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Status Updates posted by PESH1

  1. Happy Birthday Dive! Have a wonderful time ahead :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sayia


      Happy Birthday Dive! :)

    3. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      Thanks everyone :D

      Do participate in the events some of the mafia members are organizing for my birthday next week!

      @PESH1 If you're interested, you're welcome to do so ~ check out the Mafia Discord on the club. If you have any questions, just ask me.

    4. Zarc


      I will try ! Until this , enjoy your day :) 

  2. PESH1

    1. Zarc


      Hah , the true man of Westeros ! 




      I think Jaime is Azor Ahai


    2. PESH1




      This fan theory strongly supports your claim. GoT S07E04 has been leaked. It's on reddit megalinks. But the quality looks like 480p, I will wait till for 720p quality after the episode is aired.


    3. Zarc



      i didn't see the episode , but yes i know about the leaks , i prefer wait for the official release. But i suppose there will be an epic battle next episode between Jaime and Daenerys ( the famous part when he charge on a fire battlefield


  3. What if gym leaders started using say two max revives instead of hyper potions/full restore? It could make the gym battle even more harder I feel. Though I don't know how this can be implemented by the AI, i.e. which turn to waste to revive a fainted pokemon.

    1. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      From what I remember, the AI in Essentials doesn't know how to use Revives at all.

    2. UltimateEmperorJ


      That's disgusting and cheap. The game needs two separate hard modes: Actual Hard Mode, and Cheap BS Hard Mode, where all gym leaders have 20 max revives/full restores.

    1. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      I saw a link and almost assumed you were a spambot for a second 

    2. PESH1


      Oh! Next time I'll include a text also with the article. The following is an article on __________.

  4. Your Name is one of the most magical movies I have ever seen. It's about two teenagers who switch places and their quest to meet each other. The visuals of the landscapes, lens flares and the animations are vibrant and stunning. The screenplay is perfect and brilliantly paced. The background scores also amazingly blend with the film. All in all, it's an enchanting and a beautiful film.


    1. Maelstrom


      I saw it a month or so back when it was in theaters. It was indeed very good.

  5. PESH1

    1. Zarc


      So happy for them 😄 Even if yersterday match wasn't so nice , still a victory tho !

  6. Happy birthday 😀

  7. House of cards season 5 is like game of thrones, conspiracies, deaths and powerful characters. Earlier seasons were systematic and well written. This season the viewer is taken for a ride, you think something will happen and then boom, an unfortunate accident happens. There are plot holes which make Frank look like a time traveler who can predict everything. It's enjoyable nonetheless and they have taken every opportunity to take a dig at Mr. Trump.


  8. The Brain On 23




    I found the above article painfully accurate in some ways and I felt like sharing it.

  9. “Little things which seem inconsequential at the moment when repeated consistently can change your life.”

  10. "One, remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Two, never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. Three, if you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don't throw it away." - Stephen Hawking


    "Not only does God play dice, but... he sometimes throws them where they cannot be seen." - Stephen Hawking

  11. To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

  12. Sora yori mo Tooi Basho (A place further than the universe) is one of the greatest piece of art I have ever witnessed. Beautiful writing with magical scene direction.


  13. "Never think the stars you see are all the stars there are."


    A place further than the universe.

  14. "The difference between films and memories is that movies are always false whereas memories tell both lies and the truth."

    - Long Day’s Journey Into Night (2018 film)

  15. Beautiful short film




  16. Weathering with You is by Makati Shinkai; director of Kimi no na wa (Your Name). I saw this in theater today. Beautiful and emotional!


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