magnet. This is the third time this week someone's called me "c*** fag cocksucking bitch" and it's the third time this week I've laughed and Quartz Gunned them,

  21. 's back up, y'all.

  22. So very mature... Why does this shit have to happen to me?

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