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Status Updates posted by Conor

  1. i completely forgot about this place

    1. Neo
    2. Maelstrom


      How the hell did you manage that?!

  2. I'm gonna start acting like already have something to do every night, because people only seem to hit me up when I'm busy, never when I'm free

  3. I would be completely okay with it, if Usopp was never on One Piece

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Conor


      @mael, now tat you mention it, chopper kind of pisses me off too.

    3. Kaito


      Water 7.

      S'all I gotta say.

    4. Thirdbird


      Usopp is the funniest guy in the whole series. You cannot refute that.

  4. one week left before finals? time to start handing in all my missing work..

    1. Ikaru
    2. Maelstrom


      and you have teachers/professors that'll let you?

  5. grilled cheese. that is all

  6. I hate being by myself, because that means I'm alone with the person I dislike the most

  7. I wish metal coat worked on any pokemon, so all pokemon has a badass scizor like steel evolution

  8. I've never had this many things go wrong in my life. I could really use someone to talk to, but that's the worst part.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Conor


      if you were online I would haha

    3. Maelstrom


      But I'm totally online... You just don't know my new favorite alt, do you?

    4. Conor
  9. Big Macs <3

  10. Big Macs <3

  11. Big Macs <3

  12. Big Macs <3

  13. did the server just die?

    1. Shanco


      I guess so

  14. I'm so glad I can finally say good bye to snow for 6 months.

    1. Diana


      Suddenly random snowfall next week cuz <3

  15. do you let you're friend hit rock bottom to realise his situation, or do you everything you can to prevent his life from getting that bad. real question.

    1. Bearadactyl


      It depends upon the nature of the situation, in all honesty.

      If he proves to be too thick headed to accept the help you're offering, you let him hit rock bottom.

      And then, in his darkest hour when he realizes how bad things really are. You offer him your hand and pull him to his feet.

    2. XexustheSilver


      While I agree that it depends on the situation, I don't think that allowing an individual to hit rock bottom would be acceptable. It may be beneficial to one person, but it could be even more self-damaging to another.

    3. Summer


      Let him hit. If he doesn't hit he won't try to get up. No one wears an armor everyday just to prevent papercut

      if you get what im saying

  16. relationships keep me out of trouble

    1. Maelstrom


      A willing ball an' chain, eh?

    2. SapphireSkyWillow


      I knew you were tr- *shot*

    3. Conor


      its true, say what you will

  17. when the same person keeps like your facebook statuses...

    1. Summer



      i know that feel

  18. Thank god...

  19. scared to death, If i have to go back to jail... I don't know if i can handle it

  20. why do you live an hour away!?! why don't I have my liscense !?!

    1. Maelstrom


      Yeah, why don't you have your license yet?

    2. Godot
    3. Conor


      well, my parent's are pretty strict. I'm 17, soon to be 18, and my parents don't think I'm responsible enough for a license. so I'll have to wait until I turn 18.

  21. I know that with this burning passion loving me, someday somewhere I'll finally see the light I've searched for everywhere~

  22. Juast curious as a pre count, If i were to organize another theme tournament (mostly likely and assasins 2) who would be on board?

  23. So my laptop had to get reimaged since I got a virus. meaning that all of my po teams are gone ):

  24. we need a version 2 of that assasins tournament we played back in February of '12. so many people would sign up

  25. that feel when you realise you had a very big paper due tomorrow but you''ve been having to much fun this week to work on it...

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