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Everything posted by Brave

  1. Reborn: Bennett, Amaria or Sigmund. Aya's got a soft spot in my heart. Games... My absolute Top 4 would have to be... Giovanni, Sabrina, Fantina and Norman. Giovanni I'd sit down to a pleasant and possibly deadly meal with, discuss his motivation for starting Team Rocket, and get some training in. The man is a Ground-type master; I'd be a fool not to try and learn something about my favorite type from him. Plus, I'd kill to see his Nidoking and Queen, Marowak, Sandslash and Rhyperior. That and he'd teach me advanced classy techniques and maybe, just maybe, I'd get a fedora from him. Sabrina is much the same deal. I feel like I could just sit around and talk about anything with her and her Alakazam and Espeon. Might be cool to see if I have any latent abilities as a psychic. Sabrina seems wise and interesting. Norman is simple. The man is a certified badass. Training session all day followed by a trip to the Lavaridge hotsprings for some well-deserved R&R and a chance to hit on Flannery. << Fantina... Tutor me in French xD And show me the mysteries of the Ghost-type, oh wise one!
  2. I need to meditate for the next 10 days... My mind hurts.

  3. "Later days, dude.". For me, dude is a gender-neural pronoun. I say it so often, my sister's picked up the habit. Either I say that or "I'll see you later."
  4. You kinda trolled us. Not cool.
  5. Xiph and I were at least willing to try X__X Poe was pissed and wanted to end it and I think Mori wanted to off himself if Kuro wasn't playing. Which she wasn't. Worst Nonary Game Ever.
  6. The story behind this is that 1 and 6 killed 4 and 9. It was 4's first Nonary game and he basically did nothing the entire time. I feel bad because he actually wanted to play and contribute. Their reason? They were bored. God, I hate playing this game only to have people troll. I actually WANT to figure out what's at the end. 19:29:15) ±[1] You step out of the elevator and look around.: "WELL THIS IS AWKARD." (19:29:25) [2]Red Link: ZENUx, love (19:29:27) *** [5]Blue Link throws a pot at ZENUx *** (19:29:27) [2]Red Link: Spare us the crap (19:29:32) [2]Red Link: and just tell us where 3 is (19:29:45) +[0]ZENUx: "OH YES, SPEAKING OF 3, I HAVE A MESSAGE FROM HIM FOR YOU." (19:30:06) +[0]ZENUx: (17:25:44) [3] Kardia: ZENUx. (19:30:06) +[0]ZENUx: (17:26:09) [3] Kardia: Tell my teammates to fuck themselves. (19:30:11) [1]Tingle: LOL (19:30:13) +[0]ZENUx: (17:28:17) [3] Kardia: Each. and. every. one. of. them. (19:30:14) [6]Marzia: not bad (19:30:19) [1]Tingle: Pwnt (19:30:31) [8]Purple Link: ZENUx, a question (19:30:43) [8]Purple Link: Would you please ask 3 if she'd like her teammates dead? (19:30:49) [8]Purple Link: Because I can happily arrange that (19:30:50) [2]Red Link: Because we can make that happen.
  7. (15:39:43) +Nirvash: If any one of you quotebooks that, I swear to sweet flying Jesus (15:39:46) *** Leona Belmont used Hurricane! *** (15:39:47) +Mczipo: If you need air (15:39:50) *** Syrenne gives Xiph air *** (15:39:51) +Mczipo: Then breathe stupid (15:39:56) +Nirvash: You WILL get Q-Gunned. (15:39:57) Vaati: Can't (15:39:59) Vaati: lauging (15:40:02) Vaati: too much (15:40:07) Vaati: luaghing (15:40:08) Vaati: .. (15:40:12) Vaati: I give up (15:40:13) Leona Belmont: Sweet flying Jesus? (15:40:16) Poeregard: Laughing (15:40:18) Poeregard: There ya go (15:40:21) Vaati: Thank you Poe (15:40:24) Vaati: I needed that. (15:40:33) Poeregard: You're welcome, Xiphinx (15:40:36) Leona Belmont: Is it bad that I just imagined a winged jesus holding two lollipops and using sunglasses? (15:40:47) Leona Belmont: And with like, a huge smile? (15:40:47) Poeregard: No (15:40:53) Vaati: Nope. (15:40:56) +Nirvash: Not at all; that's exactly the image I was going for. (15:40:58) Vaati: That is how we all imagine him.
  8. So League is kind of fun

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hyouka


      If I got out of the hellhole that is league of legend, I think most of Reborn can.

    3. Hyouka


      Legends* whoooooooo

    4. Shanco


      clearly, Allan didn't make it out 100%

  9. Who's your favorite person to play Nonary with? In your opinion, what is the best way to spend a summer afternoon? Lollipops or jawbreakers? Favorite Pokemon type? And for that matter, favorite 3 Pokemon? Why did you join SU? Favorite Gym Leader? Weapon of choice. Would you consider us friends? Assassins or Templars. And now a meaningful question. What was the one event in your life that made you who you are now? And in that same vein of thought: Are you happy with who you are now?
  10. I like this one a lot >w< It's an Empoleon [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/027/5/7/empoleon_magi_elise_magica__by_cocolin-d4nr7hc.png[/img]
  11. The fact that, after midnight, it gets two octaves deeper.
  12. Dat ass, both, and not if you keep acting like morons <<
  13. If I could just get serious for a sec. There's a strong sense of community here and that's something I really love. I've never really felt that way about any one particular place, save for the town I grew up in, and that that familiar, welcoming comfort is all but absent from my school (that wretched place) and my hom-- Er. Place of residence. I guess that's why I hang around here so much. Plus, you pack of psychos aren't all bad So, yeah. I'd go as far as to say that Reborn Server, mere data packet that it is, is one of my favorite places to be. Good job, Ame.
  14. I dunno, Xiph, ARE we? You already let the last six get destroyed >> But yes, we are.
  15. Christmas Break. I'm making up for lost relaxation time and, boy is it nice~
  16. By evolving from Starly at level 14. Then and only then will you be on the path to asking how one Staraptors.
  17. I don't hate you XD If you're talking about my teasing you, that's a good thing with me; it means we're friends and you're free to tease back (within reason). If I didn't like you, I'd ignore you.
  18. Yeah, I'm beyond bored outta my skull and this actually looks fun. So, c'mon, ya pack of psychos. Hit me with your best shot.
  19. That feel when the Nonary game makes you feel like a TOTAL FUCKING MORON! DX

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